Got LOTS to Lose?

mustangali Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone!
So I've been on MFP for about 3 1/2 weeks now, and I was thinking it would be good to find some friends out there who have lots to lose like I do. I started out at 325 lbs, and I am down to 312 now (which isn't that much but it's a good start, right?)

My goal weight is around 160ish. I've NEVER weighed that little - well at least since I was in high school....

I thought it might be helpful for some of us to band together to give encouragement, and vent about life and the difficult journey of having lots of weight to lose. Please add me as a friend and let's conquer this together!


  • SwissTracey
    SwissTracey Posts: 34 Member
    I think it is much, your doing great. Set yourself a smaller "mini" goal, otherwise it feels out of reach. Good luck your on the right track and it doesn't happen over night. I have to keep reminding myself of that
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Just remember... never, ever, quit!!!

    See the link on my signature for some ways to change your lifestyle to a lifelong lifestyle.
  • borisda
    borisda Posts: 122 Member
    You've done well and remember it's the slow and steady that wins the race. All the best with your goal but don't beat yourself up over it .
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    It's all about small gradual changes. They don't hapen over night. It really is a life style change. I try to think of it that way and not a diet. A diet you will just gain the weight back. You have to change the way you life. Having this website is a great support system but you also need to surround yourself with positive people. People that will influence you in a positive way along your journey and not negatively.
  • Hi there, I too know how you feel my highest weight in January of this year was 325 pounds, I have lost 10 on my own but needed support to help me with the rest I started here weighing 315 pounds and will weigh in every monday, so best off luck I will send you a friends request as it seems like we will be on the same journey together

  • I think any weight loss is fantastic. I have 80lbs to loose and am scared to death I won't. My health really depends on it. I lost 10 lbs before I joined this site. I pray that with support from my doctors and friends that I make along the way I can reach my goal. Good luck to you.
  • Way to go!!! It is a lot... I used to think the same way until I worked in a Deli and some lady came in when ham was on sale and wanted 15 yes 15lbs shaved and bagged seperately... as I piled it on the counter I was like wow!! I have lost that much weight ( of course that was a couple of years ago and I have put it back on) haha but it's coming off again real soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! so eveytime I step on the scales and have only lost 1 lb I just think of that meat sitting on the counter and that is a lot!! keep it up you are doing great!!!! feel free to add me as a friend I think sticking together is the way to go... Good luck

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