Put on 10 lbs travelling...

Just got home on Christmas eve from 4 months travelling around Southeast Asia and all my hard work from before I left went totally out the window!!
Eating out every day, no exercise, drinking and smoking all the time has definitely taken it's toll and I've come home heavier than I've ever been ):
But I was back in the gym this morning, and started tracking my food again yesterday and I'm set on making a real change this time.
I'd love some support and accountability from anyone!
I'm 20 years old, live in South England and my stats are
164 lbs
and a goal of 120 - 125 lbs or whatever looks good, I haven't been less than 130 lbs since I was 17 so not sure if 120 would look good on me, but we'll see how it goes!
Please feel free to add me (:


  • beccamh
    beccamh Posts: 85 Member
    Feel free to add me! Always looking for friends with similar stats to keep each other motivated :)
  • lesliecb
    lesliecb Posts: 4 Member
    You can add me too! I joined awhile back, but never did anything with it and now am ready to lose 10-15 lbs. I am also looking for support extra motivation to keep me going.