Hi, I'm new to the boards

Hi, I'm a 25yr. mom of a 2yr.and 4yr. old little girls. Also married for 4 years to my Army man. He is deployed to Afghanistan. I really want to get back into shape before he comes home in 10 months.I'm looking for some new friends to help me stay on track. I do hve several health issues (heart, spine, & nerve), but I don't want it to stop me. I started out at 110 whenI got preg. the first time and now I'm 210.


  • Hello,
    I am also new here and need motivation. I can relate to you as a mother of two children and my boyfriend is in the Army. I totally understand wanting to stay fit or get into shape for when your man gets home. Mine was just on leave for the holidays which was amazing, best present ever! I find that he helps me stay on track and is a wonderful motivator. I just joined MFP tonight and I saw on another thread they're doing a competition. Starting Jan 1, the idea is to see whos the biggest looser by the 31st of Jan. with the first weigh in being the 1st & the last weigh in on the 31st. Might be a good start....
  • MelissaCagle
    MelissaCagle Posts: 52 Member
    I am also new here and need motivation. I can relate to you as a mother of two children and my boyfriend is in the Army. I totally understand wanting to stay fit or get into shape for when your man gets home. Mine was just on leave for the holidays which was amazing, best present ever! I find that he helps me stay on track and is a wonderful motivator. I just joined MFP tonight and I saw on another thread they're doing a competition. Starting Jan 1, the idea is to see whos the biggest looser by the 31st of Jan. with the first weigh in being the 1st & the last weigh in on the 31st. Might be a good start....

    That's great! It's nice to meetanother mother and army wife.The competition thing might be a good idea.
  • Well we are not married yet ;) but I ve known him a long time. I just joined the competition, I figure even if im not the biggest looser it wil keep me on track for the new year, you should join it too:smile:
  • MelissaCagle
    MelissaCagle Posts: 52 Member
    Well we are not married yet ;) but I ve known him a long time. I just joined the competition, I figure even if im not the biggest looser it wil keep me on track for the new year, you should join it too:smile:

    What thread is it in?
  • Hi, I'm Mary and I just joined this site today. I just got married in August. I also turned 48 on Dec 23rd. I was born with a birth defect and was not expected to live more than a day or two. Guess the doctor's were wrong. I can walk but have been sick for the last ten years because of a misdiagnosis. I am on the mend. I was confined to bed for four years and had to relearn to walk. Thus, I gained a lot of weight. I am now at my highest weight.300lbs. I am going to work really hard to lose as much as I can safely. I also have Celiac's Disease which means I can have no gluten at all. I just found this out a few days ago, so, I am adjusting my diet.. I need support and friends because most of the time the computer is my only link to the outside world. My husband works so I only get out when he is home. He is the most wonderful man in the world to me. I know he sees me and not just my disability. Well, I look forward to meeting all of you and losing weight together.
  • MelissaCagle
    MelissaCagle Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, I'm Mary and I just joined this site today. I just got married in August. I also turned 48 on Dec 23rd. I was born with a birth defect and was not expected to live more than a day or two. Guess the doctor's were wrong. I can walk but have been sick for the last ten years because of a misdiagnosis. I am on the mend. I was confined to bed for four years and had to relearn to walk. Thus, I gained a lot of weight. I am now at my highest weight.300lbs. I am going to work really hard to lose as much as I can safely. I also have Celiac's Disease which means I can have no gluten at all. I just found this out a few days ago, so, I am adjusting my diet.. I need support and friends because most of the time the computer is my only link to the outside world. My husband works so I only get out when he is home. He is the most wonderful man in the world to me. I know he sees me and not just my disability. Well, I look forward to meeting all of you and losing weight together.

    Wow, I is wonderful to meet you. You are a mirracle! And I think We all can be very successful with the help, encouragement, and support of eachother.
  • MelissaCagle
    MelissaCagle Posts: 52 Member
    Ya'll can even add me on Facebook if you have one so we can encourage eachother to ge onto myfitnesspal if we haven't seen thateachother logged in. I know I get on facebook everyday. I'm getting super excited, because I really think we can do it with the help of eachother.

    My facebook is http://www.facebook.com/#!/msafandacagle
  • Mal76137
    Mal76137 Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome I am a 42 married with 2 ground children and a grandson. I want to be healthy to be able to play with my grandson and not feel tired all the time. I have about 60 lbs to lose. can use all the support and motivation I can get. Feel free to add me
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    You are going to connect with some great folks.
  • Hi. I too am new here and I am married to a deployed soldier also! I am so happy to find other mil wives/ moms here! Please feel free to add me, I hope we can be eachothers support!.
  • MelissaCagle
    MelissaCagle Posts: 52 Member
    I sent a friend request to everyone, thank you for showing me I'm not alone.