working nights

Tubbyangel Posts: 25
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
hi everyone I started this new post as I work a mix of night shifts and days I have only really started trying tolose weight and get fit and have founf that when I work days I can manage my diet well (mostly) and can always get my exerise in but when I work nights it all goes to hell and I generally put on 1-2lbs again cos I cant seem to get the exersise in and I dont eat well.

I know Im not the only person facing this problem and was interested in how other people manage this constant flicking from days to nights.


  • nalance
    nalance Posts: 3
    I am right there with you.... I asked the same question yesterday. I don't know how to manage my eating when I switch back and forth. I only have 600 cals left for the day and its 5 in the morning. I hope I sleep all day... :/ sorry I am not much help but I hope someone can help!
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    the day before I work a night shift I hit the gym hard for a 50 min workout and try for 550ish calories. That allows me another meal at night (I pack fruits/veggies plus a smart ones frozen dinner plus a starbucks double shot or similar to keep me awake). For me the key is water, low cal munchies (I take a ton of fresh veggies and mindlessly eat through them!), and caffeine! If you look through my food diary you'll see some nights-I have a night shift section on my food diary-I worked monday night for example. Then I drink my slim fast before going to sleep and try to do the shred DVD later. This is really working for me. I tend to work at least one nights shift a week. I count a day until I go to sleep so all my calories through the night I count as the day before if that makes any sense and then my slim fast fits in nicely in the next day.
  • ssitari
    ssitari Posts: 13
    When I started my diet I was on that exact shift:

    Friday & Saturday nights: Midnight - 8am
    Monday & Tuesday: 8am - 4pm

    What I did was this:
    Monday - Thursday I worked out (mix of cardio and some strength) and followed my normal eating schedule.

    Thursday night, I would stay up as late as I humanly could (4 / 5am). Then when I got up (Friday @ noon), I would have my breakfast and work out. I would then come home, clean up, relax for a few hours, and head to bed (5pm) -- getting up at 10:30 pm for work (eating my "lunch") and heading in. Around 4am I would have my dinner. I'd work until 8am, come home and sleep until noon. Get up and repeat what I did the day before) -- minus the workout on Saturday.

    This really seemed to work for me -- but everyone is different. The shift is really taxing on the body, because you are throwing it out of whack (sleep and eating) day in and day out (almost putting you in a constant jet-lag mode). That seemed to be the best solution for me.

    I hope that helps!
  • thank you for your tips tonight is my first night on and I am going to exerise now walk for 1hour and use my new toning ball then sleep as much as I can. Going to try and be organised and bring in lots of fruit and some protein to snack on. My mission is to try and do some exersie when I get home tomorrow morning.

    I figure that if it doesnt work this way I will try something else next time.

    Thanks agin
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