Wisdom teeth

I am having them out in a couple of days.. I would like to know what I can eat after, if anything?


  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    I am having them out in a couple of days.. I would like to know what I can eat after, if anything?

    shouldnt have to big of a problem but if u do stick to stuff u dnt have to chew much like jello, soup, pudding, yogurt, parfaits,bannas, and such. my bro in law and sis just got theirs done and they didnt have a peoblem but i can depend on the person
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Cheesy mashed potatoes were my go-to food when I had mine out. Also soup, jello, pudding, shakes.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I am having them out in a couple of days.. I would like to know what I can eat after, if anything?

    shouldnt have to big of a problem but if u do stick to stuff u dnt have to chew much like jello, soup, pudding, yogurt, parfaits,bannas, and such. my bro in law and sis just got theirs done and they didnt have a peoblem but i can depend on the person

    You should be given the run down right before you go in to get them removed. I think for the first 2-3 days you are only allowed to eat things that are liquid and don't need to be chewed such as the jello, pudding, and such. I didn't have a problem with mine. I was in pain for maybe half an hour the day I had them done but that was all, and I didn't take any pain meds, but it can depend on the person like ^ said. I got very lucky I think with mine. Also, whatever you do, DON'T drink out of a straw!!! I'm not sure for how long, but I've known a few people who have done it to early and ****ed up their mouths.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    no straws, important! the suction can reduce healing and cause dry sockets (so terrible and painful avoid at all costs)

    you can eat practically anything but bear in mind you will have to pick bits out from where your teeth once were. that is irritating and painful, so if you want to avoid that, i got my teeth out in summer 2010 and i ate well cooked green beans (squishy) jello, lots of slim fast to get calories in and that was pretty much it.

    soups are great and anything liquidy that you enjoy works. ice cream, too ;)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    no straws, important! the suction can reduce healing and cause dry sockets (so terrible and painful avoid at all costs)

    This and it really hurts to suck on anything, found that out the hard way. Nothing with seeds or little bits that can get stuck in stitches or holes. Super rinse your mouth after you eat anything to keep junk out of the holes.
  • tricia19444
    My 18 year old just had hers taken out early today and she is currently sipping a very thin smoothie made with fresh Strawberries, a Banana, Raspberry Sherbet and Milk. At the hospital during recovery they offered her pudding, a popsicle and juice. They said its important to eat or the prescription pain meds will make you sick. She was told she could have warm or cold food, but nothing hot and definately no straws till she sees the doctor in a week for the follow up.

    Now my 15 year old was entirely different, she had Mac & Cheese and sucked down torn apart chicken that night. She was starving and wanted real food.

    Good Luck!
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    I got all four out under sedation...loved sedation though I can't remember it. Just ate natural yogurts, fruit smoothies (with no bits), tomato soup etc
  • AlexPaige
    AlexPaige Posts: 72 Member
    I was a big fan of applesauce when I had mine out.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Stick with mushy food or liquids.....clear broths, tomato soup, yogurt, applesauce, puddings, smoothies, Jello.


    Use the hypodermic thingy they will give you to swish away food from your holes....very important to avoid dry socket. Change dressings often. Bag of frozen peas or ice packs wrapped in hand towels on your face for swelling.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I remember eating mashed potatoes, watermelon, bananas, oatmeal, and applesauce. It's been a while though. I had some bruising and soreness, but honestly, it wasn't as bad as most people made the whole thing out to be, and my wisdom teeth were badly impacted.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I had a terrible time with mine (there's a reason that you don't wait til you are 35). I ate broccoli cheese soup and rainbow sherbet and very overcooked pasta, and of course pudding and jello. After about five days, I needed REAL food, and slow-cooked a pork tenderloin in bbq sauce and mashed it up with sweet potatoes. I actually didn't eat properly for almost 3 weeks, and the first time I did, I got friggin' e.coli. And from that treatment, a blood infection. I dropped almost 20 pounds in 8 weeks. So be careful! And if they are knocking you out, you might be really sick after the anesthetic, so take it easy. Lots and lots of water!
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I had mine out about 25 years ago. I have no additional food recommendations, but I'll add that after a few days I felt an odd kind of pain (not bad, just odd) near where my wisdom teeth had been. Was told that nothing was wrong and it was to be expected because my jaw was realigning.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    when I had mine out, warm (not hot) mashed potatoes where heaven to me.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Ice, lots of ice.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    i'm surprised the surgeon didn't give you an info sheet.
  • lveh8lve
    lveh8lve Posts: 162 Member
    Once I stopped bleeding I pretty much was fine. But nothing too cold or nothing too hot. Nothing crunchy or with sharp edges. Mine had me take advil beforehand (I just did the gas and all 4 at once) and it was over fast. Really wasn't a big deal. My tonsils were worse!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Stay away from orange juice! That's the first thing my mom gave me when I got them out in high school. The burn!!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Avoid using a straw! You will suck out the blood clots you need to heal, and possibly get Dry Sockets, which are totally painful!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    If this were another site, I'd suggest Frosty's from Wendy's. But its not, so maybe vanilla yogurt with mashed bananas.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I remember being in so much pain afterwards that they had to knock me out for a few days with some "happy" pills. I don't remember existing let alone what I ate.