Motivation/Insight needed.

Hi all and Merry Christmas.

I have been trying to lose weight for a long while now and my will power is very very weak. I tend to quit if I don't see results immediately and I know losing weight is a slow steady process of diet and exercise. I wanted to know how long it took others to see progress of their weight loss especially those who have done something around my pace (and i know this varies but I just want a generalized idea).

So far I have only started a week; I have been counting calories, exercising 3x a week (just regular walking/jogging for now), eating more greens/veggies, and cutting out a big portion of carbs (white carbs esp rice). Its been hard esp cutting back on white carbs. Can anyone give me feedback/advice/motivation/ideas to help me lose weight? thanks!


  • ms_tris
    ms_tris Posts: 82 Member
    Just stick with it. If you give up, you have to keep starting over. If you just keep going, week after week, before you know it, you will be at your goal!! It is a slow process, but that's ok. Consistency will get you there. The "quick-fix" approach only sets you up for disappointment and failure. Decide you want it more than anything and just do it. :0)
  • miasapearl
    miasapearl Posts: 38 Member
    I am horrible at keeping within my calorie goal but I notice changes in my body shape within 2-3 weeks. My weight rarely changes but I have noticed my clothes fitting better, some even sliding off of me. You are still making your body healthier by eating better and exercising even if you might not see the pound shed. Don't give up.

    P.S. You can add me if you want for motivational support. ^.^
  • ann3h
    ann3h Posts: 10
    @ ms_tris: true haha ya i tend to have that up and down relationship and then binge when depressed about not loosing weight or breaking my goal so hopefully this time around I'll stick with it haha.

    @ miasapearl: thanks for the support true. I do want to lose weight to feel much more healthier because I hate how unfit I am at the moment.

    Thanks for the support :]
  • BruceJax
    BruceJax Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like you are doing the right things. Resist the urge to jump on the scale every few hours - there are a number of good reasons to weigh weekly. I also suggest measuring (at least neck, waist, hips) monthly. Yes, it does take patience. But try and tough it out for a full month. You will likely be pleased and encouraged by the results, and that alone is motivation to tackle another month. Good luck!
  • ann3h
    ann3h Posts: 10
    tyvm another question is... should i have those "cheat days" weekly?
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I've been actively working on my weight for about 3 months. I've lost 12 pounds (as of this morning). I don't visually see any difference in the mirror. But my pants fit my thighs more comfortably now. And a shirt that was too snug on the arms fits nicely now. I also have more energy and lots more flexibility.

    Personally I hate the term 'cheat day'. It's not cheating, it's living. There is good food out there. Don't go crazy with it, obviously. But going beyond your alloted calories for the day on occassion isn't going to halt your weight loss. I don't think of that as cheating, it's just slightly postponing when I arrive at my goal. And still, it really won't delay anything. One 'bad' day isn't going to derail you. Or even several 'slightly bad' days in a row. And of course, you can exercise to give yourself room for more calories when you know you'll be eating beyond your range.

    Anyway, if your weight loss is to be healthy, it should be slow. And you won't see those results on a day to day basis of looking in a mirror. Take photos and store them in your computer. Then take the same shots (same location, same clothes, same poses) a few months from now. That's how you'll be able to 'see' it.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    Take pictures of yourself. You see yourself in the mirror every day and it's hard to notice the changes, but when you see pics of yourself and look at them side by side, you can see all the progress you are making. The same page on here where you track your weight also has spaces for you to track other measurements. I track hips, waist, and neck monthly and calculate my body fat % at It takes about a month for people to start noticing a difference in your body, and about 3 for you to start noticing. And remember that even if you don't see the scale move all that much for a bit, making healthier food choices and exercising more is changing things internally - your cholesterol, heart, lungs, brain... they'll all start functioning better and you won't see that on any scale.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I sent you a friend request! It was a slow start for me,as well, but once I changed my habits it was a couple of weeks before I started seeing weight loss.

    Tony Horton, "Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body". It takes time, girl
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Sounds like you are doing the right things. Resist the urge to jump on the scale every few hours - there are a number of good reasons to weigh weekly. I also suggest measuring (at least neck, waist, hips) monthly. Yes, it does take patience. But try and tough it out for a full month. You will likely be pleased and encouraged by the results, and that alone is motivation to tackle another month. Good luck!

    ^^ great advice!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    can i suggest that you change your outlook on it?

    what i mean by that is instead of focusing on losing weight, can you focus on getting fitter? weight loss takes a long time and it is easy to give up, but if you have a fitness goal (ie to run 5k, take a class without stopping, <insert goal here>) it is much easier to keep going. the changes you notice from becoming physically fitter are much faster (imho) than noticing weight loss. i can suggest C25K running program- every time you run (following the plan) you will notice a change in your endurance, making it rewarding enough to keep on going.
  • ann3h
    ann3h Posts: 10
    thanks for the great tips/advice/motivation I definitely take it all to heart :]
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    Goals and rewards! Not just the end goal, but little ones too. Five pounds lost and you get new nail polish. Ten pounds and you get to spend $20 in the bookstore. Twenty pounds and you get a new outfit. Obviously make them things that you want, and plot your goals accordingly for however much weight you have to lose. Make sure there are plenty of them, though. Money can be tight for me, but I keep a jar where I put all the extra food money that I save each week when I'm buying fresh fruits and veg instead of packaged convenience foods, and then use the money for nice things. I think a lot of people put their goals too far away, and then get disillusioned - it helps me to take one step at a time, and always have another landmark just around the corner.