Tossing my fat clothes



  • Lovelygirl1975
    Lovelygirl1975 Posts: 26 Member
    The first two times I lost weight I kept my fat clothes. My thinking was " what if I need them?" I look back now and wish I had the strength then to believe that I would not need them again. And you know what happened... Gained weight back and put those clothes back on. Over the summer I took so many bags to donate my clothes. It was one of the most difficult things I ever did. I didn't realize how much emotional attachment I had to those clothes. But, I kept a couple of special pieces but got rid of everything else. The only clothes I have now other than (2 pieces) are things that are my current size. I figure either keep it off or leave the house naked. And I don't want to do the second option.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I had a really hard time getting rid of my old clothes too. However, I felt much better about what I had accomplished when I did. It was like admitting that I was changing. Sometimes I think our minds have a hard time keeping up with our changing bodies. I still have issues with wanting to shop in the plus department. Old habits die hard, I!

    Good luck to you!! You're doing fantastic!! :wink:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I am not going to toss out my fat clothes. I know people say that you should but I did that once and unfortunately I re-gained all the weight back. I then had to spend a lot of money buying more larger clothes which was not fun in the slightest. I had thrown out every single piece of clothing and it took a long time to replace everything.

    I want to be optimistic and think that it will not happen this time but I just cannot risk it again. Instead of doing that, once I have hit my goal weight I'm going to pack up my fat clothes and put them someplace that I won't see them everyday.

    I am actually with you on this. I'd kept the weight off for three years and had idly shoved my old fat clothes at a friend's house. Didn't realize how big I was until I literally had nothing that fit me. I live several thousands of dollars below the poverty line and would have been royally screwed had I not remembered I had my fat stash 'o clothes tucked away. I can't afford clothes on clearance. I can't afford thrift store clothes. Not having that old set old clothes would have condemned me to nudity or else having photos of me put on People of Walmart.

    When I lose this weight, I intend to hand the big clothes off to my friend again. I'd rather live with the reminder that I was fat and could be fat again than have to wear clothes that are 6 sizes too small. I have more dignity than money.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Once I'm done having babies I will get rid of my fat clothes. In the meantime, my weight yo-yos every couple of years. :P
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    JUST DO IT! I kept one pair of my largest size pants just to remind myself of my success.....I call them my trophy pants.

    Shirley in Oregon

    This is the best idea! :)

    I am in the same situation as OP. I now have clothes 8 inches bigger than my current waist size. I am thinking of taking in some of the tops and shirts, but I need to be brave and chuck the rest.

    OP, maybe it could be our new years' resolution?
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Stop making excuses. Stop living in fear of the unknown. YOU control your actions.
  • lulu3561
    lulu3561 Posts: 85 Member
    It took me awhile to get rid of was a two step processed first I cleared out everything that didn't fit put them into piles of donate and sell. The donate ones I took right away to the goodwill then sell ones I held on to for another few weeks until a friend of mine came over and convinced to do something with them. We took pictures of the clothes, posted on CraigsList and they sold in one day. The lady bought the whole bin worth over $1,000.00 for $100.00 which I inturn bought some new clothes that fit. Now as I lose more weight I have to keep the process going and weed out the stuff that doesn't fit again. It is a good feeling to get rid of the smaller clothes a size I never thought I would see. I kept one pair of "fat" pants because I would love to do the picture with both my legs inside one leg of those pants.
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    I have a long way to go...but I gave 8 pair of ( almost new jeans) and a winter jacket to a co-worker... I have another box of stuff to give or donate. I did have to buy new jeans/pants. 2 of the pair I bought are now to big. A different co work said you need to add new cloths to your Christmas list lol I was wearing the new pants and shirt I bought 4-5 weeks ago :)
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member

    I need to clean it out! Right?!?!?!?!?!

    You got this!
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I too am finding it hard to get rid of my "fat" clothes, the closest I've come is cleaning out my closet this past weekend to make room for smaller clothes. So I just moved the bigger items to my spare bedroom, maybe this weekend as I finish packing up stuff to donate I'll have the courage to add those items as well.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I kept one shirt and one pair of pants...:bigsmile:
  • mmmnhmr
    I get rid of most clothes that don't fit and get the rest tailored. Because new fat clothes are not in the budget its motivation to stay in the smaller clothes.
  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    I am not going to toss out my fat clothes. I know people say that you should but I did that once and unfortunately I re-gained all the weight back. I then had to spend a lot of money buying more larger clothes which was not fun in the slightest. I had thrown out every single piece of clothing and it took a long time to replace everything.

    I want to be optimistic and think that it will not happen this time but I just cannot risk it again. Instead of doing that, once I have hit my goal weight I'm going to pack up my fat clothes and put them someplace that I won't see them everyday.


    I threw out all my fat clothes after losing 30 lbs at the beginning of this year...

    I just recently had to go buy new jeans...and I'm realizing I need new shirts now too because I've gained back all the weight I lost plus some. Shopping recently has been quite possibly the most depressing and upsetting thing I've done. You feel so defeated...

    Keep some or can get rid of whatever you really don't like...but keep some...just in case.
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I am keeping one pair of pants as a reminder of the size I used to be but I have 3 more pounds to lose before I clean out my closet and give myself a new wardrobe!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    If you are worried about gaining the weight back, you could always store them in the garage ot attic. I've found the "Space Bags" inside plastic totes work great for keeping out mice and dust.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm keeping my largest pair of jeans just so i can do a jean progression pic once i reach my goal size.

    everything else that's nice (ie not some of the old navy type quality i sometimes buy) i'm giving away to friends if they want them or goodwill. i'm a bit sad though because some of my favorite dresses and shoes are in the too big to wear pile :cry:
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    Well, I have lost a bit of weight now... I'm fitting into EVERYTHING in my closet now. I have even had to go out and buy some new pants. But now why am I struggling to donate all my big boy clothes? I guess I am scared...

    I need to clean it out! Right?!?!?!?!?!

    I was scared as can be to get rid of it all. There was literally nothing left in my closet that fit was all falling off. But I was terrified I was just going to gain all the weight back and I really didn't want to let go of all my clothes. I made the decision to get rid of the safety blanket that was my old clothes. I kept one pair of "fat pants" and one "fat shirt" so I could have another way to measure my progress, and donated all the rest. Every last piece. Am I nervous? Heck yeah. But it's good incentive to keep working hard, and keep the notion that yes, this is a lifestyle change.

    I've also had to replace "new" clothes pretty often. It gets frustrating. Thrift shops are good. I'm not buying anything expensive until I reach goal, and maybe not even then if I'm going to need surgery.

    But IMO, yes, get rid of it. Except for one or two pieces to measure your progress!
  • rachaelgifford
    rachaelgifford Posts: 320 Member
    I lost a whole load of weight before and didn't throw my old stuff out. Then, I started to regain the weight and didn't really think about it as I always had fitting clothes. It is too easy to morph back int them if they are there, and not realise until it it too late!

    Throw them. :-)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    At least put them in plastic storage bins by size and hide them in another room or in a different closet than you dress out of every day. I did this and then emptied my closets. Then, as my weight continued to stay off, I donated them away!

    Also, google Project 333.. I am living by it now and loving it. However, I am not tossing things like shoes,etc, just not buying anymore. I have 5 white blouses that fit so I am wearing those till they fall apart and I will eventually on have two. We need less and it is quite liberating.

    I don't want a fall back plan. I want to stay the size I am now.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Keep one item if you must but get rid of all the clothes that dont fit you!

    I agree with this. Keep maybe one outfit or set to remind you where you came from and all the hard work you had to do to get to where you are today.