start over with me...

i have hit rock bottom again and am looking to restart my weight loss. i'm 26/female and a young professional. who is with me?

i had lost a lot of weight earlier this year and had kept it off for several months so i know it is possible...but then i had several major stressors in my life and totally fell off the wagon. the holidays haven't helped. but i am ready to start clean tomorrow. perhaps even losing a few before the new year and starting 2013 on a high note...



  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    Hi Kira, I'm not restarting but I'd love to be there to help you. I have fallen off that wagon so many times over the years. I know where you're coming from and I know what it's like to do over and over. Let's make 2013 you're best year yet.
  • NewDavenport
    NewDavenport Posts: 83 Member
    You can do it Kira! i am a 20 year old professional as well :) and i know that with the right encouragement and state of mind when you are ready you can do anything :)
  • Boise_Mel
    Boise_Mel Posts: 11 Member
    I'm restarting as well. Free free to add me... we can help each other! :)
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I restarted 2 months ago and have lost 14 pounds. I have an injury so I can't exercise, but I still lost weight. You can do it! Try joining a challenge - it helps with motivation.
  • janbez
    janbez Posts: 37 Member
    Every day is a new beginning. I'm far from perfect, but I keep on going through thick and thin. Any human (let's get real, folks) is invited to add me as a friend. If you are hare for the long haul as I am, let's stick together!
  • Hi, I'm Maya. I'm 21 and looking to do the same! I'll add you! Hopefully we can make this new start stick!
  • april80s
    april80s Posts: 18 Member
    Me too!! I'm April and I'm 26 years old. My highest weight was 236 a few months after I had my son in 09. Now I'm 208 adn trying to get down to 130. I'm about to get me a fitbit to help with tracking my calories burned. :) I am a bridesmaid in July for a friend so I wanna try to get to atleast 175 by then. :)
  • kitten992107
    kitten992107 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey im new here to and have tried so many things we can do this together.
  • Completely with you! I have fallen sooooo many times, but I am ready to get back up and do it for real this time.
  • lp91413
    lp91413 Posts: 48 Member
    I just restarted for the millionth time but feel so much better about things this time around! My fiance is being so supportive, he even joined the gym with me! Feel free to add me as I would love the support and I would love to be able to support you through this!!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon due to health problems, but I intend to get back on the 2nd, that's when I go back to work. Sending a friend request!
  • heartheathy
    heartheathy Posts: 1 Member
    Hi lady! I`m with you,:-)
  • I'm restarting too! I'm now at my highest weight ever (except for during my pregnancy). I'm hoping that having some friends on here for mutual support will help me stay motivated. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • Anyone can feel free to add me. I am restarting as well and have fallen off the wagon more times than i can count. We can all do this
  • Back on it like a car bonnet! :-)
  • I'm with you girl! I'm starting a new too, new year new us :)
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    add me! Im going to be starting over as well :)
  • zewolf77
    zewolf77 Posts: 173 Member
    I'm not new either. Sent ya a friend request. I've been stuck at my current plateau for a while now. I'm looking to double down and hit it harder than I have been lately.
  • beaches222
    beaches222 Posts: 437 Member
    I am restarting as well. I have gotten off course during the hoildays but I am back at it...
  • I'm starting over too. I'm at my highest weight yet (except for pregnancies). Feel free to add me to your list of friends!