Anyone with 50+ lbs. to lose?

I have 50 lbs. to lose and would like some friends with similar goals or more. I started out with 154 lbs. to lose, but this last 50 has been a struggle. My name is Kimberlee, 49. Anyone is really welcome to add me. I accept everybody. Please feel free to add me for support and encouragement.

A little about myself. I am married but was never able to have children. I have a ton of health problems due to being morbidly obese all my life and that has caused me to be physically disabled. I am also recovering from major abdominal surgery 3 wks. ago, but am returning to the gym today to get my strength back and burn some calories. I am on here everyday, have an open diary, and answer all messages.


  • carollu101
    carollu101 Posts: 10 Member
    Good Morning Smokey 19:) I joined FP just at 2 months ago. I have lost my first 20 pounds - 10 of that before FP but have a considerable ways to go. I admire what you have done & have a neice in Indiana with similar issues. I would love to get her on here. I will try to send you a friend request but if you don't receive I am carollu101

    I don't eat a lot of meat & have increased my fresh fruit greatly - I have heard a lot of diabetics say they can't eat all that fruit but my rsearch has not shown that the sugar in the fresh affects blood sugar negativly. If you are looking for new ideas check out Live Love Fruit - she is on facebook & posts a lot of helpful info, etc.

    Best continued success - I also keep an open diary & enjoy friendly diary stalking for new food ideas/combinations lol Carol
  • Hi, I am Shianne, I have 70 more pounds to lose. Feel free to add me :)
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have 50 lbs to go.
  • I am trying to lose 100 lbs
  • Hello! I have about 80 pounds to go. I sent a friend request
  • I'm losing 72lbs, already lost 8.4lbs.

    Need motivation, add me if you want :)
  • Im trying to lose 50-60 pounds already lost 88 please add me! Everyone feel free im a great supporter.
  • txjenn08
    txjenn08 Posts: 4 Member
    I need to lose at least 80 (goal is 85). I'd love to be friends! :-)
  • Hi Kimberlee! I plan to lose 60 lbs so I can reach my goal of 160. Your post is very inspiring and I could use as much support as possible. :smile:
  • Hi! I'm trying to lose around 80.. feel free to add me!! =)
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    I have exactly 50lbs more to go to get to my Ultimate goal. Feel free to add me.
  • I am on the path to lose 160 and am nearly half way there, feel free to add me.
  • Yes. my my height i am suppose to be between something and 169. I am really trying to get down to my "idea" weight. I am 292 and i am trying to get down to at least 200 lbs. ive lost 80 before and regained it all. but im really hoping that if nothing i can lose about 40 pounds before i get pregnant again. I made a promise to myself that i would never go over 300 lbs and right now if i got pregnant i know id go over. not trying for a baby but not preventing either.

    If you want you can add me I love making new friends. the more the merrier.

  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Hi there!
    50lbs lost would put me pretty much on target and I definitely need the motivation getting back on track after the holidays :/ I post a lot and anyone that wants to give/receive support is welcome to add me :] Just put a little note it's from this group. Hard to keep track of people with soo many on here!!
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I am also trying to lose lots (88lbs so far and counting.) Feel free to add.
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    I've lost 98, about another 100 to go. I am on every day. Feel free to add me.
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    Hi there, I've been on here since February and still have a lot more weight to lose. Happy to meet you!! :flowerforyou:
  • erica1835
    erica1835 Posts: 42 Member
    hi my name is erica and im 18 years 5'5 185 pounds. my goal weight is 150 very new to wanting to loose wight.
  • 50 lbs to go and really struggling =(
  • Plascakwifey
    Plascakwifey Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I have about 87 lbs to lose. I also just recently had surgery Dec. 18th. And can not move my ankle at all. It is just pretty much stuck. I just joined myfitnesspal. And this is my first reply/board I have read. I would love to try and help any way I can because it sounds like we are looking for the same goals and may have some of the same challenges. I am 30 married and my husband and I would Love to have children but my weight is standing in the way of that as well. I hope we can help each other on this journey!

    -Lauren :)