I'm Not New, But I'm Looking For A Few New Friends

Hi everyone -

I've been a member of MFP for a while, but I'm hoping to find a few new friends who are actively logging on. It would be nice to befriend people who are not only actively logging, but are willing to interact with me - I feel it helps me to have motivational and inspirational buddies.

I'm up late tonight, but generally, I'm logged in throughout the day.

If you think you might be interested in gaining a new friend while you're losing weight, please check out my profile and see if you think we have anything in common and would be a good match as MFP friends.



  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    Friend request sent. I am also not new but my friends have gotten kinda quiet.
  • I am new to the program and have a few friends. I am hoping to log in regularly. I am usually on in the afternoon or evening. I do get up very early and can log on planning out my meals for the day.
  • Thanks to all who have responded. I look forward to the encouragement we can share!
  • Nanba007
    Nanba007 Posts: 77 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have been on since October have never added friends.
  • mom3x
    mom3x Posts: 8
    I too am looking for weight loss pals. But how do you add someone- I'm new. Thanks!
  • medeamy
    medeamy Posts: 2 Member
    I am very new, and have no friends on here yet!!!!!!!!! Request Sent!!!!!!!

    I'm really looking for those motivators as right now thats what I need as I just started my weightloss!!!!!

    Any tips would be greatly appreciated (1200 calorie day)
  • I'm always looking for new friends.. the more the merrier! :smile:
  • Mick63116
    Mick63116 Posts: 47 Member
    hey i'm in the same boat seems they all fell off the wagon lol. Lets do this.
  • Thanks guys and gals! I am pretty excited about having new, active friends!