Getting annoyed really fast!

I know this site if for anyone who wants to loose weight regaurdless of how much but what really ticks me off is when some who already looks fit and only wants to lose 5lbs comes here and pretty much calls everyone lazy and that we have no excuses for not exercising everyday....This is supposed to be a helpful site not a "put you down" site. Lots of people have done wonderful jobs on here loosing weight. Some have even inspired me to do more and I just think it's wrong for someone to criticize people for that. Maybe I'm blowing this up but it just really ticks me off........


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I confess I don't read a lot of the threads, but the two that I participate in are not like that. Sorry you have had a bad experience. Don't let it get in the way of you doing what you need to do for YOU. Good luck
  • sboothe24
    sboothe24 Posts: 34
    I confess I don't read a lot of the threads, but the two that I participate in are not like that. Sorry you have had a bad experience. Don't let it get in the way of you doing what you need to do for YOU. Good luck

    I havent really had a bad experience on here but it was just one post that i read that was really out of line in my opinion. I wont let it discourage me at all I just needed to vent lol
  • brianhin
    brianhin Posts: 28
    But how do you know that the person that already looks fit and is looking to lose 5 more lbs hasn't already gone through a dramatic transformation of maybe losing like 50, 100, 120lbs? Granted that if they flat out told people that they're lazy, there's definitely more tactful ways of motivating people, so I can see why that would be frustrating. Not taking sides, just wanted to throw in this comment ;) and definitely don't let it get to you. Focus on you and reaching your weight loss goals and keep encouraging and helping others do the same! :)
  • sboothe24
    sboothe24 Posts: 34
    But how do you know that the person that already looks fit and is looking to lose 5 more lbs hasn't already gone through a dramatic transformation of maybe losing like 50, 100, 120lbs? Granted that if they flat out told people that they're lazy, there's definitely more tactful ways of motivating people, so I can see why that would be frustrating. Not taking sides, just wanted to throw in this comment ;) and definitely don't let it get to you. Focus on you and reaching your weight loss goals and keep encouraging and helping others do the same! :)

    I only knew that she didnt struggle with it b/c she said shes trying to become a model and shes a personal trainer.. thats why it was offensive.. she didnt take into consideration of peoples health problems and what not. I mean she had a point to some extent but the way she put it was flat out wrong.
  • CinthyNair
    CinthyNair Posts: 261
    I know this site if for anyone who wants to loose weight regaurdless of how much but what really ticks me off is when some who already looks fit and only wants to lose 5lbs comes here and pretty much calls everyone lazy and that we have no excuses for not exercising everyday....This is supposed to be a helpful site not a "put you down" site. Lots of people have done wonderful jobs on here loosing weight. Some have even inspired me to do more and I just think it's wrong for someone to criticize people for that. Maybe I'm blowing this up but it just really ticks me off........

    I know what you mean ... the other day, I was at my family doctor's clinic as I was ill, I havent' been there for 6 months, and so when the nurses saw me, they were shocked to see my transformation. They went on interviewing me on "what's the secret"?? I told them it's genuine hard work.

    But what ticked me off was that, these 2 skinny as pencil ladies, we complaining about their weight! Their exact words were "you know it's so difficult for me to lose 10lbs". In my heart, I thought that if they did lose 10lbs, they would be walking skeletons! These women, I have known them for many years, and they have always been size 0! Sigh, that really annoyed me ... but I put on my best smile, took my medication and left :grumble:
  • sboothe24
    sboothe24 Posts: 34
    I know this site if for anyone who wants to loose weight regaurdless of how much but what really ticks me off is when some who already looks fit and only wants to lose 5lbs comes here and pretty much calls everyone lazy and that we have no excuses for not exercising everyday....This is supposed to be a helpful site not a "put you down" site. Lots of people have done wonderful jobs on here loosing weight. Some have even inspired me to do more and I just think it's wrong for someone to criticize people for that. Maybe I'm blowing this up but it just really ticks me off........

    I know what you mean ... the other day, I was at my family doctor's clinic as I was ill, I havent' been there for 6 months, and so when the nurses saw me, they were shocked to see my transformation. They went on interviewing me on "what's the secret"?? I told them it's genuine hard work.

    But what ticked me off was that, these 2 skinny as pencil ladies, we complaining about their weight! Their exact words were "you know it's so difficult for me to lose 10lbs". In my heart, I thought that if they did lose 10lbs, they would be walking skeletons! These women, I have known them for many years, and they have always been size 0! Sigh, that really annoyed me ... but I put on my best smile, took my medication and left :grumble:

    Yea I dont understand that. I know it's self confidence issues but some people just dont know what to say and things come out wrong. I get offended when that happens too b/c I'm thinking "well if you think you're fat then I must be a whale!"