Nothing fits.

Nothing fits me well. I've been recycling the same 5 shirts throughout the past 2 weeks.
I was doing so well around two months ago, but ever since I got home (I'm a college student), I have been binging EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I am not exaggerating. Probably averaging around 5000 calories a day. And that has been for the past 3 weeks.
I can't take it anymore.

I was noticeably smaller with diminishing love handles, a flat tummy, leaner thighs just a mere two months ago. And now I feel worse than ever.
I can't get myself to start up again. I'm so frustrated. I need help.


  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    You've got to start moving more and eating less. You can do it!
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Do you know why you binge eat? Is something bugging you and this is how your dealing with it? I never used the word binge but I know when I had emotional struggles in my life that I would eat trying to make myself feel better. If this is the case you need to find something else to deal with the problems or stress in your life. I have to say just take it one day at a time and move forward. If your eating things to satisfy cravings you need to find less calorie filling foods. Its not easy getting started but your worth it.
  • jaimelynn01
    you CAN do it! i know this is frustrating! I have been there SO MANY times. now, i have 3 kids to keep up with and i use every excuse to not work out because im exhausted by the end of the day. so, this is what i did:
    i laid on my bed, quietly. and thought: what do i want? how do i want my life to be? what is important to me? am I important to me? whose job is it to take care of me? when i answered those questions i was a bit more focused on my goals.
    find an exercise you like to do. and just do it. dont think about it. come home from whatever you do, put your workout clothes on and GO. Eat to fuel: i try my best (dont always make it but i try) to eat as clean as possible and what has happened is that now the processed sugary foods taste terribly sweet and rich to me..not enjoyable.
    if you look at my page, i have only lost 1 lb. but i am here every day and working hard every day, even if the numbers dont change for a while. if i can do it, so can you!!!
  • jam9jam5
    I am in a similar vote!! I just want to feel happy and ENJOY going shopping and buying clothes I love! But for right now I'm wearing the same 4 t shirts and couple pairs of jeans! Time for change! You can do it! :D
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    Find something to occupy your hands. I used to binge when bored. I got into electronics and slotcars (ok, addicted) but now I have somewhere to go when I have 'nothing' to do. When I was in college I used to hike when bored. I forced myself to more or less walk the entire city/area while I was there. I got as motorcycle and then began to ride. I knew I had to get away from food. Get yourself away from your temptation.
  • oDapho
    oDapho Posts: 50
    I've been there too and it's an extremely hard place to be. What helps me get out of it is taking a day to stop and reassess my eating habits by eating only when I'm hungry, and only enough to satisfy me. Start your day in a way that will set your habits for the rest of the day: when you first wake up, drink a tall glass of cold water, then do maybe a 10 minute exercise video on youtube before breakfast. You don't necessarily have to eat super clean.. eat whatever you want, but listen to your stomach. It's also cathartic to just toss all the tempting junk food. Throw it away or ask a family member to hide it. This will prepare you for the next day, and the day following, to eat only what you need. It gets easier with each passing day. You might think that since you've been bingeing like this for such a seemingly long time, it will be hard to break the habit, but it's not really. The first 3 days or so of ending the bingeing cycle will be hard, yes. But after that you'll wonder why you needed all that junk in the first place. This is just what has worked for me.
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    A common trigger for me to over eat is being at my parents' house. I was chubby growing up, so over eating was never discouraged. All the foods in the house are calorie dense- they only purchase whole milk, hot pockets are considered snack "food" and they prefer white bread to whole grain. Their house is in the middle of nowhere, so activities are limited, especially in the winter when the roads are dangerous for motorists as well as pedestrians.
    Log everything. Keep busy as much as possible. Say no to the hoagie.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    binge on steamedveggies and sf jello. filling and u wont go over on calories
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    I do the same... it's very frustrating. Sometimes what works for me is logging everything I'm going to eat for the day on MFP and then only sticking to that...I know it's hard but it's not a day at a time but one bite at a time to break the bingeing's not easy.

    I am on day one of trying to get back on track...I had lost 3 kgs and was getting fitter two weeks ago and then one by one I dropped my regular routine features (3L water, no grains ,etc) until finally I was back to my 'old' way of eating. I started back at the gym on Thursday and it does help. I burned 700 cals yesterday and then I promptly went out and had a big dinner with a lot of unhealthy stuff AND dessert AND then a takeaway of junk on the way home from a night of drinking!

  • tsmith6569
    "Stop eating junk food, that's the problem."

    that helps no one. If it was that simple, none of us would be here reading any of this.

    Logging your food prior to beginning your day IS very helpful and makes it easier to stick to it. It requires a lot of work up front but does make it easier to follow through. We have all been where you are and the self loathing is overwhelming but defeats the purpose. I lost 30 pounds and have put 20 back on and just want to give up most of the time! However, I know for me, I have to make up mind & just do it (as suggested with the exercising when you come home) and I have to realize it is a life long process not a quick fix and I control what I put in my body. Best of luck to you!