I am getting healthy again...who wants to join me?

Hello everyone. My name is Patti. I'm 31 years old, 5'2" tall, and currently 235 lbs. I have battled my weight my entire life, at least since I was 10 years old. I have tried every diet under the sun with short lived results and motivation. This time I am doing this for me and not because of societal pressures. I am a RN working nights in a very busy ICU. I work 12 hour shifts and my body just aches when I finish my shift. I know taking this weight off with help me not only make me feel better, but it will also allow me to give better care to my patients.

Furthermore, my husband and I are looking to start a family towards the end of the year, and I know the better shape I am, the easier our journey will be. I can't wait to be a mother, and I know my mother can't wait to become a grandmother again, so this journey has to work this time.

I have a Withings scale (new for Christmas), MFP, and a BodyMedia Fit Link to help keep me on track. I know I will succeed if I stick to it, so I'm looking for friends to support me in my journey. Add me if you are interested in supporting each other.


  • zoraiya
    zoraiya Posts: 38 Member
    Furthermore, my husband and I are looking to start a family towards the end of the year, and I know the better shape I am, the easier our journey will be. I can't wait to be a mother, and I know my mother can't wait to become a grandmother again, so this journey has to work this time.

    I wish you and your husband the best of luck with starting your family! You and I have similar goals. I want more than anything to be a mother, and I need to get myself healthy before I can get pregnant. Thanks for friending me -- hopefully we can motivate each other, and maybe sometime in 2013 one or both of us will have news to share!
  • fashionista_jas
    fashionista_jas Posts: 22 Member
    You can do this! :)
  • goncountry
    goncountry Posts: 75 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm 39, need to lose 40 at least! This is my 2nd try with MFP, gotta stick to it!
  • Furthermore, my husband and I are looking to start a family towards the end of the year, and I know the better shape I am, the easier our journey will be. I can't wait to be a mother, and I know my mother can't wait to become a grandmother again, so this journey has to work this time.

    I wish you and your husband the best of luck with starting your family! You and I have similar goals. I want more than anything to be a mother, and I need to get myself healthy before I can get pregnant. Thanks for friending me -- hopefully we can motivate each other, and maybe sometime in 2013 one or both of us will have news to share!
    I second this wholeheartedly! I'm not looking to have kids in the near future but I do want to have them one day, and losing the weight was partly so that I would be there to watch them grow up. (:
  • SonaliShukla
    SonaliShukla Posts: 43 Member
    Hello Patti & Zoraiya,

    My goals are absolutely the same as yours.I am 31 yrs,5.7" and currently at 84 kgs.My physio in the gym after doing all tests suggested I have to get in to 70-72 types before i plan for pregnancy.She said only if i get to 72,I will be back with 87 types after pregnancy.I started MFP at 88 kgs around 4.5 weeks back.My goal is to achieve 72 in the next 4 months.I am an IT professional,so my entire day involves desk job,which ofcourse means very little activity.Of late I am trying to go atleast 5 days a week to gym and doing cardio&strength training alternate days for an hour.MFP has been a great motivator in managing daily intake.

    I have always seen others wearing nicely fit clothes and have wished for the same so long.Hopefully this time i am able to achieve this.More than that i want to go through a smooth pregnancy without any complications.I saw my husband drastically reducing his weight.Today he is a much more confident individual than what he was 2 yrs back.Wish me luck and guys all the best to all of you at MFP.

    “It always seems impossible until its done.” - Nelson Mandela.Truly said,thats why the word itself says "I'M POSSIBLE".