Workouts for video game junkies, staying motivated ><

Ok, so motivation is something I DON'T have alot of lately. Will power to put down the controller for a workout? *Pfft*
Yet I am hopelessly addicted to my PS3, and have a very unhealthy love affair with anything graphically pleasing and colorful. I LOVE gaming, ever since the first little controller fell into my paws, I've been a shameless addict.

So I KNOW there are some of you on the forums who end up wasting a day infront of a TV. Rainy days aside. I'm talking about HOURS of your day grinding away, knowing you should probably get up off your *kitten* and DO something...but it's less and less pressing when a game is just so much more enjoyable.
No workouts, no motivation, nadda. Just a hella lot of button mashing, a few snack breaks, then sleep.

I mean, seriously, it would feel so much better to wake up, eat a good yummy brekkie, get in a jog or run or ANYTHING active. Make the most of the day and be active THEN come back and relax with a couple games to unwind. Because gaming for me is a lifestyle, it's something that is SO enjoyable, the best way to de-stress.
So then why not in moderation and get active and fit? Where does motivation go? Where the HELL is my willpower?
And then get upset when the pounds won't come off? Self-predicting prophecy isn't it?

I want to be way more active, a good metabolism means nothing if you throw it away right?
How to stay motivated with your goals, and staying away from consoles and the TV...or just finding the PERFECT balance so you don't feel so guilty wasting good workout time, and feeling better!

Any stories of being a video game junkie, and totally switching to loving the fitness lifestyle much more? Was it hard to give up and pursue a healthier lifestyle? Any happy mediums?
And if you game, which ones? lol!

WII fit anyone? =P
Discuss! Video games getting in the way of a good workout mentality! And NO willpower! And how to go about changing it!!!


  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I used to be something of a vg junkie. I've always loved playing games, and it mainly started with the nes I got when I was around 11 or 12 years old, and my genre of choice are the role-playing games. I remember FF7 coming out while I was in college and playing on my friend's ps1 for over 24 hours in one sitting, with my one game surpassing the progress he made over a couple months...yeah I had it pretty bad. A similar story with ocarina of time on the n64 back in the day...

    My love of video games is what drew me into pursuing computer science back in college and I think if I let myself go in any of these current gen games it could probably take me over, but at some point, work, marriage, kids, etc gave me so much to do that I neglected gaming and when I come back to it now, it's weird, I like it but it's not as magical as it once was - the graphics, the story lines, the game play, it's still fun, but I've changed in that my time means something to me and things need to be done. So as a bored teenager with a seemingly endless amount of time, gaming is awesome, but when you got important stuff to do, it's got to take a back seat.

    I've got the wii fit though, it's helpful, actually I'm on that more than the xbox 360, because I can use that to get in shape. I've got DDR which is a really good game and workout. One thing that I've done before (which little success though) is try playing a first-person shooter type game while walking slowly on the treadmill - considering you're wasting time, at least do something - even if it's at 2 mph. But keeping coordination was too tough. What I do now is watch movies while jogging/walking on the treadmill, I put the laptop on a shelf in front of the treadmill, I've got the bluetooth headphones on and I get into the movie. Two hours later, I find I've burned a ton of calories and got to see a movie to keep me from getting bored.

    Think of ways you can incorporate exercise into your games, I'm sure if you got a recumbent exercise bike you'd very easily be able to hold that controller and pedal at the same time. Granted you won't be really pushing yourself if you're focussed on a game, you might be surprised as to how much you burn while being distracted by playing.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I was gonna suggest getting a wii!
    at least you'd be standing up and moving your arms around while playing video games.
    and the wii fit is pretty cool. I used it for a while but got bored with it because I don't really like to be in front of the tv all day. I'm more of a computer addict.
    Before MFP I would sit on facebook for 5 or 6 hours a day, because I have a lot of RPGs I play on there and a good group of friends to hang out with in their forums.
    But I have started walking, and doing other things for exercise, and with all the time it takes to plan healthy meals, and cook and clean up, and track calories, I don't have much free time anymore, but I don't really miss it all that much.
    I still pop on facebook and update my 700 friends to my progress and they say they miss me in-game but they are supportive and proud of me!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I'm a game junkie myself. I really like mmo's and can play them for hours. I do have a wii and did get the EA Active. I'd say it had a limited fun factor for me. I used it for like 2 months and I haven't plugged it in since. The best way to get a work out in would be to do it 1st thing in the morning before you start playing. I have a couple of workout DVD's and I have Netflix. So I always have something new to try and that helps me from getting bored with working out.
  • faerygal
    faerygal Posts: 51
    Seriously try a wii.I have a selection of games and they do appeal to my game playing addictive personality!Or get a short workout like Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.Only twenty mins.I could EASILY sit in front of the T.V but I remind myself how much I want to be lighter and twenty to thirty mins a day is better than covering my bod up all summer!
  • krystin
    krystin Posts: 14
    I used to be a huuuuge Halo 3 fan when it first came out. To get better when the bf was away at work, I started combining it with an elliptical - I just removed the arm bars. It worked awesome! 3 games into it and I'd have an easy 300 calories burned - not to mention you're more focused (once you get used to NOT falling off) and, if you're anything like me, more aggressive (at the game, that is).

    And then I started combining those with my drinking habit too lol! Talk about a workout... terrible, I know. But heck, if you can manage to stay on that darned elliptical a few drinks into an intense game, life is awesome :D
  • Kyliemish
    Kyliemish Posts: 29
    Knew there were defiently other gamers on here =P
    And I defiently want to get a Wii, for Wii Fit and there was another one I saw with the camera that actually corrects your posture and lets you know if your doing the excercises correctly, anyone know what it is or tried it?
    I just hope I wouldn't get bored of them, I love my RPGs and fighting games ><

    And YES, I love DDR, you can work up a pretty good momentum...I think I still have a Hannah Montana one stuck in a closest somewhere, *sshhhhhh* ><

    I think my worst games are MMOs, especially Warcraft. Still love that game, but it does NOT love you back. So many hours! GOD!
    Plus a diet of beer + pancakes, it was pretty pathetic. Staying up all night, not rested, ugh...
    So I'll stick with my console games, and limit myself. I can easily sit for a 7-8hr session and not even notice the time! WoW? Oh man, talk about days going by ><
    I think that's the biggest I've been was during that time plus the crappy diet and drinking...yeah, it dosen't add up nicely in the end. I am defiently still working some of that off!

    And OMG I think I'd fall on my *kitten* ever trying a treadmill or eliptical while gaming lol. Props to you guys who have the coordination for it! Hehe, made me giggle, thinking about trying it though. Wouldn't feel so guilty after at all =P

    So, didn't game last night, instead put on an online anime site, watched some episodes, and did a few reps with 8lb arm weights, some squats + lunges (which my legs are feeling this morning!), and a few ab crunches. It's a good way to workout, plus I look forward to it!
  • faerygal
    faerygal Posts: 51
    Yup hun,It's a game called "your shape" I believe the price has dropped a lot since it came out.The camera is included and it is simple touse.Wierd to see yourself on t.v!sorry for brief reply.Am typing this on my phone while walking!
  • Kyliemish
    Kyliemish Posts: 29
    Yup hun,It's a game called "your shape" I believe the price has dropped a lot since it came out.The camera is included and it is simple touse.Wierd to see yourself on t.v!sorry for brief reply.Am typing this on my phone while walking!

    Hehe, no worries! Thanks a bunch! I defiently want to try and out and see how fun it is =)
    And yay for price drops, can't go wrong with that =P
  • faerygal
    faerygal Posts: 51
    ooh ooh ooh and another one that I like is "my fitness coach cardio workouts" It's all boxing and the avatars look like Manga characters!
  • xecila
    xecila Posts: 99
    Another thing you could do is just find exercises that you can do WHILE you game.

    1: Replace your couch with a stability ball, and sit on that thing while gaming. I'm replacing my computer chair with one, so I can tone while raiding xD Just make sure to keep your posture as straight as possible.. balancing on the ball will work out your abs and back.

    2: Leg lifts! While sitting down, lift one leg, raise it straight out in front of you and hold it for a few seconds. Alternate.

    3: For calfs: While sitting, lift your feet like you're standing on your tippy toes, then lower.