ashf828 Posts: 14
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Why do I start doing well and then fall back to old habits? Why can I not get into the groove and stay there? Why can I not get into a workout routine??

UGHH I really need help..What should I do?


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You can do it. Stop coming up with reason why you can't and just do it.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    You can do it! I can't tell you how many times in the past I thought I would get healthy and went crazy at first then couldn't keep it up. I've just slowly been little changes this time and it's been much easier to stick with then completely revamping my lifestyle. When I start to get used to something then I increase the intensity, or go to the gym one more day a week, etc, so it's not so overwhelming. Good luck!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    You need to be motivated and commit to doing it! You have to be ready! The light bulb needs to come on and stay on! It has taken me two years to get it back! Don't get me wrong I wanted it but I wasn't and couldn't commit to doing it. I came up with every excuse in the book why I couldn't do it! But the truth was if I wanted it bad enough then I would find a way to make it happen and stop putting it off. So you need to ask yourself am I willing to give it everything I got to make this happen? Baby steps set goals and stick to it. When I first started I told myself I will log every day and I will drink my water every day. When I got good at that I moved on and have added exercise in. I believe in you and I think and know you can do this. But it doesn't matter what I think. It matters what you think and what you are willing to do for yourself to make it happen. :wink: Hugs!
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    It's hard to get in to the routine. I have always been told and do believe that it takes 21 days of doing the same thing( or not doing it) to make it a habit. I have always come up with excuses not to go to the gym- I work too late at night, i was too busy today to get there, too many kids things to do, etc etc. Well you get the idea. I started in December at the local fitness center. I started on a 21 day trial ' fitness challenge' and in order to finish I had to go at least 5 days a week. I could go 2 days in a row and take a day off and then go 2 more days. When I first started i could only walk about 20 min and then do my weight training, in total i spent about 45 min there. Now I am there about 1.5 hours a day 5-6 days a week. I pack my lunches for work and plan my meals so that I really cant sabotage my self. I hope my story helps you. I have lost a total of 26 lbs since I started and 15 since starting this site. Good luck in your journey. Remember all things in moderation. So if you fall off, just pick your self up and Get back on where you left off.
  • fitandhealthy
    fitandhealthy Posts: 82 Member
    You've already lost 12 pounds! You can lose the rest! We all slip back everynow and then, but keep pushing forward. Whenever you feel week, take your son outside and play with him. That will keep you motivated! :) Hang in there!
  • It might take you a little while to figure out what motivates you .. focus on small victories and not the big picture -- What makes you tick? Why do you want to get into shape? Grab on to those things and don't let them go. Learn to not take "no" for an answer, especially from yourself. You CAN do this.
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    I find it helpful to take one day at a time. I try no to think " I can never have chips again!" becasue then I get frustrated and upset. But if I commit to making healthy choices TODAY that seems do-able. Along the same lines, if I have a crappy day food and excercise wise I try not to beat myself up, just move on and do my best the next day. It seems to be working so far!
  • omg i love to eat and i can do it, it my be mean but there is this girl who lives beside me and we do not get along, she is extremely obese (she's about 350) and tells me that i can not diet that diets do not work, this was Jan 01/10 and now 3 months later i have lost 25 lbs, and even though i am doing it for me, i love to throw it in her face, yes mean but very motivational lol
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Ash... Take a good look at why you keep going back to your old, unwanted habits. This is something I'm working on right now too. I lose 5 lbs, go home, gain them back, start over. It's happened 2 or 3 times since I began my journey on MFP in February! I'm starting to notice patterns. If you take a good, honest look at what keeps stopping your progress, I'm sure you'll find patterns in the way you look at things / the things you tell yourself too. I have yet to get into the groove of working out too. By the way, you take beautiful photos! :flowerforyou:
  • alex8118
    alex8118 Posts: 22
    When it comes to excercise, I'm not so good with anything really strenuous. I go for long walks, walking is fun:) I strap weights onto my ankles to burn more calories and tone up my legs a bit. Yoga is fun too, but I don't do that all the time. I love dancing, I find it so much fun, but only in classes, I can't dance by myself watching a dancing DVD, it just doesn't work for me.

    As for my diet,.. I have a hemitite crystal white reads "strength" on one side,.. I find it helps alot of the time when I feel helpless, make mistakes or don't see results,.. I remember my strengths and my goals and I better visualize what I will be like soon enough if I just stay strong and make good food choices.

    Also, the "I Can Make You Thin" plan is really great,.. it's not a diet, it aims to re-program you to stop emotionally eating and only eating when you are hungry etc,.. it's a hypnosis thing. There is a diary you can get with it too...

    Hope I helped:)
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    First off, dont be so hard on yourself, there is not "one magic thing" that ever makes this easier for any of us. The best thing to do is take it moment by moment especially when your having a hard time commiting and staying there. Remember every food choice is a new one and even if you only make the right choice 1/2 the time your doing better than nothing at all.

    Second everyone is different, some people hold on to their old eating habbits out of comfort, some out of pain, some out self esteem. Its always a good idea to figure out which one you are to work on that before you can be set free.

    Remember every day is a brand new day every moment a brand new one and even if you mess up the great thing is there is always a new moment just around the corner to prove to yourself you can do it. =)

    I have been doing this for 10 months now and still feel overwhelmed some days and over eat but I get back up and try again and again and again!!!
    We are here for ya:flowerforyou:
  • zildgian
    zildgian Posts: 7 Member
    It takes 21 days to change a habit. Try to commit for just that 21 days. Then a few more days after that...and s on. Whe you feel like you are slipping just hope on to this site and there will be tons of people rooting you on. You can do this.
  • jenners22
    jenners22 Posts: 91
    Why do I start doing well and then fall back to old habits? Why can I not get into the groove and stay there? Why can I not get into a workout routine??

    UGHH I really need help..What should I do?

    I was the same way. I'd lose 20 pounds and then start slacking. One thing that is helping me are my "mini-goals" in my signature. It helps keeps me focused when I try to tell myself that I can 'have that chocolate bar' and work it off later. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted a "bad" thing and then asked myself "will this help me get to my next little goal"

    Hope it helps. It also helps to get support from the real world as well a this little MFP virtual world. My sister is my crisis call and my son is my live-in reminder/helper.
  • Wow!! you mean I am not alone!!!! I am the same way but we just have to keep starting over and saying this time its going to work... I did that when I quit smoking and I have not had a cigarette in over 15 years so I am sure this is going to work too!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last year I joined a class ( did the two month trial) loved it ... it was awsome... but never went back after the two months was over until last month finally got off my butt and signed up for a year.... OMG I thought I was gonna die after an hour of Cardio Kickboxing and I promised myself I would never stop going again... My husband joined with me too and he worked tonight and had the car but I was determined to get to that class so I walked.. I was very impressed with myself only took me 45 min to walk.. then I did the 45 min class.. I feel real good right now.. ( A LITTLE STIFF) HAHA but good inside...Just keep doing it and one day it will stick with you!!! I am sure it's going to stick with me this time Good Luck

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    You need to be motivated and commit to doing it! You have to be ready! The light bulb needs to come on and stay on! It has taken me two years to get it back! Don't get me wrong I wanted it but I wasn't and couldn't commit to doing it. I came up with every excuse in the book why I couldn't do it! But the truth was if I wanted it bad enough then I would find a way to make it happen and stop putting it off. So you need to ask yourself am I willing to give it everything I got to make this happen? Baby steps set goals and stick to it. When I first started I told myself I will log every day and I will drink my water every day. When I got good at that I moved on and have added exercise in. I believe in you and I think and know you can do this. But it doesn't matter what I think. It matters what you think and what you are willing to do for yourself to make it happen. :wink: Hugs!

    This is great advice. This is pretty much what happened to me and then about 20 days ago it all really just clicked for me. I took baby steps and focused on one thing at a time. For me it was calories, water then exercise. Don't try and do all of it at once it can become to overwhelming. Take baby steps and focus on one thing at a time. When that is routine add another.

    One thing I forgot. In your profile you said you like taking pictures. Not sure what kind but if you like nature stuff you could just take a short hike through a park and bring your camera and see what new things you see.
  • ashf828
    ashf828 Posts: 14
    Thanks to all of of you for such inspiration. Right now I am working on cutting calories, carbs, fat, and exercising. It was all put on me at once. Plus I have my husband down me as well. He doesn't mean any harm.. He's just trying to get me motivated. My goal is to lose 20lbs by Memorial Day weekend. Is that possible? I have mini goals I guess. Every 5 lbs I can treat myself to something. Every 15lbs is something big.

    Thank you for the comments on my photos! I love taking pictures of children and families. :) I am hoping to get more business soon.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    IDK how it is for everyone else, but when I start to see progress and I'll lose say 5 lbs I'll be like "yes I'm doing awesome! I'm gonna reward myself with a cheeseburger" and that cheeseburger turns into fries and a shake and doing horrible the rest of the week, and by week 2 it's all back again plus some. That may not be what you do, but an idea is to reward yourself with things like..pedicures and manicures and back rubs instead of food.
    Other times I'll work my butt off and see no progress and just say screw it it's not worth it.
    When you feel that way just remember one of my favorite sayings "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels"
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Thanks to all of of you for such inspiration. Right now I am working on cutting calories, carbs, fat, and exercising. It was all put on me at once. Plus I have my husband down me as well. He doesn't mean any harm.. He's just trying to get me motivated. My goal is to lose 20lbs by Memorial Day weekend. Is that possible? I have mini goals I guess. Every 5 lbs I can treat myself to something. Every 15lbs is something big.

    Thank you for the comments on my photos! I love taking pictures of children and families. :) I am hoping to get more business soon.

    20 might be a bit much for less than 2 months. You could shoot for 5-8 pounds per month and really work on firming up. Slower weight loss is really healthier and easier to maintain.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I look at it this way. I hate going to work. Really it is the very last thing I want to do everyday, but I do it. Why? Because I have to. So, I figure I am giving that much time and energy to that activity that benefits me with a paycheck only, surely I can put myself through some hard work for ME, and me alone, which will result in rewards way beyond a paycheck.

    Just do it.
  • shannalx
    shannalx Posts: 3
    We've all been there, setbacks are part of life, quitting shouldn't be. I recommend you join a group exercise class. There are a lot of community schools where you pay a small fee to join a dance/aerobics/swimming/whatever-activity-you-like group (which remains the same throughout the semester). Try also your local community college.. The instructor will know your name and if you skip classes she/he'll hold you accountable. Doing this all alone and forcing yourself to go to the gym or do that exercise DVD is really tough on a beginner. As for the diet part.. PLAN AHEAD!! I mean, don't go overboard and plan for the entire month... Do it weekly, or every 3 days. Get veggies in small microwavable packages and seasoned chicken/fish fillets that you can pop in the oven w/o much work. You signed up and joined this online community, that means you already have the most important factor, which is your WILL to change! You can do this.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Umm hello your HUMAN!!!! stop beating your self up, girl the good part about being human is there is a new day right around the corner , get up say out loud how your day is going to go and claim your fate, You can do it !!!!
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