Weight lifting advice

I hope to get some good advice, I've got sort of a weird problem to start with, but I want to start weight training right after the holidays. I'm trying to figure out some decent weight lifting to do. Now the unique problem I have when I was 12 years old I was in an auto accident and had a severe Brachial Plexus injury, which caused partial loss of usage of my right (formerly dominate) arm. I currently have about 65% usage of this arm and about 55% usage of the hand. The radial nerve in my right arm does not exist (its dead) which makes it very complicated to lift my wrist and fine muscle control is nearly non-existent. I also compensate with incorrect muscles in my back to do most things with my right arm, not something I can control as the body is amazing machine and does this automatically.
Now to complicate things even more, I have an extremely bad back, but it is getting better with the weight loss. But I did fracture 3 vertebra in my back during the accident and it didn't not heal straight causing some scoliosis. This can cause great pain when exercising, which is probably the reason I let myself get so far out of shape to begin with. Now I have learned to deal with the pain of exercising and I can get through that.
But I don't know what exercises I can really do. I know I will be using machines mostly as working with a weight bar is tough. Dumbells are obviously fine.
If someone could give me some exercise advice for weight training with these issue it would be greatly appreciated. Just the names of them would be good, I can research what they are and the proper techniques if I don't already know them.
Thank you in advance.


  • nosillanosilla
    I don't have any advice to offer but wish you the best!
  • lesliev523
    lesliev523 Posts: 368 Member
    Congrats on getting motivated to make the effort!!

    I think with the complexity of your injuries you really should consult with your doctor or physical therapist regarding what would be recommended. Or at the very least, consult a reputable personal trainer that has experience with injury rehab.

    Good luck!!!
  • warrior63
    I hope to get some good advice, I've got sort of a weird problem to start with, but I want to start weight training right after the holidays. I'm trying to figure out some decent weight lifting to do. Now the unique problem I have when I was 12 years old I was in an auto accident and had a severe Brachial Plexus injury, which caused partial loss of usage of my right (formerly dominate) arm. I currently have about 65% usage of this arm and about 55% usage of the hand. The radial nerve in my right arm does not exist (its dead) which makes it very complicated to lift my wrist and fine muscle control is nearly non-existent. I also compensate with incorrect muscles in my back to do most things with my right arm, not something I can control as the body is amazing machine and does this automatically.
    Now to complicate things even more, I have an extremely bad back, but it is getting better with the weight loss. But I did fracture 3 vertebra in my back during the accident and it didn't not heal straight causing some scoliosis. This can cause great pain when exercising, which is probably the reason I let myself get so far out of shape to begin with. Now I have learned to deal with the pain of exercising and I can get through that.
    But I don't know what exercises I can really do. I know I will be using machines mostly as working with a weight bar is tough. Dumbells are obviously fine.
    If someone could give me some exercise advice for weight training with these issue it would be greatly appreciated. Just the names of them would be good, I can research what they are and the proper techniques if I don't already know them.
    Thank you in advance.

    I really can't give you any advice due to the obvious medical limitations. I would suggest though speaking to a Physical Therapists or Sports Medicine Doctor for their advice. I am sure they can give you the right strength training exercises. Hang in there and wow you really have lost some weight...that is excellent!! Keep moving forward!!! Feel free to add me or join our group... It Ain't Over Til It's Over.
  • warrior63
    Congrats on getting motivated to make the effort!!

    I think with the complexity of your injuries you really should consult with your doctor or physical therapist regarding what would be recommended. Or at the very least, consult a reputable personal trainer that has experience with injury rehab.

    Good luck!!!
    Great Advice!!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Congrats on getting motivated to make the effort!!

    I think with the complexity of your injuries you really should consult with your doctor or physical therapist regarding what would be recommended. Or at the very least, consult a reputable personal trainer that has experience with injury rehab.

    Good luck!!!
    Great Advice!!

  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    See a physical therapist, they can give you a really good start. The stronger you get the less pain you will be in and of course losing weight will really help. The main thing is you don't want to make things worse.
    I was hurt my self, and the therapist gave me some very hard exercises, that were very safe.
    Good luck, I hope this will help.
  • Thorssoneg
    Thanks for all the replies and advice. I do plan to talk to a Doctor about this as well. I just thought this was a good place to start as I was thinking about it.