Christmas Day

Ok so who is going to log their food on Christmas Day??
How many of you plan to stay under your daily goal??



  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    not me! and nope!:smile:
  • carstanger
    carstanger Posts: 32 Member
    I will be because I don't want to get sick!!!
  • Heidi64
    Heidi64 Posts: 211 Member
    Not Christmas day and not the 3 days after! Gonna have fun with the family, relax and enjoy!
  • bubbleskiwi
    bubbleskiwi Posts: 148 Member
    I plan on eating a bit of everything, but will log it all, even if its awful!
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    probably not christmas'll be way too hard, knowing what my xmas table normally looks like, I'll watch what I'm eating and be a good(ish) girl, but having to search all that food on the database will bore me.
    Don't do too much after christmas (usually huge family cool down) so back to normal boxing day
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    i don't log now so why would i start on christmas day just saying
  • SunshineandRoses66
    Yes. I will be logging it. "Be true unto thy self".The easiest way I have found is to log it all under create new recipe and call it "Christmas/Boxing Day Bash".
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    Logging and staying at calories. I don't see any point not to do what I've been doing.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    If I get the time I will log, expect I will go over but ditto zyxst's comment about no point not doing what we have been doing. I will no doubt go over tho, planning to do that, too many delicious foods. :smile: I will attempt to control portions and make best choices.

    At the very least it will be interesting to see what a day of relaxing will do to overall intake and weight.
  • tinahart81
    I plan to and I don't think were eating anything outside of the normal so it should be easy to track and I don't think anyone is making desserts that I know of so I might not even have temptation! I am planning however to have frozen yogurt as a treat! :) Have a Merry Christmas!
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    If I know I'm being really bad and going way over my allotted calories, then I don't need a tracker to prove I'm right :)
  • Pamelaniamh
    Pamelaniamh Posts: 611 Member
    If I get the time I will log in my diary, I think my only problem area will be too much wine. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    I plan to log but doubt I will stay under allotted calories. But the point of logging, for me, is to have a 2000 or so day, instead of a 5000 or more day! Just to keep me accountable to myself, and to be self-aware of exactly how many cookies, pieces of fudge etc I have had. Instead of just eating them mindlessly until the plate is empty.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    I plan on eating a bit of everything, but will log it all, even if its awful!

    Same here ... ...choose a cut off date and stick to it i say ... Cheers every one ! :drinker: :drinker: :wink:
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    If I get the time I will log, expect I will go over but ditto zyxst's comment about no point not doing what we have been doing. I will no doubt go over tho, planning to do that, too many delicious foods. :smile: I will attempt to control portions and make best choices.

    At the very least it will be interesting to see what a day of relaxing will do to overall intake and weight.
    Any exercise here will be inside my friend as our heat wave is going to be HOT outside ..
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    I will try to log it. However, I don't know what other people are bringing to dinner so logging their foods exact would be impossible. I know I'll go over but it helps me to see "on paper" what I'm eating. Plan on squeezing in an hour workout tomorrow morning then just enjoying the holiday with my family :)
  • xprettyreckless
    xprettyreckless Posts: 297 Member
    i plan on going on a super long run tomorrow morning so I have 1000+ calories to spend and will

    probs without logging. dunno yet:)
  • AmandaLynn101103
    AmandaLynn101103 Posts: 20 Member
    I plan on logging close to what I eat, everything might not be exact. I hope to stay close to my goal calories but I am not going to over stress it, I am sure I will go over a bit. I have stayed under for my first two Christmas parties so I figure even if I go over a bit on Christmas it's self I still have done well.
  • duichaser
    duichaser Posts: 172 Member
    I don't plan on logging on Christmas. I think we all need a day to just enjoy family and friends without worrying.
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    I just entered my Christmas buffet menu into mfp and saved it as a favorite meal. This way I can add it and then just adjust the serving size. I will be going over and and worrying about it. Although I will be indulging in some wonderful food I have complete control over how it is made so I won't have to worry about how things are prepared.