Looking for support w/ 12 week body transformation

Hi everyone. I am four weeks through a rigid body transformation on bodybuilding.com. It's an incredibly strict diet, seven days a week of cardio, and five days a week of lifting. I am soooooooooore and want a god damn piece of bread. I was hoping we could all talk about the plans we are on, cardio we like, lifestyle / dietary choices and restrictions etc. Right now I am 6'1 and 217 pounds. I was down to about 200 and then like an idiot I tried to do the whole bulking thing, when in reality I probably already weighed enough. THEEEEEEEEEN I ate crazy chipotle burritos and peanut butter and jelly trying to do what I now learned is called dirty bulking. I also just graduated college during which time I drank A LOT of alcohol. Finally, now I work at a sedentary desk job. So that's my life story, feel free to post yours and add me so we can give each other high fives with our words.


  • jenj5512
    jenj5512 Posts: 3 Member
    I have just started back on my journey for what seems like the 100th time. I got up and went to the gym this morning, and so far I've done ok food wise. When I put my mind to my journey I do really well but then I always seem to fall off the wagon somewhere around the 4-6 month mark...and then gain everything I've lost back, plus some in most cases. If you would be willing I would love to help motivate each other....
  • Definitely! My name is Sheldon BTW! I know exactly what you're going through. I've weighed between 260 (feeling like ****) and 195 (feeling amazing) over the past 2 years. I've definitely done some crazy crash diets, as well as some steady methodical ones. The problem for me is I really like to go out and date and party with other people. I've never really had a supportive group of friends, or girlfriend who wants to help. Now I'm 23 and a recent college grad working in an office full of cakes, brownies, nacho day, and everyone appears to be obese with no motivation to change. I would lose like 2 pounds on a M-F, go party over the weekend and then gain 4 or 5 from booze, late night eating, and stress. Thanks for responding, i'd love to hear your story.