Anybody new to MFP like me?

Hey my name is Tiffany I'm new to MFP...I'm 22yrs old laid back just looking for some positive people to connect with this is new for me (weight loss) and I really don't have anyone in my corner as far as motivation and inspiration besides my fiance and my daughter....So if there is anyone out there that wouldn't mind becoming friends with me on here I'd love to chat thanks a million :happy:


  • HI, I'm brand new to MFP too. i need all the motivation and support i can get too. :wink:
  • brittanyg820
    brittanyg820 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm also brand new! :)
  • That's great I'm totally into meeting new people I'm super excited about this site because I'm at a place in my life where I have to lose weight and I need people in my corner who have to do the same thing I guess someone that can relate to me.. I have about 100 or more pounds to lose which sucks but I will get there in due time :)
  • I have been here almost 3 weeks now, still pretty new. You can add me if you like.
  • I am for the most part. Began last year but wasn't motivated.
  • Hey the key is staying motivated I love to be pushed to my limit I also read a lot of inspirational quotes but you can do it I'm sure :)
  • I'm new too. joined a few months ago but just couldn't get it i'm back
  • brittanyg820
    brittanyg820 Posts: 12 Member
    I also have a lot to lose! Cheers to keeping each other motivated!
  • Bexyf
    Bexyf Posts: 42 Member
    Hey guys I have been here forever (fell off for a year) but been on it.for last 9 months again.

    Feel free to add me if you want xx
  • i'm new too. you can add me if you'd like to. i started food tracking 3 days ago. it's new to me and a little challenging, and also kind of exciting to get started on this journey that i've said that i was going to do for several years.
  • I'm new to MFP too... literally just joined today. I'd always heard about it but only decided to join now. Feel free to add me, as I am not really sure as to what to do just yet, haha. Always looking for motivation and positive people :)
  • Day two on here for me, or is it day 3. Doesn't the time fly this time of year?
  • AndreaChronicles
    AndreaChronicles Posts: 22 Member
    I'm new too ! I'll add you as a friend if thats ok... I was wondering what MFP meant haha I felt super stupid when I figured out what you were saying lol.
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member

    We are here to motivate and support each other
    on this incredible journey :)

    Let's make it a great one!

    Good Luck!!!
  • I'm new too. I will add you. I need the encouragement too!
  • ok so where are the other men hiding? I seem to be in the minority here!
  • A friend just told me about this stie today. I am still trying to figure out how it works. My sister and I want to diet together but I live in Washington and she lives in Arizona. Anyone know how we can do that with this site?
  • Hi!! I'm not new, but I keep falling out of it!
    I'd really love some friends for support and motivation, :)
    Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • aliceguy
    aliceguy Posts: 128 Member
    ok so where are the other men hiding? I seem to be in the minority here!

    heres one of the other men, not new though, started August 2011. I lost 7 kilograms before I found MFP, then lost another 5 then stayed about that level up until a week or so ago. Lost another 3 since then as my determination has found me again.

    I log everyday, but I dont alwways "complete my entry" as others then comment that I am eating too little and go on about the "starvation mode" in bodys. I dont know if its true, probably is, makes sense, but when your BMI is off the richter scale is in the obese section, I figure my body can use up some spare for now. But I know as I lose more that will have to change.

    And as I feel ok, I guess my body will tell me if something is wrong if I am eating too little. I eat fresh veges and protein everyday and drink buckets of water,...anyway, point is....yes there is another guy here, all the way from Australia though...mates
  • There are many great people here that motivate and inspire....good luck on your journey..