I was doing good and then I fell off track like always!

:sad: The holidays are always so hard on me! My emotions are going crazy and I feel like crap! I have lost all motivation and Im so sick and tired of feeling like this and looking like this! I had lost 25 lbs and now I have gained all except 10 lbs back! I have 2 kids and getting married next January! I do want to feel like this or look like this! I always feel like running away but thats not gonna do any good I know! My stress and irritation levels have hit there max and I cant take anymore! I feel like a old old woman in her death bed and Im only turning 30! Help me please I need advice and motivation again to get back to it! I want to be healthier for myself and my family!


  • dcerna62
    dcerna62 Posts: 45 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I lost 43 pounds, had a baby got back to my pre-baby weight now I'm at a stand still and I just can't seem to get past it. I know how to do it . I did it before but now everytime I restart my diet, I come to work and fail. There are so many goodies to eat here and I have trouble telling myself no.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    About 5 years ago some friends and colleagues were talking about losing weight. I said I really wanted tolose weight and one of my mentors told me, "Well, when you're ready to lose weight, you will". Guess what? She was absolutely right. I have tried too many times to count over my adult years. Never succeeded. Why? I wasn't really ready. Back in April of this year, I decided to try again. Guess what? I have stuck to the healthy eating and the exercise every day for the last 9 months. And for the first time it's challenging but I want to do this so - I do. Another thing is that you have to keep telling your brain that it is not going to happen overnight. You're not going to be at your goal in ______ number of weeks, months, or years. It is a change of lifestyle. I will never go back to the person I was before. I love exercising and eating a lot of healthy foods. I am a new person with new priorities. If we look at this as a short term fix to a big problem, we are destined to fail EVERYTIME. Good luck to you.
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    Nobody said the journey would be easy. It certainly hasn't been for me - I eff up...a lot. Even now. But I know why I messed up, and I know how to correct it. It really helps to figure out the 'why'. Once you know why, you can fix it. For example, I just ate 5 mini reese cups sitting here at work. The reason is because I did not bring or eat breakfast prior to coming to work, and I was hungry, and it was there. To fix it, I know I need to eat or bring something with me (nothing is open in the hospital, so we either have to bring food or forage). When I do that, I know I can resist temptation because I am already full and I can think my way past it - Do I really want this? Is it worth the calories? Is it really going to taste as good as I think? Is it worth giving up on my goals and self-esteem?
    I have to work on slowing down and forcing myself to ask those questions, planning and setting myself up for success rather than failure. I know I will make mistakes because I am learning to change old habits and make new ones. Noone said it would be easy, and noone said it would be quick.
    One effin' day at a time, sweetie, or one meal, or one moment...break it down into manageable pieces, and you'll see. Don't EVER make it an all or nothing thing (my first big mistake) - that is completely overwhelming and impossible.
    Best of luck - you CAN do it. It's cheesy, but Rome truly wasn't built in a day ;)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    :sad: The holidays are always so hard on me! My emotions are going crazy and I feel like crap! I have lost all motivation and Im so sick and tired of feeling like this and looking like this! I had lost 25 lbs and now I have gained all except 10 lbs back! I have 2 kids and getting married next January! I do want to feel like this or look like this! I always feel like running away but thats not gonna do any good I know! My stress and irritation levels have hit there max and I cant take anymore! I feel like a old old woman in her death bed and Im only turning 30! Help me please I need advice and motivation again to get back to it! I want to be healthier for myself and my family!

    Your stress and irritation levels have hit their max? Channel that into cardio, or into lifting weights!

    I started out in February at 228lbs--easily 80-90lbs overweight! 30 minutes on the treadmill had me pouring sweat and stumbling, and I was only going 2.5mph. I had workout partners that were not dedicated at all, and I thought about quitting...but then I decided I was not giving THEM the power to keep me fat. So I kept going. Now I can easily do 30 minutes on the treadmill at 3.2mph and an incline of 3-5%.

    it isn't always about the number on the scale---strength training will change the shape of your body.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    That's the best time to make a real change. No one said it will be easy, but it is definitely worth it. Stay strong and keep on jumping back on that horse. The weight is most likely fake weight and will come off quickly once you recommit. Part of this battle is learning how to never quit on yourself. Once you jump back on the wagon a few times, it gets easier and easier to do. Hang in there.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    One of the substance abuse techniques (that can be applied to this) we use is called "Falling Forward". Just because you had a slight relaspe does not mean that you are back at the beginning or have to start completely over. Start where you are, use what you have learned from the light set back and push forward. You can do it!
  • JillyCornwall
    JillyCornwall Posts: 376 Member
    The holidays are hard on everyone, loads of temptation around everywhere, however you need to get restarted now otherwise those 10lbs will be gone as well. If this sounds harsh then I apologise, but lying in bed watching movies and feeling sorry for yourself will help nothing including your depression or family. So thats the first step to make, get up each day with a plan of what you are going to achieve that day, food wise, exercise wise. It can be as simple as a 10 minute walk or tidy a cupboard or not drink any soda that day. However make that plan and stick to it by making it an achievable goal. You will soon see the results. The second step is log everything in your food diary, good or bad..also open it to your friends so they can keep you accountable, also get a good and supportive circle of MFP friends, that alone can work wonders. Last, remember- it really is up to us, and us alone..if we want to do something we can...and we only have ourselves to blame if we don't!!!!!
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    The subject line tells it all - " I was doing good and then I fell off track like always! " You need to change your mind from thinking you "always" give up. Stop giving up - pick yourself up and get right back into it. Don't let that 10 pound loss go to waste - make your reason for starting in the first place, one of the most important things in your life ~ because ultimately, your life depends on it! Of course it's hard and of course it takes time - but you need to change your mind-set first and foremost. You can do this - just do it!!!
  • Lindaendall
    Lindaendall Posts: 177 Member
    I totally agree with all the previous responses you have had. The only way to do this is slowly but surely, never tell yourself you will lose ___lbs by _____date, the disappointment is not worth it. I set myself small targets, I have lost 37 lbs overall but I have done by setting myself an original target of 15lbs (but not saying in how long), then another 15lbs and then the final few lbs.

    I know I changed my way of life and have kept my weight off since August even though I have had 3 weeksin Spain and then the Christmas excesses.

    One day at a time and you will do this I am sure

    Good luck

  • Thank you to all of you! It all is so true and I am going to going to use your comments around me through out the day to help me keep going and not give up! I am making a schedule routine for my food intake and daily tasks to help keep my goals small so I can keep going and not give up so easy! I am changing my life style one day at a time to help also, I even bought a pedometer tonight and wearing it around the house just to see how active I am at home compared to a day at work! That way I can change my daily routine to better my achieve my goals!
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Just remember, you aren't starting over. You say you are still 10 pounds down from where you started. Use that as motivation and BE PROUD of that 10 pound loss. You can do it, just hang in there.