
Hey all...
I have been at this for about 4wks and was losing 3lbs a week..This week I flopped and gained back a pound..My biggest thing is that I'm working out as much as my body allows..I have a degenerative disc which means the bottom of my spine has deterioated so it makes doing aerobics hard for me..I have had 2 c-sections which has left my belly sagging..What can I do to help tighten this up?? My biggest fear is that I'll get to my goal weight and then have all of this excess fat hanging..I have been walking almost 3mi a day but not sure if this is going to be enough...I also do some step aerobics and biggest loser bootcamp but can only do about 15-20mins of those..I'm feeling very discouraged that my weight-loss seems to be slowing down and that my belly isn't tightening up..Any advice would be helpful!!


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about the disc problem. That sounds painful. One thing that might help with the stomach is pilates and anything involving a lot of core stabilization (like work on a balance ball, anything in plank position, etc.). Can you swim for aerobics? Or water aerobics or even water jogging? Also, keep up the walking. Every little bit does help and the stronger you can build your core, you mind find yourself able to do more aerobics (though I don't know, it's just a thought).
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You've had one bad weigh in. Don't let that get you down. I've struggled for years to get this 30 pounds off and finally met my goal 2 days ago. I've had so many ups and downs and would get so upset but I stuck with it and it did come off. You're doing great things for yourself. Try decreasing your sodium and increasing your water for a few days. Women in particular have major fluctuations in weight due to water retention.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    3 lbs a week sounds like an awful lot. I think 1-2 lbs is recommended. That keeps your body from going into starvation mode. It also gives your skin a chance to bounce back. If you're eating within your target, I don't think you need to worry about the 1 lb gained. The average is still good. Sometimes your body retains water, sometimes it sheds it. That can account for a lot of fluctuation. Of course, it's still hard psychologically when you don't see the scale go down. :wink:
  • jmjones2002
    We've actually just started checking into getting a pool..I love to swim and we even thought about getting a salt water pool..I just worry about my skin..I hate how it sags..I'm gonna keep on going..NOT giving up..I have been over 200lbs for the last 13yrs and I'm officially tired of it!! Thanks for the replies and advice..Hopefully with what I'm doing my skin will tighten up somewhat!!
  • andie3045
    Never get discouraged. If you gain a pound, it could quite possibly mean that you've simply gained a pound of muscle from the exercise and muscle training you've been doing. Your body takes some time to react to the exercise you're giving it... I gained 2 pounds this week but have been on such a strict diet that I KNOW I haven't gained two pounds of fat. If you know you're trying your hardest, that's all that matters. Results will surface, give your body time.

    As for the belly, I suggest you continue your cardio and do core training. Working on your abs won't only train your abdominal muscles but will also help your posture (and self confidence). I find that when I workout my abs, for days and days afterwards, my abs are tight and almost automatically flex while I'm simply standing. They're sore, no doubt about it, but they remind me to stand up straight and keep my belly in!
  • shannalx
    shannalx Posts: 3
    You're still doing great by losing 2lbs in one week! Don't be so hard on yourself! High expectations and impatience could sabotage your goal by draining your disposition, so just keep being active and eating sensibly, the pounds will come off, even if the rate at which they do fluctuates a little. Also, if your current workout routine is hurting your back or any other body part, you should definitely switch to a different type of activity to avoid injuries.

    As for your skin, the following foods are great for overall skin health (incl. elasticity): carrots, Brazil nuts, sweet potatoes, berries, pomegranates, salmon, avocados, and sunflower seeds. Try to incorporate them in your diet. I would also use a stretch mark cream formulated for pregnant women.. It's thicker than regular versions and will help deter stretch marks from weight loss. You can also look at the following site which has some recommendations for some inexpensive skin firming lotions:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • coold
    coold Posts: 85
    have you tried an elliptical machine at a gym??? i love it and it is low impact on the joints, etc....may help.
  • KateDonnelly
    The important thing is to keep creating healthy targets and then aiming for them as often as possible. Your heart and lungs and brain thank you for all your hard work and eventually the belly will go too!
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Here are some steps that might help with the loose skin.

    Step 1

    Think of how long it took your body to reach your highest weight. It didn't happen overnight, so you can't really expect your skin to become taut in such a short space of time.

    Many surgeons recommend waiting two years from the day you reach your weight loss target before even considering surgery. This allows you to exhaust all options available naturally before entering into a costly and potential dangerous operation.

    Step 2

    Nourish your skin and encourage it's elasticity. Exfoliate your skin daily to encourage removal of dead skin cells. Doing this each day will stimulate your skin's circulation which should help in tightening skin up.

    Step 3

    Treat yourself to a hot hour-long bath once or twice a week. While the bath is being drawn, add 1/2lb of pure sea salt to the water and allow it to dissolve. Besides relaxing your body and muscles, it will draw toxins out of your skin and will improve your overall skin tone.

    Step 4

    Determine what your body fat percentage is. It's impossible to differentiate loose skin from body fat without this figure. Many gyms are able to assess your body for this.

    Step 5

    While you may have reached your goal weight, it's possible that your body fat percentage is still high. In order to reduce this, you should strive to change your body's composition by reducing fat and replacing it with muscle. If you haven't done so already, speak to a gym or a personal trainer to work on an exercise plan which will help you achieve this.

    Step 6

    Aloe vera extract, soy protein and yeast extract can improve your skin's elasticity by increasing your body's production of elastin and collagen. It not only tightens your skin but your skin's natural defenses as well.

    Step 7

    Coconuts can help tighten your skin up!Eating raw food such as cucumber, tomato, olives and coconut can mark an improvement in your skin's elasticity.

    Step 8

    Hyaluronic Acid is naturally found in our body's tissues. It depletes over time, so it's worth supplementing your diet with some. It is critical for muscle growth, so if you're replacing pounds of fat with muscle, it's definitely worth taking. Smokers tend to be lacking this nutrient. It needs magnesium to synthesize, so ensure you're taking magnesium daily to reap its benefits.
  • jmjones2002
    Thank you for all the replies..Lots of helpful tips here:-) The first thing my hubby said was " Don't worry, we'll get you a tummy tuck".I really don't want to go under the knife unless it's necessary!! I'm gonna try the lotions, foods, baths etc!! I hadn't even thought about skin part, I was only focusing on the fat sagging!!