Struggling to know what to eat

edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi Everyone,

I'm new this week to the site.

I have been recording everything I eat but have had trouble trying to work out what to eat. For example when I log my diet in, I am below in calories but over in carbs and sugar (way over in sugar.) So I changed my lunch and now over in sat fat and sugar :(

Are we supposed to just go by the calories and use carbs, sugar etc as a guide, or should I be on target for everything?

Please help



  • Just try eating as LEAN as possible. If you eat sandwiches for lunch, try using Nature's Own Whitewheat bread...low in calories, but high in calcium and fiber. A trick my wife and I found is to measure everything. Be sure to keep up with the number of servings you eat of the foods you are having with the number of calories per serving. You have to train yourself to eat right and not guess that you are doing right.
  • mA2rml
    mA2rml Posts: 14
    I am never really on target with everything. I increased the setting for fiber to 35g/day. I pretty much focus on getting at least 5 fruits & vegetables, 2 dairy, protein and also a little fat. I also try not to add salt to my food (except during the cooking process.)
  • dan15
    dan15 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Laura,

    I used to be a personal trainer and have had diet advice from both personal trainers with PhD's in the matter (before I was one) and naturopaths (who turn to diet first to address health problems).

    So my advice is as follows:

    I wouldn't stress too much- I suppose it depends what you mean by "way over" in sugar. I have no added sugar in my diet, but sugars are found in things like milk, yogourt and fruit. I also go over my sugar "allotment" by 20-40 grams. Try to focus on reducing added sugar - found in candies, cakes, processed foods, sweet flavoured yogourt (can be added sugar), jam, ketchup, etc.

    The important thing is to ensure that your diet is balanced. If you are weight training as well, you will want to ensure you *at least* meet the protein requirements. Going over in fibre is great too. Going over in Saturated Fat is not ideal and try to make sure that your total fat is under the suggested amount.

    For info on sat fat:

    Also, once you have tracked your diet for a week, it is a great tool to bring to a dietician/naturopath/nutritionist/trainer who can point out where the changes should be made.

    Or for meal suggestions, some cookbooks I recommend (and use regularly):

    The Powerfood Cookbook by Rachael Anne Hill and Tamsin Burnett-Hall (LOVE this book! recipes are fast and easy)
    AMA's Healthy Heart Cookbook

    They include the nutritional breakdown of the meals.

    Good Luck!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I try to focus on the total calories, but with that said, I have removed white sugar from my diet. I also go over in sugars, but it is typically natural sugar found in the natural foods I am eating, so I just don't worry about it. I also just use olive oil and in small amounts with sauteeing or in homemade salad dressings, so don't stress over the fat level unless I have not been eating lean meats. As someone just starting out especially, I would urge you to focus on the total calories and as you progress, you will become more adept at figuring the rest of it out. Don't give up by getting too overwhelmed with the details. Keep your total calories in your target range and workout and you will lose weight! Good Luck!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sugar isn't necessarily bad. If it's a natural sugar it's usually okay. If you are eating fruits they say it's best not to have any passed lunchtime because it doesn't digest properly or something. Turns to fat. I'm not sure. I try to watch my calories, sodium and carbs the most. Carbs are hard to stay low. It's almost impossible to stay under if you have to eat out. I have started buying organic things such as cheese, frozen fruit for my smoothies and yogurt. So far it has been working for me. Good luck! It's all trial and error and you will get there! Also try switching out for turkey if you can. Turkey bacon, turkey burgers etc.
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I don't pay much attention to the sugar... because the only "added" sugar to my diet is my 2 teaspoons of sugar in my coffee each morning. I am always over on my sugar because I eat fruit all the time... but natural fruit does not affect your blood sugar in the same way that processed sugars do.

    I pay very strict attention to my sodium. If I am over on sodium one day, there is a COMPLETE change in the way I feel for several days. If I know I'm going to go a little over on sodium I start pumping as much water as I can and eat a banana to add potassium which keeps me from feeling quite so wiped out the next morning.

    I don't find fats to be a major problem for me... I eat mostly a clean diet. I use a little mayonnaise here and there but nothing huge.

    In general if you are focusing on eating 3-5 pieces of fruit a day 5 servings of fruits and veggies - you won't have a huge problem with the other things... and you'll feel full.
  • Thanks for your help guys.

    I don't eat processed sugar, the high sugar is because I eat alot of fruit.

    Sodium seems to be okay so far.

    I'm finding that my carbs are high as I eat alot of fruit and veg but really don't want to cut back on these. I tried to change it for a wee bit of goats cheese but that put my sat fats up.

    I'm just going to keep going with the healthy eating and concentrate on the calories and keep an eye on the others things.

    Thanks again for your opinions :)
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