SMH.......I Fell WAY OFF!!!!!

For some reason I stop doing MFP but I am so glad I did not delete my account. I noticed how good I was doing when I first started. Tracking all my foods, exercising, and MFP friends really kept me motivated. It was a big difference without it :-( I gained all my weight back. I guess you live and you learn from your mistakes. But this will be the last mistake I make far as weight loss goes. Cause I know the more weight you gain the more you have to lose. "So why not gone take care of what you got now, it will be more work down the line." This is what I keep telling myself. You can't beat failure without a TRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now I'm back at it full force. Add me for motivation. I need your support real talk :-). Have a HAPPY NEW MFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Welcome back, you've got the right attitude.

    You only fail if you quit.
  • Happy New Year to you too!! We can do this!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I did the same thing joined did it for a while quit and then came back i have done so much better 2nd time around. i love MFP it has been life changing good luck.
  • Judee77
    Judee77 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm here for you! I too fell off the wagon. I've gained all the weight that I had lost last year & decided that I wasn't going to wait until New years and make another damn new years resolution to loose the weight. Instead I started the day after Christmas and started MFP and taking it "one day at a time"...sounds like I'm re-living a sit-com! Hang in there!
  • audart
    audart Posts: 6 Member
    Hang in there soful, we all stumble. Getting up is more important. :D
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks for the luv
  • lessofLisain13
    lessofLisain13 Posts: 15 Member
    Dito here too. Lost about 30 lbs, and for whatever crazy reason feel off the wagon. So here i am again, and this time going to make it work!! Good luck to all, and feel free to add!!.