The numbers game - calories - Advice please :)

Hi Everyone,

According to the roadmap, I have a BMR of 1320, a BF of 21% and expened 1815 calories per day with the lightly active moderator. I am 5'1 and 24 years old.

I work out 4-6 days per week which includes: spinning, yoga, HIIT running for 20 or so minutes, skiing, and weights. When I wasnt losing at 1200 cals I upped to 1350 (and usually eat closer to 1500 on the days I exercise).

Over the past 4-6 months my weight has been steadily increasing. I used to weigh 105, now I am at 113!! Id like to think it is all muscle but I know that it's not since my stomach is not as lean as it used to be (although considering the 10lb weight gain I still wear the same pants size - they are just a tiny bit more snug and I do not feel as lean as I used to).

I used to be an endurance runner so I do imagine that some of the shift is due to muscle, but I am also thinking this is coming down to my diet. I tend to stay around my calorie limit but do not have the cleanest diet. I also used to be a vegetarian and have been eating more meat than I used to since moving in with a paleo roomie.

Could someone please help me crack why I am gaining weight consistently? Should I cut back my calories? Up my calories? keep them the same and eat cleaner foods?


  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    If you're not hungry at 1200, I'd go back to that, and do more cardio. I defintely wouldn't eat more on exercise days. 10lbs is kind of a lot for someone 5' 1" to gain in that short of time.
  • Subowski
    I'm no expert, but based on the amount of exercise you do, your net cals are going to be pretty low. Someone else will be along to explain better than me, but read the road map again and re-do your numbers....I think you might need to eat way more!!

    That said, that might be the reason you weren't losing weight, but it doesn't really explain why you are gaining......? Could this be water retention during a short period of time due to the level of cardio?
  • correr82
    correr82 Posts: 16 Member
    I know :-/ it's so discouraging - thank you. I will be running on lunch today and skiing tomorrow. Looking forward to it! Thanks for the quick reply. What's interesting is in the past I have been in great shape eating around 1400/day and exercising about 4-5 days/ week at the gym or doing yoga - no crazy long distance running for me at that time. I will definitely up the cardio. I imagine spinning and skiing count? Last year at this time I was about 100 lbs but I was also training for a marathon... I dont want to be that low again but Id like to get back to 105.

    Since I am a runner, I always struggle with maintaining my weight in the off season.
  • lilteeraw
    id say to maybe eat a little cleaner.
    diet has so much to do with it.. so if you arent eating as clean as possible.. eat cleaner.
    oh and dont lower your cal intake.
    eat when you are hungry and listen to your body.
    im guessing that 7 lbs was a gain of muscle and the rest is just water weight or could be fat from the times you dont eat clean.
    who knows though:o
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Why are you trying to lose weight at 5'1" and 113 lbs? That's a BMI below median for healthy. Eat your 1800 calories a day and exercise to tone...
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    It kind of sounds like your weight was artificially low at 105? Not to offend, but that's borderline too low

    It could be that around 110-115 is a healthier weight for you, especially as you gain muscle and focus on things besides just endurance running (which gets your body fat low, but certainly only builds muscle in a couple places on your body)

    I have to wonder, at 105 pounds, why were you eating at a deficit? Even at 113... why are you eating at a deficit?

    I would give it a few more weeks/months, certainly don't decrease your calories. Either you're vastly underestimating what you're eating, your body is readjusting because you're not doing crazy amounts of running, or it's reacting poorly to being underfed for so long

    In the case that you continue to put on another... 10 pounds or so? I'd suggest seeing a doctor. You should understand that you're not eating enough to be putting on fat, and if that's what's happening, something is awry. Take care!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Do you eat back exercise calories? If you have your activity set to lightly active and log exercise you'd be eating back double the calories. Do you lift? If not, start. Still no progress? Eat less.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Did you eat at 1200 calories for a long time? You may have suppressed your metabolism. Your ticker shows you want to lose 4 pounds. A 10% deficit from TDEE will give you 1634 calories per day. Do not eat back exercise calories. Do this for 6-8 weeks to allow your body to adjust to the new amount of calories.
  • correr82
    correr82 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the insight everyone!! It is so nice to have such a supportive community.

    I was eating back my calories recently up to net 1350. I think at the time my setting was set to sedentary since I work a desk job. Ill have to check what my settings at now since I played around a bit.

    I think this goes to show it is more important to look at body fat% than weight for some of us.

    I would like to get back to feeling toned and healthy/whatever weight that might be. I am almost there, but definitely carrying around some extra visceral fat where I didnt used to have it.

    1634 sounds like a lot except for my intense exercise days... would you eat that everyday? I think I'd be really full. :)

    Also as a side note - I dont think I was underweight at 105 since I was so toned -however when I stopped running and lost my muscle, I was definitely borderline underweight. Is it possible to get that body back without training for marathons year round??
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I eat 1750 which is with my calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • Xandra101
    Xandra101 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 27 yrs old, and 5'0. Now, I am 115 lbs. I'm new here. I don't have any good suggestions for you, just want to share my experience.

    When I was in college, 5 years ago, I weighted 105 lbs. The only exercise I did is 1 mile walk every weekday with heavy textbooks from campus/library to my apartment.

    However, when I started working in the office, I've never walked that long again, and I eat a lot of pasta and pizza. In 1-2 years, my weight has increased to 115-120 lbs, and has been like this since. I look chubby, I can't wear my old clothes, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it, still no exercise and eat anything I want.

    Just 3 months ago, my weight has stayed around 120-125 lbs. This makes me start considering diet seriously. Since then, I started to exercise 3-4 days per week for 30 min, and try to keep my calorie intake to 1200. I eat back my exercise calorie though.

    I am around 115 lbs now, with a bit leaner body. However, I tried my old pants from when I was 105 lbs. I can't zip the pants, there is 3 inches gap. Many weight I've gained is around my tummy, buns and tights, I guess.

    I figure part of your weight gain is because your body is adapting from activities and food change. If you stick to your diets and activities, you will soon lose weight again. Good luck!

    Added - 105 lbs for girls around 5' tall is not underweight. I have lot of friends around my heights who consider 95 lbs is perfect weight for 5'. 5' height is so short that every pound shows.
  • correr82
    correr82 Posts: 16 Member
    Xandra101- That's amazing how quickly you lost once you set your mind to it - congrats!!

    I also was smaller in college due to walking everywhere and running on top of that.

    I think us petite ladies always have to do things a little differently since we cant necessarily cut 500 from out daily intake (if it were to put us below 1200!). What do you do for exercise?
  • Xandra101
    Xandra101 Posts: 15 Member
    I think the things that contribute to my weight lose is that I change my diet to more healthy food, no pasta, pizza, chips.

    For the exercises, mine are much lighter than yours since I'm always inactive. On Sat and Sun, I do 30 days shred of Jillian Michaels at home with 2 lbs dumbbells. On Tue and Thu, I walk 3.5 mph with 2 lbs dumbbells on treadmill for 30 min. I hope, in the future, to mix in 4lbs dumbbells to increase calorie burn. Both exercises burn only 120-170 cal, so I don't think it affects my weight lost plan whether I eat back those calories or not.

    If your exercises burn 500 calorie, I think you should eat back.
    However, other people here with more experience might give you some suggestions about this.