This app is so helpful

I never realized how much sodium I was taken in till now. :(


  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    That was a huge eye opener for me. It has led to me cooking from scratch and not eating out a lot.
  • Pamelaniamh
    Pamelaniamh Posts: 611 Member
    Seems you can't eat anything that's packaged without going over.
  • It was an eye opener for me to see how much sugar I was consuming... but I've cut those out and I'm on my way to a healthier me!
  • phyllio77
    phyllio77 Posts: 192 Member
    The sodium alone was enough to get me hooked on to this app. I added salt to stuff on top of it. It was nuts. NO wonder I was puffy all the time. Not good at all. I hope this app serves you well:)
  • LuvToSkate
    LuvToSkate Posts: 4 Member
    Who knew I was eating 1200-1500 calories at dinner alone? Not me, until I started tracking!