new to my fitness and new to insanity!! advice, support?

Hi all!!!

I just started my fitness pal and beachbody insanity yesterday. I am 41 and out of shape and need to lose at least 50 pounds. I just signed up for the warrior dash and it is a month from today. I have done it before last year but I am not in shape at all now :(. I really like my fitness pal so far and insanity is INSANE!!!! Did I mention I start a new job tomorrow??

Anyone out there want to give me some advice or their story??



  • MeaganFitbod
    I saw your post about how you were doing Insanity. I was just wondering if you were interested in joining our online support group on Facebook to keep us all accountable and share nutrition/physical tips? We actually just had several members today discuss how they use fitness pal along with Insanity to achieve their goals. We are filling up our January group, a lot of new years resolutions :-), so if you are interested and on Facebook, feel free to send me a friend request. MeaganFitbod.

  • pumpkin11
    Meagan can I join the fb group? I'm also about to start insanity for the 1st time :)
    ggirl, good luck on ur journey, plus ur new job!
  • wonderwoman1974
    wonderwoman1974 Posts: 66 Member
    What exactly is Insanity? Interested....I might want to try it.
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi!!! And welcome to MFP! I am in my second round of Insanity. Two important things that I have learned....take a break when you need to take a's ok AND modify the moves if you need to. I have a bad foot and knee due to old injuries, so there were some things that I had to modify not to aggravate things. Enjoy your Insanity ride and good luck :-)
  • newmrsdec10
    newmrsdec10 Posts: 361 Member
    I'm also an Insanity grad (did 2 rounds actually). Ttknowles01 is right - take breaks and modify as you need to. It doesn't get easier, but you'll get better! Also I'd recommend taking pics and measurements (and repeating regularly throughout) to check your progress. The scale doesn't always tell the whole story.

    There is an Insanity update/progress thread that was a big help when I first started. You've got people doing (have done) the same crazy stuff you are; add some to your friends list for support.

    Good luck with everything!
  • pogereilly
    pogereilly Posts: 11 Member
    I did Insanity, and it is difficult,(to say the least). The best support I can offer is to take a moment during the workout when you HAVE to, not when you WANT to. But, and this is important, get back to work as soon as you physically can, even if it is tough, at a tough exercise, or you are absolutely drenched in sweat.
    Also, do it every day. Don't skip a day, don't skip a workout, don't skip a DVD. Do it when you don't feel good, do it when you are tired, do it when you are cranky at the world. There are few things that feel better than when you have had an atrocious day and you get though a tough workout and you can tell Shawn T, "Dam* straight I dug deeper," (if you don't get the reference, don't worry, you will soon enough).