2012 accomplishments

2012 was a big year of first for me:)


Turbo Fire

Body Revolution

My first half Marathon

636 miles (running)

And my favorite.... Fitting into a size 4 again. I have not done that since high school.

What were your big accomplishments:-)?


  • Great job, Amy! You've had a wonderful year!!!!!

    I ran my first half marathon & full marathon

    I took up strength training & am seeing awesome results

    I checked my garmin connect & I've ran 678 miles, there was some non-logged treadmill runs but not sure that amount

    I am a size 4 now too, never was a size 4. I was a size 8 in HS, 12-16 after having my children & this year has been the best year as far as weight loss & full body & mind transformation!!

    Let's keep it up! I love seeing your activities, Amy & you motivate me to push on :)
  • jnsb
    jnsb Posts: 20
    Y'all are my sheroes!

    I took up running after a 17-month, baby-induced hiatus and ran two halfs, but haven't lost much weight.

    Hope to start 2013 off with weight training and setting a goal of 1,000 miles run for the year. Have three halfs and a local Army Ten Miler scheduled through May and hope to run a full in November (I had one planned for March, but had to slide my training schedule a few months). I've already joined the Planet Fitness that's coming to town in February; it's within 5 minutes of home so I have no excuses. Also going to really work on getting my eating under control -- that's my biggest struggle.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Wow! Awesome accomplishments all around.

    Mine was a pretty good year.

    Competed in my first figure competition (didn't place or anything)

    Killed my half marathon PR (winter HM)

    Took almost 9 minutes off my last year's time for my favorite triathlon (the bike is a little long so it wasn't my PR)

    PR'd in another triathlon - also won my age group (ok it was a really really small race but I was happy)

    Set a 5k PR of under 25 minutes.

    Basicay my running improved hugely. My goal is to improve on swimming this year. Also training for my first marathon. I plan on this list being the same next year.
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member

    Awesome job ladies:).
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Y' all did so great this year!!

    I did 26 races including halfs, muds, and 5ks to 16 mile trail runs. Whew! I'm exhausted! lol
    Re-shaped my body with bootcamp.
    Built strength and muscle but didn't lose a whole lot of weight. Most of my loss was from 2011.

    All in all it was a pretty good year!!!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Lost 58 lbs as of now, hope it's 60 when I weigh in on Jan 1st

    Finished c25k, ran my 1st 5k 12/01/12

    Lost over 50 inches cumulative from upper arms, calves, thighs, waist, neck, chest, under bust, & hips. (3 clothes sizes)

    Have gone down from 51.7 to 42.6 BMI

    Since beginning weight training 7/30/12 my strength test improved this much in the following areas:
    CHEST 160%
    BACK 71.6%
    CORE 500%
    ARMS 116.7
    LEGS 198%
    SHOULDERS 136.4%
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member
    I quit my job.

    Started my own business.

    LOST 20 LBS! I think this is the most impressive :bigsmile:
  • Louisianababy93
    Louisianababy93 Posts: 1,709 Member
    i started logging everyday.
    educated myself about fitness and health.
    lost 25 lbs.
    down three pants sizes!
    i currently lift 95lbs as of yesterday.

  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    Wow, congrats! Some great accomplshments:-).