Rice Cooker / Food Steamer Recipes

amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
I got a rice cooker/food steamer for Christmas and I like it a lot already. I used it for the first time tonight to make chicken, rice, and broccoli -- a pretty basic meal.

Does anyone else have one of these? What are some of your favorite meals that you make in it?


  • michbe
    michbe Posts: 17 Member
    bump-I would like to see more recipes as well. I only use mine for rice.
  • Jennyzumbagirl
    I love mine as well. Have had it for years. I use it to cook veggies.... Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes. I have cooked fish in it as well.
  • kthycrlsn
    kthycrlsn Posts: 27 Member
    I have one... but have only used it to steam fresh vegetables. I'd love to start using it more... mine actually has stackable steam baskets. Thanks for posting this. I've been trying to think of healthier cooking ideas and this one I'll pursue. http://www.oster.com/Recipes
  • Liadora11
    Your post prompted me to go into the kitchen and unpack the steamer my mum bought us for a wedding present (10 months ago lol) and it is now sitting looking at me expectantly. Is it irrational that I'm slightly intimidated by it?

    I have heard you can steam cakes in them, and chinese pork buns but I shall begin gently by doing a bit of rice and cauliflower in it tomorrow. Happy steaming!
  • kthycrlsn
    kthycrlsn Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks to your post I pulled mine out and have it sitting on the counter to be used. This morning I used it to "hard boil" eggs.
    Steam them 12-15 minutes. Very convenient and the eggs turned out perfect. I steamed 5 large eggs for ~15 minutes.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    Now that I've had mine for a couple weeks I have made chicken, salmon, broccoli, rice (of course), pasta, zucchini & squash.. and more! I am truly addicted to this thing -- it makes food in a healthy way and I don't have to "cook" anything!

    Thanks for the info on the hard boiled eggs -- I will try this one next. :)