Starting to feel hopeless

If I seem like I'm whining, I'm really not trying to... I just don't know what to do... and sorry it's so long.

So I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember... I'm 5'6'' and at my healthiest in college (playing volleyball with 3 hour practices 5 days a week, plus tournament play for 12-15 hours a day on weekends and working an almost full time physically demanding job and eating healthy minus a little too much Mountain Dew to keep myself awake) I was at 150lbs. I gauge my size by this. I figure if I can get back to around 150 lbs, that's healthy for me (and to be honest, I'd be happy with 160 at this point). I am now 28 years old and 192lbs. :(

I have been counting calories since January 2012 (6 months after my son was born). I have been hovering at 185-195 lbs. I was only eating 1200 calories and working out as much as possible (3 times a week, an hour at a time) and got down to 185lbs. At that point, I had an unplanned pregnancy and a miscarriage which knocked me off my weight loss wagon for a bit and I went back to 195 lbs. I am keeping my calories around 1500 a day (because I was told 1200 calories isn't enough for anyone, dieting or not) and I try to get in at least 20-30 min of walking/cardio a day (taking my dog and son for a walk, etc.) but I can't seem to get my weight any lower than 192... It's been about 2 months of this and I even deprived myself over Christmas and didn't over eat or anything.... I was tracking my calories and weighing food (my family and husband's family thougth I was crazy), so I know I didn't go over.

At my last physical a few months ago my doc did bloodwork and said everything was normal, no thyroid issues or whatnot and that I just needed to lose weight. Can someone offer me some insight into how to do this? The only way I can see doing it is exercising for 3 hours a day 5 days a week and I cannot do that for any sustained period of time. I work full time and it's very sedentary (office work), I attend school part time and I have an 18 month old. By the time I have my work and school work done for the day, I have maybe an hour before I have to go to bed if I hope to get 6-7 hours of sleep before I have to start all over again. And when working out during that hour, I have to make sure I'm quiet so I don't wake my son and husband.

I was so tired of fad diets and trying pills so I started counting calories and I thought it was working but now I'm just stalled and I'm a little lost. :( I just feel like no matter what I'm trying, it either does work or if it does, I can't keep it up for long enough to make it a real lifestyle change. Counting calories and reducing portion size alone isn't helping.


  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    You will need to open your diary to get help.
  • meghannrenee
    meghannrenee Posts: 202 Member
    What's your diet like? Your diary is closed. What food you eat can have a bigger impact on weightloss than exercise, even if you're counting your calories.

    For exercise - I prefer mornings. I do it before my boyfriend is awake so that at night I have time to relax. It's not for everyone, just a suggestion.

    Have you tried workout videos? Walking is great, but if you're trying to lose weight you really should be looking at doing things to get your heart rate up, and you should be incorporating some strength training to build muscle.

    I hope that helps a bit - don't get discouraged! A friend of mine was struggling too up until April of this year. Since then she has lost over 30 lbs. You can do it, it's just a matter of figuring out your formula :)
  • MinnieM83
    I don't really have any pointers or advice, I just wanted to let you know I am in the same boat as you are. I am stuck between 200 and 210. Like you, it seems that nothing works at helping me lose the weight and I have tried just about everything. If you find an answer, send it my way too. :-)
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    dieting is 100% mental.....the switch in your head has to flip, you have to let go & move, calories, exercise is one thing...but most times when people plateau or get stuck, it's because they aren't ready to move on. enjoy exercising....enjoy eating healthy....look forward to the future & the possibilities available to you...a few sizes smaller, or being able to run a 5k, etc. discover the new you....
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    You should make your diary public for us to view, so we can help you with any possible things in your diet that may be hurting your weight loss.

    For me personally even if I stayed within my allowed MFP calorie range and consumed man-made sugar, I wouldn't lose weight. (This is just me..) Also, I've noticed if I consume too much dairy, my weight loss comes to a hault.

    Sometimes we may be "allergic" to something, and not even know it! Seriously.

    The only thing I can suggest without viewing what you eat, is to change everything entirely. For example if you eat oatmeal in the mornings, switch to eggs.

    Don't over work yourself. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate and stress could be a factor in why you haven't been able to lose weight.

    My best friend who use to be at your weight, is 5'6 and she has a personal trainer. She was told for her build and height 155 is the perfect weight. She was also told to work out at least 2 to 3 times a week and she can eat (I think) 1540 calories a day.

    I've read multiple times that the most beneficial form of weight loss for women, is power walking. I've read this sooo many times. Maybe if you can fit in a 30 minute walk a few times a week (or if you have a treadmill?) of just serious power walking with you and some music.

    I don't know.. Whatever you do, don't give up. You can do this...

    And to add as a poster above pointed out, it IS proven that people who BELIEVE they will lose weight, have the best results.
  • atichnell
    I was trying a different food diary for the last few months, not MFP, to see if I liked it better, and I don't. So today I decided to switch back to MFP. So I don't have anything recent to share. I do try to eat more vegetables and lean protein and less processed carbs/sugars. My goals I've been trying to be at are 40% protein, 30% of fat and carbs. I do snack but usually it's on pretzels (which I keep to a serving size portion) or on fruit. I'm not big on sweets. I do let myself have a cookie or a dessert/snack if I'm really hungry and my calories allow it (or if I know I'm getting some extra exercise in that day).

    I'm just lost on what to do next. I'm literally almost to the point of eating nothing but raw fruits, vegetables and then grilled/baked chicken for protein. No snacks, no carbs like bread.... I just know doing that I will be completely miserable. I used to be able to watch my calories and make smart choices (like I have been) and I'd lose weight... Guess it's time to do something more drastic (not anything crazy, just talking maybe it's time to switch to a whole foods diet or something).

    Shas2228, that's a good point about allergies. I can't drink milk because it makes me sick, but I have no problems with other diary products. And I can't eat seafood either.