Ladies with PCOS

Hi, I'm 22 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2008/2009 and have not tried to make true lifestyle changes in terms of diet and exercise until now.

I have been overweight my entire life (since around age 8). Now that I understand the basis of PCOS (hormonal imbalances coupled with insulin resistance), I attribute my weight to unfortunate/unfair genetics, and then compounded by a cycle of bad eating habits/bad self-esteem.

Is anyone else out there struggling with PCOS on myfitnesspal? Do you have tips/ looked into diet plans specific to PCOS needs?

Thank you!


  • Hello, I'm 37 years old and was diagnosed with PCOS "officially" in 2004. All of my specialist have said I have a severe form of it. I have been hospitalized and have had to have surgery related to it 6 times! Many physicians have told me that because of my severe form that weight loss will probably not come from working out but to do it anyway because of the cardiovascular benifits. Finanlly in the last 2 1/2 years I met physicians who said that it will require a lot of hard work, more than most others, but I can acheive weight loss. It's weird how specialist have told me there is little hope but 2 family practitioners have told me they had patients loose sucessfully on very low calorie diets.

    I am new to this board, so if you have PCOS and want to keep each other motivated, please add me as a friend!
  • Hey! I'm 22, was diagnosed around the same time (2008/09), and finally committed to making changes as well. We're twins! lol. I've only just begun this new journey, so I haven't done much research yet, but I have heard that it's going to be extremely tough for those of us with PCOS to lose weight (especially around our midsections..ugh!) and maintain.
    Feel free to add me and we can help each other along the way!
    Also a newb. hehe
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Hello and welcome!

    Fellow soul cyster here. Can't cure PCOS, but certainly doing my best to smash it into submission :)

    Please feel free to add me x
  • Just wondering if any of my fellow pcos, low carb diet buddies have any trouble eating enough calories? I'm seriously struggling with eating enough each day and not sure how to fix it. Any advice would be great.
  • Hi Ladies,

    I was diagnosed around 15 with PCOS. I am now 28. I have struggled with weight since about the age of 8 or 9. I have done many many hours of research and investigating on this and have paid very close attention to how my body responds to certain foods. I just want to share what i have learned and some of my experiences with this mysterious syndrome.

    1. I can not cure it, only manage it.

    2. The best results I have ever had with weight loss is following the south beach diet (not exact but staying away from sugar, flour, carbs and keeping @ 500 calories per meal, more if exercise is done) with a minimum of 30 mins of exercise per day and using myfitness pal app. If i dont exercise every day...i will stop for 6 months. I have been on a hiatus from exercise for far too long. I have recently moved and am starting my exercise routine back up. The best exercise routine i have its a customized one with my nintendo WII, the game is WII active and it is mostly comprised of cardio. I have a few situps and squats but most of it is jogging, walking and step aerobics. Investing in a wii its expensive but i like the comfort of my own home when i exercise.

    3. It is a lifelong process. I have setup my profile on myfitness pal app not for my goal weight but maybe down by 30 lbs or so. To hit my goal weight i need to loose about 80 lbs. I dont want to give myself that # starting out so little by little is what i do.

    4. I dont deprive myself. If i want chocolate, im having chocolate. If i find myself gorging on chocolate, i make myself throw it away or give it away. But after awhile, i dont have the cravings, and i can feel my body reacting badly to the chocolate and i dont want it anymore.

    5. after a week of no simple carbs (flour, sugar, bread, etc) I dont want it anymore.

    6. Some vegetables are high in carb count and cause blood sugar spikes. Potatoes, corn, carrots, beets, sweet peas, etc.

    7. For every pound a ''normal'' body loses, a pcos body will lose about half a pound. The process is slower because of the extreme horomone imbalance.

    8. While I am in the weight loss process, my moods may swing alot, due to the hormones trying to balance because I am eating what i am supposed to.

    9. I was on metformin for a while, i had really good results as far as weight loss and insulin balance, however, i was sick alot with it, and I want to do it without any meds. I am not good with taking meds in the first place and i dont like to take meds anyways.

    10. DO NOT get down on yourself because you had a bad day. Pcos ladies have bouts of depression. Depression and wieght gain are hand in hand due to having no motivation to work out, diet, etc. This is why I HAVE to work out every day...atleast for a little while.

    This is alot longer than i anticipated but I like to tell others what I have tried and what has worked and not worked. I also like to find out from others what they have done and tell others who are new to this problem.

    Feel free to contact me with questions or comments and help me keep on track!! Thanks!!! add me, i need the help to stay on track!
  • funnygurl97....I have a hard time with eating enough calories. Alot of time i get full and dont want to eat anymore. I usually have a veggie/cheese omellette for breakfast and bacon (no more than a few times a week cuz the cholesterol will not be good). my lunches usually arent too high in calories because i usually have a salad with tuna or with real chicken in it (not processed, it gives me sugar spikes and i get hungry again). My dinner is where i usually will intake 5-600 or more calories because i work out and night and do myfitness pal entries and totals. I have noticed that anything processed, deli meat, etc has ingredients in them that cause my blood sugar to spike and give me cravings. I stay away from them. It takes a little more effort but i am making most of my meals for the week on saturday or sunday. I work m-f and dont want to order out at work. it is more calories and more expensive. I will typically cook a few chicken breasts, or make a turkey chili or something and have a few different things ready to take with me to work for lunch.
  • nikongirl29
    nikongirl29 Posts: 59 Member
    PCOS here too - all of you ladies feel free to add me! I love to hear what others are going through and that I'm not alone! I lost 50 pounds doing low carb (about 5 years ago) and got pregnant and gained that + back - now I am watching my carbs, but doing more of just an all around eating better kind of plan via myfitnesspal. Oh and I'm 35
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    I have PCOS too... Feel free to add me.
  • Jeep429
    Jeep429 Posts: 18 Member

    I'm Jeehan, I'm 25 years old and I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2011. It is certainly no fun and I actually gained over 150 lbs. since 2009. I have fluctuated with my weight and the most I have been able to lose was 20 lbs this past summer. With PCOS, come fertility issues and in order for me to allow myself and my husband to spend any money on treatments, I want to try even harder to lose some weight to hopefully make it easier and more of a success. I am one of those who neglects to take her meds when she should so that is a new years resolution. Feel free to add me...I hope to be active on here as much as I was this past summer. Right now I feel like a downright slob and it's not a good look. I will be completing my Masters this May so while I will be busy, this will be a priority. :)