From what you know, Is this a good routine to get toned?

natashalynnx Posts: 34 Member
edited January 6 in Fitness and Exercise
(Not aiming to get a six pack of course) lol

I do 20 minutes of yoga just to get my muscles all stretched out.
Yoga moves:
Downward facing dog
Knee up plank
Burning low lunge
Side fierce
Extended straddling lunge
Warrior 3

Then I do these exercises recommended for me (2times):
25 reverse crunches
25 bicycle crunches
30 second plank

20 plie squats
20 donkey kicks
20 firehydrants
20 circling donkey kicks
30 hip lifts (I do these 5 times actually since they're so simple for me)

25 pushups. the "girl" pushups on my knees as my coach calls them.
10 (sometimes 15) bicep curls each arm with 10 lbs dumbbell
tricep kickbacks
5 triangle pushups

Oh & 15 minutes on the proform abglider machine I bought last year.
I do 5 minutes, take a 30 second break, and repeat 2x.

I normally do all of this at night right before my shower so I can wash the sweat off then go to bed to let my muscles rest.
When I do them in the morning time it makes me too lazy to run errands. Boo.
I'm a beginner btw so i'm pretty weak.

What should I add? I have no equipment at the moment, except the abglider & one dumbbell.


  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    sounds good to me. You'll firm your muscles up and burn some calories, but obviously won't build muscle mass but - so what if your goal is to become more lean and a little stronger, which is what toned really is.

    Equipment - I would go for a pull-up bar that goes through the doorway and hooks on the top of the door the other side (safer than the screw type) and a set of resistance bands and work up some assisted pullups - great for your back and your self esteem!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Where do these plans come from?
  • natashalynnx
    natashalynnx Posts: 34 Member
    As in, where did I find them? :o
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Well yes, but before that too, where's the source? Why are they here?
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