Any good fitness 'games' for Kinect on Xbox 360?

Have a new Xbox for Christmas (its for the kids, no really it is!) are the fitness games for it any good? I see Nike have one that claims to be awesome, anyone used it? how have you found it?

I was a bit worried they might be a bit tame, but managed to work up a sweat playing Adventures with the kids yesterday (kids game) so I'm sure the workout ones will be a step up again from that!


  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I saw a commercial for a new Nike training game. If its good let me know.
  • PolyTeine
    PolyTeine Posts: 78 Member
    I have Dance Central, and Zumba
  • Jozie_
    Jozie_ Posts: 61 Member
    I saw the ad for the Nike one, but couldn't really see how it differed from a workout DVD i.e. how the Kinect sensor actually tracks your movements etc.

    PolyTeine are they good? Dance Central looks quite fun but is it fitness based or just a game?
  • AndreaChronicles
    AndreaChronicles Posts: 22 Member
    Dance Central has a fitness section on it.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If I had the choice between a kinect and games for my xbox or a kettlebell, I'd choose a kettlebell. I already have 8 kettlebells.
  • jinkhet
    jinkhet Posts: 6 Member
    I've been using the Nike+ Kinect app and really like it. Its mostly able to evaluate my form on certain exercises as well. Additionally, if you're in the "Nike ecosystem", you can earn fuel points.
  • PhoenixRising7
    PhoenixRising7 Posts: 194 Member
    Any of the Just Dance games will definitely get you moving and help you work up a sweat. Zumba Core, Zumba Rush, and Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 are pretty decent fitness games.
  • nobleh5
    nobleh5 Posts: 47 Member
    I got the Nike Training Kinect for Christmas. I Love it! It starts out with entering in your weight, height and gender. You then choose if you would like to build muscle, tone or lose fat. It immediately sets up a 4 week routine for you. The first day is the fit test then there after you put in how many days you are going to stay committed and workout. I haven't done the actual workout day yet since I am in the middle of Insanity but I highly recommend it! Highly! 5 stars. It monitors your moves and lets you know what you are doing wrong. You will not be disappointed.
    * Just thought about your kids, it may be too intense. How old are your kids?
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012.... Great game and will beat you up if you take it seriously.
  • Jozie_
    Jozie_ Posts: 61 Member
    Nobleh5 that sounds really good, I didn't realise you could do a custom programme and there were fitness tests etc. I was going to get Zumba Rush as its on special for $36, the Nike one is more like $69 but sounds like it might be worth the extra money!

    The kids are only 5 and 6 but they won't be playing it so thats not a problem, will be good to have a game thats just for me!
  • danamariers
    danamariers Posts: 155 Member
    I have dance central, myshape 2012 and recently acquired zumba:rush.

    Dance central is fun but not terribly trying as far as workouts. MyShape has great toning but I got bored with the cardio exercises. Zumba has become my new fave/obsession and makes me sweat more than soccer practice.

    Zumba is my workout game of choice :)
  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    It's not a fitness game per se, but I swear - Fruit Ninja is fun, makes me huff & puff as much as a cardio class at the gym and I feel it in my upper body the next day....we have family competitions - it's hilarious....
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012.... Great game and will beat you up if you take it seriously.

  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I love any of the zumba games and its a great burn. I tried Your Shape and personally thought it was crap. I've used UFC trainer but the sensor doesn't always pick everything up and the workouts are almost exactly the same every day.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I started with Kinect Adventures Rallyball and River Rafting and loved it. Then I added 15 pound weights for between rounds and some running in place and dancing, too, and I also danced during River Raft. Just don't let anyone take video or pictures for Youtube blackmail and you're all set!
  • tiffanymariebrown
    tiffanymariebrown Posts: 10 Member
    Dance Central 1,2, & 3 and Your Shape Fitness are all great workouts. Dance Central is mostly a game, but it has a workout section. The game part is fun to do also. It really takes the hassle out of working out and makes it enjoyable.
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    My daughter (age 7) got Just Dance 4 for Xmas, I tried it and loved it, plus I felt like I had a workout whilst having fun!! (Although that may have been from laughing my head off watching my brother really getting into Rick Astley haha)
  • GinaSmash
    GinaSmash Posts: 37 Member
    I just bought the Hip Hop Dance Experience for XBox 360 and I love it. I did four routines yesterday and I was sweating profusely. I like the competition. I beat both of my sons and they are 10 and 12.
  • smokeufools
    Your Shape and Dance Central 3 for me. I have the Nike one ordered!
  • quest4fit3
    quest4fit3 Posts: 9 Member
    Another recommendation for the Nike+ Trainer for Kinect. I'm on day 2 (1st workout day) of the 4 week program and I love it. My co-worker is a few days ahead and he really likes it too. If you go on and read the reviews I think you will see that this is one of the better exercise related programs you can get for the Kinect.

    Highly suggest picking it up!