All or Nothing

In the past I tend to associate eating habits with working out. Basically, as long as my body was healthy enough to exercise (mostly running), my nutrition was always spot on with regards to my goals. As soon as I hurt myself, it is like my brain goes the opposite way which is why I've added on so much weight the last couple years. Right now I'm eating to lose weight (really healthy too) and am not working out except for walking so hopefully I can rid myself of this all or nothing habit.

I am just curious if there are others out there that fall into this pattern? Anyone have any similar experiences to share?


  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i'm not all or nothing about diet and exercise but i do have several all or nothing tendencies. one is for my pantry cabinets - if even one item gets put back in the wrong place, it seems my kitchen becomes messy. it is then a four hour ordeal to get it back to 'working order'. but if i keep my cabinets organized, my kitchen is pristine. :) good luck changing your habit! you can do it!
  • Janicca
    Janicca Posts: 8
    All or nothing is a big problem for me. When I am working out I want to eat right so that I am not kickin' my butt for nothing, but when I am down and not excercising like I should be I tend to eat junk food. Or if I slip up and "blow it" on a snack or meal I sometimes just say forget it and eat more. Which really doesn't make sense, but I don't know how to get out of that pattern other than to be super diligent about the whole thing. Good luck!
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    I dont' have that problem with food as much as I used to (I think I'm passed it now. Yay!) But definitely with my home. If I don't keep organized, it snowballs fast, and then starts to affect other parts of my life.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    2 years ago I was working out every day and lost 56 pounds. Then last year I got laid up and had 3 surgeries. For almost a year I couldn't use my shoulder. I gained back 29 pounds because of falling back to overeating and some depression. This year I am still laid up but have decided that is a even better reason to lose weight. It is harder without the exercising though. I just had to find different types of exercises I can do.
  • sblim
    sblim Posts: 99
    All, thanks for sharing.. Good to know there are other "All or Nothing" people out there!

    megamom - I hurt my bad pretty bad a few years ago, several times since then, and again about 3 months ago. It was so bad, I couldn't walk for a week without a lot of pain. It was then that I decided that if I was going to be extremely inactive I should minimally work on my nutrition, but I can relate totally to the injuries.

    tutujoli - I don't keep anything in my house that I can't eat. Basically there are only fresh fruits, veges, and lean meats.

    Janicca - Yeah, I really don't like to slip up either and fall into the same pattern.. I've been 100% spot on no cheating for about 2 months now so all is well though I need to be able to fall off the wagon at least temporarily which is something to work on!

    godblessourhome - Organization, what is that? :)

    Good luck to everyone and let's have a kick butt April!