Good Afternoon guys!! I have had a pretty good day so far..I ate half of a grilled chicken salad from wendys and a coke (my weakness):blushing: This week our post will be here and next week we will be on week two..Im not sure what I am having for dinner yet..Havent got any excercise in due to a medication adjustment and total lack of energy!!! :grumble: But they say it will get better over time so fingers crossed:ohwell: Tomorrows challenge will be to get at least 30 mins of cardio in and no junk food!! If anyone has any ideas for future challenges feel free to post them and I will write them down...Other than that, I hope everyone has a good evening and great morning!! Jessica:flowerforyou:


  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I'm having a pretty good day too! Started with an apple and a cup of coffee w/ some stevia. Then had non-fat greek yogurt and berries for a snack. A salad w/ vinegar only and soup for lunch. Planning on eating some protein after my workout tonight. Going to the gym for 30 mins of cardio and a PowerFlex class (60 mins of circuit-weight lifting). I really wanna loose 5 lbs in the next 3 weeks. So hope we all keep each other motivated.
    PS. so far i have drank about 9 or 10 glasses of water.
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    I will be glad when i get my energy back to excercise! lol..I just started strattera for add and it has got me really tired..I am hoping the adjustment wont take too long cause im getting impatient! lol..Hope you have a good workout! Jessica
  • nicoled87
    nicoled87 Posts: 20
    sounds good! I am on vacation right now, so trying to keep my mind away from all that good food!! Thank you for the motivation to go get 30 minutes in!! :)
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Nicole, Hope your having a good time on vacation!! Im beginning to wonder where everyone is at?? Im leaving soon to go get supper! Wish me luck!! lol
  • Raches5638
    Glad for the 30 min. cardio challenge...haven't been to the gym in forever and need to go. Had a good day today eating wise and did tons of yard work beacuse it's so nice out. :) Yard work isn't necessarily fun...but...burning the calories is nice. :)
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    HI all, Well the Easter Break is over and I only gave in to a little bit of chocolate (mind you once I tasted it it was hard not to eat the whole egg). I had to work over most of Easter and it was really busy so that helped cut down on the temptation but tomorrow is my day off so who knows what that will bring!!!! catch up with you later. Ellie
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey all!! ... I didn't do too bad today. I actually had oreos =) and I might get to have another fun snack like popcorn! whoo. I am just feeling snacky tonight, which is bad...but I'm trying to stay below my goal! I ran W2D1 of the C25K ... I thought I was going to die at one point, seriously! I took my dog, I think he kept me aware of my speed which was good!

    Hopefully I will keep it up. Tomorrow is supposed to be my weigh in day, so I might go ahead and weigh in, because I'm too curious not to! LOL

    I won't be able to do the 30mins of cardio... I have to work 12hours tomorrow for my preceptorship! BOO HOO! =(

    Hope each of you have a wonderfully healthy day tomorrow!!

  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Found the new board! Definitely down for the challenge tomorrow, the more I exercise, the more calories I get which gives me a little flex room! Today overall wasn't bad. I totally derailed the morning with a Panera bagel, did anyone know that the whole grain bagel has 330 calories, yikes! And I am on call so no opportunities to exercise and even out, but I made the adjustments and was only 146 positive, so there's something. And I was good on Easter treats so I'll count this.

    Nicole, hope you're having fun on your vacation! My fiance and I don't have anymore time out until our honeymoon, but that's something to look forward to. BuffJess hope the energy level gets better soon!

    And to the gym tomorrow...
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I found the thread as well. Hope all is well. Well, this morning I ate a power breakfast of Oatmeal w/protein powder and FF milk
    I will be doing 1 round of P90X and 1 round of Insanity today.
  • buffjess
    buffjess Posts: 382
    Good Morning!! Hope everyone is doing well and making healthy choices for breakfast!! I had a banana and water cause im not much of a breakfast person..maybe one am headed out today to run errands and take care of bills!! fun fun!! I have already got the girls off to school and im about to wake up my 2 year old daughter and get her dressed..we have an appt at 830 so i better hop to it!! Hope everyone has a good day!! BTW whats for lunch??
  • tappels
    tappels Posts: 9
    Great Work!!
  • tappels
    tappels Posts: 9
    Sounds like everyone is doing great! I know we can keep up the good work.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    So far so good today. I'm having black coffee and a banana for breakfast. Brought my healthy snacks to work so I won't be temped. Going shopping for lunch to buy healthy food.
    I plan on doing 30 minutes of cardio and a 90 minute Yoga class this evening. Might even treat myself to a mani and pedi before hitting the gym :) see if I have time for that.
    I hope you all have a great day and make healthy choices.
    Hit me up for any encouragement.
  • MrsNeuman
    MrsNeuman Posts: 76
    I'll def try to fit in my 30 min of cardio today (hopefully more), and still aiming for the 64 oz of water. I'm in a bowling class right now, and even though you don't burn off barely any calories, it sure is fun! I'm in college, and dorm food is always pretty over-processed and calorie filled, so I'll try my best to make healthy choices! Weigh in is on Friday right? Good luck everyone!
  • Raches5638
    Gertrude Hawk chocolate peanut butter smidgetts thingys should be illegal...I only gave into one, and still plan to meet the 30 minute cardio challenge!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Quaker high fiber oatmeal to go for breakfast w/ apple (I'm always running late!) and salad for lunch. I'm going to try to run a couple of miles then do this TRX class at my gym today (uses the core a lot!) . Still drinking my water...
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    For lunch I had 10 leaves of romaine lettuce chopped, vine tomato, onion, red pepper, 3 boiled egg whites and tuna. I mixed my tuna with Tzatziki cucumber yogurt dip (it tastes great..don't knock the dip until you've tried it lol)
    345 cals
    12g carbs
    8g fat
    42g protein
    16 oz water
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    I just did 50 minutes of cardio (Zumba style) with a few of my friends I def have like 500 cals even after dinner ... (spaghetti btw) ... So I am going to have to have something sweet!!! =D ... I know it was a challenge not to, but how often does one have 500 cals left after dinner!! haha
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Dinner: 400 cals

    Salmon - 5 oz
    2 cups baby spinach
    1 cup Sweet Snap Peas
    5 spears of Asparagus
    17g carbs
    17g fat (mono)
    44g protein

    Todays workout: P90X Cardio X - 600 calories burned