Looking for your thoughts on a weigh loss suggestion?

I recently read somewhere..maybe a link from Pinterest..not too sure..that to shed weight a little more quickly you can eat really low cal for one or two days a week, then eat your regular intake the other days. Their suggestion was like 600-800 calories on the low days and 14-1600 the other days. Thoughts on this???


  • NiagaraCheryl
    NiagaraCheryl Posts: 56 Member
    I've never tried anything like that. I know I'd be miserable eating that little even if it was only for one day.
  • Missallison7691
    I'm definitely not an expert my mom tried something like that a few months ago and it certainly didn't help. She lost about 10 pounds in the first week but felt really sick and dizzy on her low cal days. She gained it back pretty quickly too. I've been eating about 1200-1400 calories a day (45% carb, 25% fat, 30% protein) and its working so far and I don't feel like I'm depriving myself or going hungry. Hope this helps : )
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I'd pass out with calories like that. My blood sugar wouldn't know how to handle it. I sure that is not a healthy idea.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    you can do this. doctors say it is healthy.

    our bodies do not work on a 24-hour schedule. As long as you consume a minimum of 8400 calories a week, you should be fine.

    I do this. (just started today)

    on my low calorie days, I'm actually on a liquid diet (consuming all my calories through liquids) and honestly I haven't felt hungry at all in between. Soups are amazing at keeping me full.

    on my regular days, I just try to eat sensibly. I dropped 3 pounds of water weight today. so here's hoping to some real success ^_^
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    I should also mention you don't want to do two low-calorie days back to back. give yourself a day of normal eating in between to break the fatigue and to get more energy in your body.

    remember: calories are energy.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    It's called calorie cycling. You eat 30% below your TDEE for 2-3 days a week Then eat at or above your TDEE for the rest of the week. Eat more on your heavy workout days and less on more sedentary days.

    The extra calories on work out days will help with muscle recovery and your body will put the extra calories into your lean body mass, instead of store any extra calories as body fat.

    This will, in turn, increase your overall metabolism due to the addition of muscle.

    It's pretty slick, actually. It takes a LOT of discipline and the ability not to give into cravings all that often. But it sure does work well when cutting body fat.
  • ChubbyBunny212
    ChubbyBunny212 Posts: 19 Member
    Fad diets just don't work. I also set my goal for the day at 1200 calories. I no longer work and cannot exercise so 1200 calories a day is a healthy level for me. I lost 25 lbs over the last 4 months and so far I see no sagging skin from too rapid weight loss. Fad diets are dangerous to health.
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    why not just keep doing what youre doing if its worked?
  • mommyweighless
    mommyweighless Posts: 192 Member
    I should have added that I am not doing this...just wanted to see what people thought about it.
  • MooMyuu
    MooMyuu Posts: 38 Member
    why not just keep doing what youre doing if its worked?
    because our bodies are very complex machines and they get accustomed to routine.
    Changing things up shocks the body and keeps it on its toes. It can't get bored if you're constantly changing things.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    It's calorie cycling. If you google it, you can find a lot about it. I did it when I did Weight Watchers several years ago and it helped me to get the scale and fat loss moving. I'm actually going to try it again starting today. People seem to have great results with it. There are different schedules. I know that I am NOT going to do 600-800 cal on low days lol.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I recently read somewhere..maybe a link from Pinterest..not too sure..that to shed weight a little more quickly you can eat really low cal for one or two days a week, then eat your regular intake the other days. Their suggestion was like 600-800 calories on the low days and 14-1600 the other days. Thoughts on this???

    The human body cannot tell the difference between fasting/ restrictive diet and a famine, nobody in their right mind thinks a famine is healthy it puts the body into a state of stress. IF you want to do this I would strongly recommend you change your regular food intake to ONLY nutrient dense foods, ensuring you consume far more than the recommended daily intake of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein, fibre and carbs. Not everything can be stored but at least the body has a chance to play catch up, instead of being further stressed by having to digest white refined/ processed/ sugary/ junk. Personally I think attempting to eat a nutritious yet restrictive diet would be supremely boring!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    One day of low calories isn't going to change your metabolism. I haven't tried this sort of intermittent fasting, up day down day, calories cycling myself, but I know people who find it helps them.