
AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
I am a 23 year old engineering graduate student and am new to the site. I have lots of active hobbies including running marathons, golf, and cycling. These hobbies enabled me to lose 25 pounds last year before my wedding, unfortunately my schooling is especially demanding this semester and I have gained all that weight back since my August '09 wedding. My husband and I are starting P90X next week and I am really excited about trying something new, especially since I keep hearing it is really intense (which I LOVE). We also go to our gym at 4:30 in the morning to lift or attend spinning class. Hopefully all this exercise, in addition to really monitoring my calories, will shave those pounds (back) off and, most importantly, Keep them off!!! Any encouragement as I start off this whole fitness rejuvenation stint is much appreciated since I'm so disappointed in myself for regaining all that wedding weight.


  • staceylynn073
    Hi Stacey - I'm new here as well! Just started today and am a bit overwhelmed by all of the information here. It sounds like you and your husband keep each other motivated, which is fantastic! Having a support system when trying to achieve goals is so important. I also hope to find some encouragement and motivation here while I keep track of all the fun stuff like exercise and calories.

    Welcome to MFP!

  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Hey Stacey! I'm quite impressed by all the information on this website; its always helpful/refreshing to see others perspectives. What are you doing to achieve your fitness goals? I find it helps to let all my friends know I'm watching my calories so when we eat out they help to keep me accountable. If you ever need encouragement just let me know and I'll be here for you as will so many others; I was reading a message board earlier and saw all these other people that also worked out in the morning as I do so Ill think of all the others reluctantly waking at 4:30 to get in a work out before life happens -- just like me. Good luck with your goals!
  • staceylynn073
    my biggest goal to begin with doesn't have anything to do with my actual weight. i know that i consume WAY too much sugar and not enough "good stuff" on a daily basis. (my sweet tooth gets the best of me many days). i do enjoy being active, so my fitness goals include incorporating working out on a more regular basis. i would love to think i will be able to work myself up gradually to a 5k then a 10k, but i want to take it slow! i know way too many people who have injured themselves in the quest for fitness.

    good luck with your 4:30 wake up call!
  • hboughey
    hboughey Posts: 11 Member
    I wish I had someone to work out with. I like this site, and I just joined on Easter. I really want to be a size 6. I have never been a size 6 ( except freshman year of high school ). I'm hoping motivation from others and counting calories helps.

    My bad habit was eating cereal out of the box while surfing the internet. Good grief, I don't want to know how many carbs I ate. And when I found out how many calories were in a single margarita, I nearly fell over. lol

    So I am trying to eat healthy, but still splurge on food I love. So far it's working!

    I hope I can help motivate you!