Need friends to help lose 30lbs

I joined Myfitnesspal yesterday trying to get ahead of the holidays to lose 30. But I need encouragement to stick with it. So I need some friends to help.


  • Hi Matt, I recently joined myself and thought that I was fine without support & encouragement....uhhhhh I was wrong. I am in need of losing 40 and really want a loss not a gain over the Holidays. I know if we stay focused it is doable.
    - Kristina
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Feel free to add me. And good luck! The holidays are the hardest time but I always feel the most motivated around them bc of that.
  • JDAlder
    JDAlder Posts: 153 Member
    Welcome Matt! 30 lbs might seem like alot now, but with hardwork and dedication you can make it! The plus side of you starting now is the fact that you don't have to worry about the "Wanna lose weight" New Years Resolution. If you do most of your training in a gym, the obstacle will be the mass amount of people working out the first few weeks of 2013. To combat that, try to goto the gym right when it opens to beat the rush.

    If you are the type that does more workouts at home, let me know. I have plenty of good info that I'd be happy to share. Good luck!
  • trainingdirty
    trainingdirty Posts: 55 Member
    join this group! lots of support plus weekly challenges [:
  • You can do it! I joined awhile ago but didn't start adding friends until recently. I find the encouragement really helps!
  • judiiiiindisguise
    judiiiiindisguise Posts: 63 Member
    you can add me too if you like, been on 35 days or so was doing good, then slowed down, need to get recharged! judi
  • Larela
    Larela Posts: 17 Member
    I need some friends too! Please add me. I am on my way to losing 40 pounds and just joined two days ago. Did you know there is an app for this? That helps me when I'm not near my computer.
  • Chelseaax
    Chelseaax Posts: 197 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • Midnight1210
    Midnight1210 Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome to MFPal! My advice, stay honest with your food/exercise diary (even if you have a bad day) and keep an open mind with any advice and support your MFPals offer. We're all here for the same reason and if we help each other - we all succeed. :bigsmile:

    Anyone can feel free to add me I can always use more strong supporters to kick my butt back up when I stumble. :bigsmile:
  • silentmeowth
    silentmeowth Posts: 26 Member
    That's the best thing about this site :D tons of incredibly supportive people who all have the same basic goals. Adding.