Is anyone else WAY below their calories for the day?

jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been noticing that I have hit a dead stop in losing weight. I have also noticed in the week that I have been a member that I am not eating even close to what I should be eating for calories. I love to workout ( i workout 3 hours a day). According to my food diary I should be eating between 3,000-4,000 calories a day! I am only eating about 1500! Everything I eat is healthy and low cal. I am finding it difficult to eat that many calories. I have this huge fear that if i were to eat the 3,000 calories my diary says i should eat that I will start piling the weight on! Does anyone else have this fear/problem? Any advice?


  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    well, im gonna tell you what I do because it works for me.

    I dont eat my exercise calories that the site tells me to because i did it once and i DID gain weight. I work out for MAYBE one hour a day...your body really doesnt NEED to work out anymore then that. Im working with a trainer and he told me that you have to mix up your exercise routine or your body will get used to it...are you doing the SAME thing every time you work out? if so, you need to do something to break up the monotony that your muscles and body is feeling. I do this:

    One day - FULL cardio, NOTHING else (thats what i did today)
    the next day - 15 minutes of cardio to warm up then 30-40 minutes of upper body
    the next - 15 minutes of cardio then 30-40 minutes lower body
    the next - 15 minutes of cardio and then the 30 minute express room that my gym has thats a little of EVERYTHING
    then i take one day off
    day after resting - 30 minutes of yoga
    then the last day i mix it up just to keep my body guessing....of course, it can vary with what ive done the rest of the day, whether i was working ( im a bartender at a busy sportsbar), or working with my trainer.

    i find that when i do ALOT of stuff during my workout this site gives me like 1000-1500 EXTRA calories (depending on what i do) and i dont touch them. Only because from experience, i ate them once and i GAINED weight. AND, my trainer has me on a strict 1270 calorie a day regime, 6 meals a day, 200(ish) cals per meal.

    for the last few days, only because i was working, ive fallen WAY below my cals...the last two nights, i only got a little over 1000 cals. so yea, ive been under plenty.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I say aprilchampalmer has really good suggestions. I think I will try them. Thanks, BJB
  • rosalie_g
    rosalie_g Posts: 71
    I have a fear of gaining back any weight in general lol but I typically always stay under my calorie goal for the day by at least 300 calories. I dont do it on purpose but I just get full and dont need to eat anymore. I do make it a point to never go under 1200 though. I'm still losing pretty consistantly so I dont think I'm going into starvation mode. That scares me more than going over my calories lol If you are working out alot and not eating enought your body could be hanging onto whatever you do give it and that could be why you havent been losing. As crazy as it is the more active you are the more you really should eat in order to keep fueling your body to lose. Try it out for a week and see what happens. And dont forget to drink tons of water.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I do all kinds of different workouts. I do p90x, Turbo Jam, Taebo, The biggest loser workouts, jillian micheals workouts, weight lifting, Insanity, Running and walking. I mix them up real good so I know my body shouldnt be used to them. This site says without exercise I should have 1710 calories a day. Do you think I should try to shoot at least for that goal and not worry about the exercise calories.

    I am one of those bored eaters. When Im bored or watching tv/movie i eat. Working out gives me something to do plus it makes me feel good. Plus for some crazy reason my body is able to handle working out that much ( i used to be a college athlete) I had planned on cutting back to 2 hours a day of exercising once i reach my goal but I am still 9 pounds away from that.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    And, like the previous poster, I'm going to share my experience.

    I was very obese, chugging along losing tons of weight eating 1200 calories and no exercise calories. And 4.5 months into it, my weight loss screeched to a halt. About a week into the plateau, I decided to start eating more & started eating about 1400 calories & no exercise calories. 2 weeks after I started that, I started losing weight again. I lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks and my weight loss screeched to a halt again. I changed my goals on MFP & started eating my base calories (now 1330 because I switched from wanting to lose 2#/week to 1.5#/week) AND I started eating 50% of my exercise calories (that's generally an extra 150-500 calories). 3 weeks later, voila. I started losing weight again (and am continuing to lose). And, I'm actually losing at a faster pace than I have for months & months now (lost 3.8 pounds last week...).

    I gotta tell you, after living on 1200 cals/day for nearly 5 months, eating 1700-1800 calories a day takes some serious work! Especially the part about making them *healthy* calories. :laugh: I eat a lot of natural peanut butter. I've also fallen in love with greek yogurt. I add granola & nuts it to increase the cals. I've pretty much added a whole extra snack in my day. I try hard to plan my day around the exercise I know I'll be doing so I'm not cramming my face at 9pm.

    Anyway, while it's probably not necessary for everyone to eat 100% of their exercise calories, I do think it's a great idea to start eating some of them if you're not and you're not losing. I mean, eating less certainly not an option, right? :wink:

    And also, I just wanted to point out that of COURSE if you haven't been eating much & you start eating all of your exercise calores right away, you will most likely gain weight! *At first* -- your body has to readjust. It had been coping with insufficient fuel for a while, so when you suddenly increase it, it's going to store that extra. Try giving any adjustments you make to your diet at least a month to work before you write them off. :smile: I know a month seems like an eternity when you want to wake up tomorrow at your goal weight, but our bodies need time to adjust to anything new.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I have a fear of gaining back any weight in general lol but I typically always stay under my calorie goal for the day by at least 300 calories. I dont do it on purpose but I just get full and dont need to eat anymore. I do make it a point to never go under 1200 though. I'm still losing pretty consistantly so I dont think I'm going into starvation mode. That scares me more than going over my calories lol If you are working out alot and not eating enought your body could be hanging onto whatever you do give it and that could be why you havent been losing. As crazy as it is the more active you are the more you really should eat in order to keep fueling your body to lose. Try it out for a week and see what happens. And dont forget to drink tons of water.

    I think you may have a point. Maybe i should up my calories by like 500 a day for a week and see how i do? if i gain drop back down but if I lose maybe that means something,. lol. thanks!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    And, like the previous poster, I'm going to share my experience.

    I was very obese, chugging along losing tons of weight eating 1200 calories and no exercise calories. And 4.5 months into it, my weight loss screeched to a halt. About a week into the plateau, I decided to start eating more & started eating about 1400 calories & no exercise calories. 2 weeks after I started that, I started losing weight again. I lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks and my weight loss sceeched to a halt again. I changed my goals on MFP & started eating my base calories (now 1330 because I switched from wanting to lose 2#/week to 1.5#/week) AND I started eating 50% of my exercise calories (that's generally an extra 150-500 calories). 3 weeks later, voila. I started losing weight again (and am continuing to lose). And, I'm actually losing at a faster pace than I have for months & months now (lost 3.8 pounds last week...).

    I gotta tell you, after living on 1200 cals/day for nearly 5 months, eating 1700-1800 calories a job takes some work! Especially the part about making them *healthy* calories. :laugh: I eat a lot of natural peanut butter. I've also fallen in love with greek yogurt. I add granola & nuts it to increase the cals. I've pretty much added a whole extra snack in my day. I try hard to plan my day around the exercise I know I'll be doing so I'm not cramming my face at 9pm.

    Anyway, while it's probably not necessary for everyone to eat 100% of their exercise calories, I do think it's a great idea to start eating some of them if you're not and you're not losing. I mean, eating less certainly not an option, right? :wink:

    And also, I just wanted to point out that of COURSE if you haven't been eating much & you start eating all of your exercise calores right away, you will most likely gain weight! *At first* -- your body has to readjust. It had been coping with insufficient fuel for a while, so when you suddenly increase it, it's going to store that extra. Try giving any adjustments you make to your diet at least a month to work before you write them off. :smile: I know a month seems like an eternity when you want to wake up tomorrow at your goal weight, but our bodies need time to adjust to anything new.

    So maybe the first week I up my calories I should just avoid the scale? Its sad but my greatest fear is gaining weight! I also was extremely obese. Im down 127lbs so far and am 9 pounds away from my total goal weight.
  • Hey there!

    I know that for safe and effective weight loss, you should be negative no more than 300-500 cals a day. My BMR is around 1,800cals/day. So they have me eating 1,300cals/day. If i exercise for an hour, my cals go up to let's say 1,600. I try to eat within 100cals of the new increased amt. Even if I'm not that hungry I will eat a lil something to bring me closer to 1,600cals. If i stayed only eating 1300cals, my daily deficit would be 800cals which is not good. If you go under your cals too much everyday (more than negative 500), then your body will go into starvation mode and hold onto fat. At first you will lose a lot of weight by the huge cal deficit but then you're body will plateau. It will also lower your BMR because it thinks you are starving.

    I have been doing this daily and I have continued to lose weight. 5.5 lbs in 3 weeks. Slow and steady wins the race!

    I also agree with april, that you really don't need to work out more than 60-90min a day.

    Hope this helps!
  • rosalie_g
    rosalie_g Posts: 71
    I have a fear of gaining back any weight in general lol but I typically always stay under my calorie goal for the day by at least 300 calories. I dont do it on purpose but I just get full and dont need to eat anymore. I do make it a point to never go under 1200 though. I'm still losing pretty consistantly so I dont think I'm going into starvation mode. That scares me more than going over my calories lol If you are working out alot and not eating enought your body could be hanging onto whatever you do give it and that could be why you havent been losing. As crazy as it is the more active you are the more you really should eat in order to keep fueling your body to lose. Try it out for a week and see what happens. And dont forget to drink tons of water.

    I think you may have a point. Maybe i should up my calories by like 500 a day for a week and see how i do? if i gain drop back down but if I lose maybe that means something,. lol. thanks!

    You're welcome! Keep us updated, I'd like to see if that works for you. Good luck!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So maybe the first week I up my calories I should just avoid the scale? Its sad but my greatest fear is gaining weight! I also was extremely obese. Im down 127lbs so far and am 9 pounds away from my total goal weight.

    Maybe so, if gaining a couple ounces is going to freak you out. Maybe avoid it for 2 weeks. I was already at a plateau -- gaining & losing the same 2 pounds again and again so I never noticed any gain when I increased them the first time. I also only increased by 200 calories the first time. The 2nd time I increased my calories I recorded a gain of less than 1 pound one week. I'm thinking it was a gain of 0.8 pounds. The next week I was down 1.6 pounds from there and then the next week I was down 3.8 more pounds, so in the long run, I really don't mind that I gained one week. :laugh:

    I went from eating 1200 calories a day to (usually) 1600-1800 calories a day over the timespan of about 1.5 months. Maybe you could up your calories by 50 every few days & that would lessen the likelihood of a gain? Not sure.

    Also, do you think it oculd be that your body is just super happy at your current weight & that's why it won't let go of anymore? You've lost so much already (CONGRATULATIONS!! That's awesome!).

    And, have you seen Banks' post about expectations? Everyone always talks about those last 10 pounds and how it can take like 6 months to lose them. Are you seriously not losing any weight, or are you just losing very slowly?
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    It seems like from most of your personal experiences that I just am not eating enough. I think with this info I will up my calories to about 2000 a day for a couple weeks and see how i do with that. Thanks so much guys for all the replies. Its so much better to get advice from people who have gone thru the struggle of weight loss rather than getting advice from someone who has never been overweight. Thanks again all of you!!!!
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