Working 12 hour shifts

I work 12 hour shifts as a nurse 3-4 days a week.
Wake up ay 5:30am to be at wokr by 7am, and sometimes not home till 9-10pm.

Would like to work out almost every day, but can't seem to come up with motivation to wake myself up at the ungodly hour of 4:30am for a workout...and feel too tired after hectic stressful day at work to do push ups...heeelp!


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    24 hour gym, try a workout after work? It's hard though, I know. Or work out on your days off and maybe get two workouts in or one long one.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I just lost my job 2 days ago.... but.... when I was working, I worked at hospital as a receptionist 8.5 hours a day. I would get up early... or come straight home and exercise afterwards. A gym also sounds good. Also... try walking during your lunch hour. Taking the steps everytime you have to go somewhere. Etc... etc... etc...
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    I am right there with you! I am a nurse, too, but I work third shift. When I get home from work, I stay up all day with my kids and lose a day of sleep, everynight that I work! I cannot seem to find the energy, even on my days off.
  • maggiemay22467
    maggiemay22467 Posts: 214 Member
    I to am a nurse and work 12 hour shifts 3 days a week. On the days I work I walk the hospital on my lunch hour and that has really helped me. I also drive a hour each way so up at 5am and home at 9pm . I am so tired in the am and after work the only thing I can do is walk on my lunch hour. Hope this helps you out it has helped me.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    I've seen nurses and Dr's walking around on their lunch breaks. That would be my suggestion :) I know you work long hours and are exhausted before and afterwards.

    I worked 40 hours a week at a call center, graveyard, while pregnant, and no daycare for my children. Needless to say I ran off a few hours of sleep a day, felt like dying.. breathing was hard enough, let alone exercise... Yuck. So, I feel your pain. You also should really use your days off to relax and recoup.

    Walk on your breaks. :)
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. It's hard to find the energy to get up early, or do it late after a 12 hour shift. Do the best you can on the days you have off I guess. Keep positive thoughts in your head. Sometimes the thought of not doing something can happen in as little as 2-3 seconds. Try to keep ahead of that part of the brain that reasons you out of not working out. Like Nike said "Just Do It!", and make that decision before your brain starts to create those reasons to not work out (I'm tired, don't feel like it, etc.). Happy, and healthy wishes to you.
  • letjog
    letjog Posts: 260 Member
    work out on the other 3/4 days a week, simples.
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Definately staying in the "Do It" mentality is a top suggestion and i will def try to schedule some walking breaks in during my work day.
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    Im sorry about your job. Good luck! Stay positive! More time to work out and cook healthy!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I am in care work and some of my shifts are 15 hours. On my days off I tend to hit the gym. This week I only got to the gym once, was a little tired.
  • kaitgettingfit
    Ugh, I used to work 12 hour shifts in an ER. It was the worst but you just have to go to the gym on your days off. Assuming you work 3-4 days a week you have enough days off to fit a few workouts in.
  • VictoriaFitness2010
    I worked in retail management years ago (during college and little while after)...very long days (12-16 hours). I managed to workout on my days off before classes and on my lunch breaks. When I graduated and started my career in Human Resources, I worked out at 4:30 am because I had a two hour commute to my office (both ways). Then I got tired of that and started going after work. I lost 14 pounds but I literally woke up, went to work, went to the gym, came home...for an entire year! It was exhausting. Plus I traveled for diet and exercise routine went down the drain.

    Now, I have a much more flexible schedule and career (I work from home most days of the week). I get up first thing in the morning...around 6:00 am and work out until 7:30 am or so...before I have to get my baby up for preschool (on Tuesdays and Thursdays). On the days my baby isn't in school, I get up at 5:00 am to work out. I don't like getting up this early, but if I don't my workout will not get done.

    I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. You might consider working out during your lunch break. Try power walking around the hospital for 30 minutes or so (if you can). If you are able to get up 30 minutes early, use that time for a quick workout (i.e. workout DVD, online workout ). You have to be creative when you do shift work. I totally feel you!
  • FitLifeDiva
    FitLifeDiva Posts: 34 Member
    Work out on your days off. You can also look into home videos like Jillian. They are quick, convenient and effective.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Work out on your days off and take a brisk walk on your lunch hour.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I've been wondering about this too. im 6.30p,-6am tue-sat
  • RoseRoiz
    I know it is hard when you work at a hospital. I worked 5 days a week and took kids to school and dance, etc, etc, and yes my husband helps me when I can not be there. My hours at the hospital are rotating so I do not have a set schedule, just work out on your days off. When you work 12 hours shifts you have 4 days off, unless you pick up extra shifts and we all know the extra pay and the bonus make up for the extra day. You can do it girl!!
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    I'm not in the medical field and I work 12-15 hours a day. I make sure I take an hour and a half lunch and I hit the gym for an hour. If I don't take a lunch then I make sure when my main business is done at 3pm I go to the gym and then when I get home I work the rest of my work day.

    I work my work life around my gym life because my workouts are important to me. If I worked 12's during the day I'd go to the gym at 930 at night for 30 or 45 minutes. I don't do early mornings other than for work.

    If you work 3 twelve hour days why can't you workout on the 4 you're not working?
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    I've been there (kind of)! This summer I used to get up at 6.30am and take a 2 hour bus ride (which was always hot and smelly and full) in my suit to work because I was desperate for money. I would start work at 10am tired and sleepy and sometimes sweaty from the bus ride. What was even worse that I wasn't really friends with anyone at work because it was just a summer job and I never got a chance to get to know anyone outside of work. So I was a tired, poor and lonely guy who wanted to get fit. I would finish at 5pm run to get my 5.30pm bus. Half the time I missed it and would have to wait 3 hours (8.30pm) for the next one (and then spend money I didn't have to buy overpriced food that wasn't healthy), half the time the bus was late by at least 30 minutes. Sometimes I would have to spend 1 and a half hours in the sweltering heat or the pouring cold and rain (crappy English weather!).

    I'd get home at a stupid hour between 8pm-11pm) depending on whether the bus was late or whether I missed it, workout, or have something to eat then workout. Have dinner and go to bed and do it all over again.

    By the end of the summer though, I got in better shape but I was completely and utterly exhausted from it all.
  • Taem2
    Taem2 Posts: 47 Member
    I work in front of a computer 10 hours a day, so not as bad as you. I jog 5 miles a day and try to get some veggies in during the day. The veggies, for me, gives me the confidence not to eat sugary junk food. The jogging keeps my energy up. I know it sounds weird that I jog after a long day, but it works for me. I recommend trying that to see if you get energy from running. If it works, then maybe you should think about it.
  • KaydaRN
    I am a nurse as well, but I lucked out with 8 hour shifts, When I do pick up a 12+ hour shifts I find it helpful to have some gym equipment at home so I can get in a 30-45 min burst. I have a pull up bar, Rogue rings, kettlebells up to 35lbs, dumbells, and my new personal favorite Rubberbanditz resistance bands. Having the equipment at home is really helpful to get a work out in quick. And it just so happens I am doing 16 hours today hah...