calorie net

ok. here is what im learning, and im checking in w those of you who know better than me to make certain its the right thing:
firstly, 1200 cals is way too little of calories when working out.
I did my BMR and to lose weight, it says i should eat approx 1800 cals a day w moderate excercise which in my case, is insanity.
so, with a daily intake of 1800 cals, minus the approx 450 cals I burn from insanity, that is about a 1300 calorie net total.
question: thats enough cals to prevent starvation mode and promote weight loss, right?

thanks for your help everyone!!

Jaime xoxo


  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    a net of 1300 is a good goal for most people..
  • trink68
    trink68 Posts: 48 Member
    I am well under 1200 many days.Never went into the "starvation" mode.At least I dont think I have.I actually lose more and feel better the lower my net is.I am not sure I buy the whole 1200 thing....If your doing Insanity you must be burning more than 450 calories.I burn more than that on the treadmill in 40 min....
  • well to be honest, i dont know how to calculate how many cals i burn, so i estimated that.:)
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    ok. here is what im learning, and im checking in w those of you who know better than me to make certain its the right thing:
    firstly, 1200 cals is way too little of calories when working out.
    I did my BMR and to lose weight, it says i should eat approx 1800 cals a day w moderate excercise which in my case, is insanity.
    so, with a daily intake of 1800 cals, minus the approx 450 cals I burn from insanity, that is about a 1300 calorie net total.
    question: thats enough cals to prevent starvation mode and promote weight loss, right?

    thanks for your help everyone!!

    Jaime xoxo

    The goal is too NET 1800. 1300 wont kill you (still not healthy with your exercise level), but it would be better to eat 1800 NET
  • whit291
    whit291 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes, 1300 is above starvation mode. I think you've used the TDEE approach by calculating your BMR calorie level? That's not the same approach MFP uses. MFP helps you reach a net calorie amount for the day (so theoretically, if you exercise more one day you get more calories for the day based on what that exercise burned). Sounds like with the 1800 thing, that would be your total amount of calories to eat for the day without adding back exercise cals. It's probably a good plan!
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    I am 43, 5'6" and I net around 1350 a day. With exercise, I eat about 1800. It is working for me! :)

    Some days I do go over b/c I get really hungry, and that is ok with me.