Time to shrink

Hi all,
I am 29 and a half. That half is important because not only does the new year mark a new start for me it is 6 months until I turn 30.
I am hoping that by the time I hit that milestone I will be the fittest I have ever been. I am starting personal training and heavy lifting this week as part of my quest.
I have had a terrible Christmas and new year putting on EIGHT POUNDS so I am feeling pretty low. Feel free to add me for support I have a long journey ahead.


  • FatNFunky
    FatNFunky Posts: 16 Member
    No one sticks to a diet over Christmas..... its the law!
    I started my diet just after my 30th birthday, im now approaching my 32nd and I have lost 8 stone :-)
    It can be done! good luck x
  • Hazzie7543
    Hazzie7543 Posts: 4 Member
    Agree. I have fell off the wagon. I have been on here for 1 year in a few days. I was doing good until after Thanksgiving came. Then it was just slowly down hill. I decided I was going to get back on track starting on the first again like I did last year. I just went in and weighed myself and I about fell over. lol I also have gained 8 pounds. It happens that easy. But the main thing is that we catch it before it starts to get way to out of hand. I over indulged because it was the holiday and it gives me a free reason to. lol But we are human and you do have to treat yourself here and there just not like a holiday. lol Good luck. You can do it if you just stick to it. That's the hard part.