New start -New year

Hi - I am Jude and i have been "messing about " with my weight loss for the last year , this new year however i am absolutely determined to reach my target weight . My husband is joining in to make things easier - so wish me luck , i would be most grateful for any useful tips . Happy new year .


  • aussiestargazer
    aussiestargazer Posts: 98 Member
    Great start to the New Year and great your husband is so supportive by joining up with you as well! Go for it! Make 2013 the year of the Loser!
  • kjgaler
    Hi Jude!

    I am determined to reach my target weight too! I'm sure with support from your hubby you will do really well!

    Happy New year to you too!

  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Good luck! I started on MFP last New Year, and lost about 55 lbs during last year, so New Year's resolutions are definitely achievable!

    My biggest tip would be just not to give up. It is going to be hard, so you need to accept that from the beginning, but if you have a "bad day" or feel like you're going off track, just get straight back to it. Never think that you've ruined the day so you might as well carry on eating badly, or anything like that. Don't put things off until "tomorrow" or "next week", just get right back to it. Oh, and try to log everything, good or bad. Don't fall into the trap of not logging because you're embarrassed or feel guilty. For me, logging has been key to keep me on track. Once you see it in black and white, it forces you to make better choices.
  • kjgaler
    Hi JesterMFP!

    Thanks so much for your post! Some great advice there that I will defo keep to the front of my mind!

    Kathy :-)
  • judechalmers
    judechalmers Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for your reply - it really helps knowing how others have achieved .I really do feel motivated and ready for action .Let the New Year begin
  • Glassgal01
    Glassgal01 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi Jude,

    I also have messed around this last year trying to lose weight. Now I'm ready to kick it into high gear and get going. My hubby is also joining me in this. There is a 10 week challenge that is starting on the message boards Jan 6th if your interested. Sent an add request to you.
  • judechalmers
    judechalmers Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks - yes the challenge seems a good way to keep your motivation going .Just back from a good swim so feeling great
  • judechalmers
    judechalmers Posts: 32 Member
    This is ridiculous - starting weight 9 days ago , 82kgs , weight this morning 82.6 -what am i doing wrong , excellent diet (but not eating anywhere near my calorie allowance) - going to gym or walking at least 4 times a week , apart from Sunday this week i have really kept to plan ,burnt 732 calories at gym last night . Determined to get to my goal but really frustrated today .What can i do .