Looking for a Motivator/Supporter for 2013!



  • NewDavenport
    NewDavenport Posts: 83 Member
    for anyone who is looking for a friend who will support them be here to encourage them and remind them why they started this journey in the first place and listen to them when needed feel free to add me, i have a really good listening ear and i can be a good friend i will support you along the way and be here for you every step of the way.
  • kferg0312
    I am also the same way. I start off strong and focused but lose it due to...life really. I am looking for as much help as possible. I need to lose about 30-40 lbs and would love the support and to return the favor!!
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    I'm working hard this year also! I WILL meet my goals! Friend me :)
  • AndeeSparrow
    AndeeSparrow Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I too am looking to lose 40 lbs. I just recently got acquainted with my fitness pal. I really like the app and think it's very useful/helpful. I am also looking for motivation and daily help. It's hard enough once you make the decision to go on a diet, but sticking with it is the tricky part. Hit me up if you think we could help each other.
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :bigsmile: welcome! i have been here for 6 mos. & have lost 36lbs. we could encourage each other with support thru mfp! i will send a friend request
  • yogata
    yogata Posts: 14 Member
    So, I am wanting to lose around 40 lbs. I am notorious for starting out strong and slowly dying off. I am looking for someone who would be interested in communciating daily (if possible) to talk about how well things are going, share recipes/snacks, fitness ideas, tips, motivation, support, and also to talk about how stress and work is affecting my quest to live a healthier life.

    Anyone interested?!?!?!?!
  • sterober
    I'm on here daily and love to give support where I can! Add me if you'd like!
    Best wishes!
  • jrmdawl831
    would love for a buddy in this weight loss/lifestyle change. I'm currently trying to lose a significant amount of weight, because currently i'm severely overweight. if you have any tips i would greatly appreciate it
  • xojessieannexo
    xojessieannexo Posts: 95 Member
    HI!! I feel the same way, I start strong and then slowly fall off.. I have a vacation this summer i need to get ready for.. It would be nice to have a group of positive people to help motivate everyone. I need to lose 30 lbs. Last time I lost 8-10 lbs a month, so I know its possible. Its just staying on track. :) What if we made a group? And did weekly goals? Feel free to add me. xo
  • yogata
    yogata Posts: 14 Member
    So, I am wanting to lose around 60 lbs. I am notorious for starting out strong and slowly dying off. I am looking for someone who would be interested in communciating daily (if possible) to talk about how well things are going, share recipes/snacks, fitness ideas, tips, motivation, support, and also to talk about how stress and work is affecting my quest to live a healthier life. down to my last 60 lbs need the help , in 7 years i lost 175 lbs and still hanging in there . come join me we can do this together.

    Anyone interested?!
  • lhanson0851
    lhanson0851 Posts: 16 Member
    Add me as well - I find the daily posts from friends inspiring. I have 80 lbs to lose and 2014 is my year! Writing what I eat makes all the difference in the world. Look forward to seeing what you all do to eat right and exercise.