2013 will be the year

Looking forward to making 2013 my year.

I am - - A woman. A Sole Parent. A coffee lover. A book-a-holic. A troubled soul. A hard worker. A yoyo'ing crash dieter. A crochet extraordinaire. A domestic goddess. An anxiety laden, depression prone human. A Coeliac. An Aussie. A recently turned 30 year old. A just-one-more-piece chocolate fiend. A passionate believer. A need-more-practice Buddhist. A not-so-perfect Mother / Daughter / Sister / Friend. And a learner just trying to vive la vida.

Looking for like minded people, so ADD ME!


  • You can crochet? I am JEALOUS! I am learning to knit at the moment. Big craft fan! x
  • i have celiac's as well :) and love books. and yo yo diet lol
  • sarahmoore0979
    sarahmoore0979 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey all...
    2013 is going to be / has to be my year as well... new to this and flicking through the different conversations this caught my eye - I'd love to be able to crochet, but can patchwork!
    So... here's to resolutions and succeeding this time round! x
  • amygard88
    amygard88 Posts: 6 Member
    I am-- here to support you! My mantra, my creed, my motivating quote for 2013 is "Yesterday you said tomorrow." Good luck!
  • You should add "writer" to that list. I'd love to support you on your journey. Used to crochet, as well as to knit. Come to think of it, my fingers would be less tempted to sneak forbidden foods if I was busy with needles and wool...
  • I taught myself to crochet last year as a New Years Resolution to find a hobby. Thank you YouTube! I love it and yes it keeps the hands busy when a binge is lurking.

    Thanks to all who added me =)
  • ismiseciara
    ismiseciara Posts: 211 Member
    just added you :) btw i learned how crochet off you tube too :)
  • Gotcha =) Yep, YouTube is pretty neat. Lots of how-to's make it pretty easy to learn stuff. I can't get my fingers to understand knitting tho...
  • KelRed
    KelRed Posts: 30
    I too and looking for making 2013 the year. Anyone please feel free to add me to your friend list. I have been on here for 6 months....it has been a slow start for me
  • FLbaby2012
    FLbaby2012 Posts: 16 Member
    Love your post! Can't crochet, though I was taught as a kid but don't remember a stitch. Haha! I can related to the chocolate fiend, spirituality searching and yoyo dieting. Hope to be of support and motivation to each other.
  • scorepiyo
    scorepiyo Posts: 73 Member
    I love your username! lol
  • :drinker: The year I am a sexy mother trucker!!!!
  • :drinker: The year I am a sexy mother trucker!!!!

    Hellz yeah!