Need help with healthy food choices

Does anyone have great, easy, healthy lunch and dinner recipes that I could make and bring to work? Besides soup and sandwhich. That gets old fast. Im trying not to go next door to the restaurant and order food which I have been doing every day since June. Its been so easy since they give me 50% off but I know that is a big issue with my weight.


  • Kelly_Runs_NC
    Kelly_Runs_NC Posts: 474 Member
    When I'm in hurry I'll take some oats and have tehm for lunch with yogurt and friut. If I have time I make a salad. I NEVER eat out. As soon as I stopped eating out - the weight started falling off. Diet really is KEY.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I often take leftovers for lunch, but never what is leftoever from the previous night - I would get bored eating the same thing 2 days in a row.

    What about salads, cerals with fruits, veggies....
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Here's an example of what I bring to work 4-5 days out of the week for lunch. I try not to eat out for lunch, but sometimes I rely on Subway when things were hectic the night before (I can walk here from work)...

    1/2 bag of bagged lettuce (whatever you like, I'm fond of Romaine, Spinach or Spring Mix)
    1/2 serving black beans (I used canned, rinsed)
    A lean protein (either salmon, chicken or ground turkey, grilled)
    Sprinkle of 2% cheese
    Jarred Jalepenos (I like them, but if you aren't a 'spicy' food person, leave them out)
    Any other veggies you like really, I typically add red onion, tomatoes,a green pepper, etc

    Put it in a big Tupperware container and use your favorite dressing to liven things up - or salsa works well too.

    I also just love Greek Yogurt and Cottage Cheese (great sources of protein and they fill you up)

    Another favorite of mine is to grill up a lean protein and steam a veggie (low in calories and fills you up), use whatever condiment you like to liven it up.

    I've actually gotten to the point that I'd prefer to make my own food. It's boring sometimes and my co-workers call me "insane", but I feel better eating like this and I know you will too.

    Good luck finding things you really like...
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I try to make something on sunday that will hold me over for lunch most of the week. Turkey meatloaf, turkey chili verde, chicken or beef soup. Or I just make extra of whatever I make for dinner so I have it the next day for lunch too.

    Tuna salad or chicken salad made with plain greek yogurt. Can have a sandwich or on a bed of lettuce/lettuce wraps or eat it with your favorite crackers.
  • Changing_Charity
    Changing_Charity Posts: 197 Member
    some things that i bring to work for snacks/lunch are:

    Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt (80 calories)
    Salad with Fat Free Ranch or Fat Free Italian
    Perdue Perfect Portions Chicken Breast (you can find these at Wal-mart, they are separetly wrapped portioned chicken breast, these are really good to add to a salad)
    Birdseye Steam Fresh Bags ( these are steamable bags that you just pop in the microwave and they come in a variety of vegetables, some with pasta or rice as well. I like the asparagus!)
    Thomas Bagel Thins (110 calories)
    Laughing Cow Cheese Wedges (vary between 35-50 calories depending on flavor)
    Weight Watchers String Cheese
    Fresh fruit like grapes, strawberries, clementines, apples, bananas
    Veggie sticks with Fat Free Dip or Hummus

    Do you like zucchini? Zucchini boats are fun! Take a zucchini and cut it in half lengthwise, hollow it out. Boil the hallowed zucchini boats for about 1 minute. Create a filling, I like to use 96% lean ground hamburg, onions, green peppers, and pizza sauce. Fill the boats, top with reduced fat shredded cheese, and bake at 350 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.

    Another recipe idea could be stuffed peppers! :)
  • LizzyKEC
    Thanks for all the great ideas!!
  • cindysho
    cindysho Posts: 23 Member
    I bring the same thing to lunch every day. I get up too early to worry about it. I bring a piece of fruit, 1/2 cup of Greek yogurt topped with blueberries, and a weight watcher smart one or a lean cuisine that is on sale for 2$.