Hey everyone

xvonniexxx Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys Looking to share this special journey with you all, looking to weight 150lbs i currently weight around 269lbs finally i decide to do this properly would like to get in touch with people looking to loose similar amounts of weight.



  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    A big HI to you yvonne, I just wanted to welcome you to MFP. I am sure that you will find this a very
    rewarding site. So far it has done wonders for me. My weight loss goals are not as large, but I would
    like to welcome you and good luck! Just remain motivated and take the good days with the bad, don't
    get discouraged when the weight loss doesn't always go your way. Try setting smaller goals to reach
    your large one, I know that this is working for me. Lots of smiles from BJ....:smile:
    MSPENCE Posts: 31
    We are all here for you.
    I LOVE MFP!!!!!
    The motivation I get from everyone is just what i need... DAILY!
    Good Luck.
  • mb52
    mb52 Posts: 3
    Hi. I'm currently 260lbs. Have a goal weight of 150-160lbs and also new at this. I've joined over amonth ago and haven't stuck to it. But now its time! I'm a stay at home mother of twins +1. My twin girls are now 2 years old and I still haven't lost the baby weight. To go along with that I quit smoking over 4 months ago and packed on an extra 35lbs. It's really hard for me because im use to snackin when the kids are snacking, eating when I have that feeling that I need a cig. ( which is often! mother of three AHH! lol ) and Also being lonely (my husband works a lot) I eat to fill that void. NOT ANYMORE! We are stong women and we CAN DO this!! We can fall back on eachother for encourgment! I'd love to share this journey with you!

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