I was doing so good. Starting Jan 2010 I didn't eat sugar for a whole month, I lost 10 lbs and now.....I CAN'T SEEM TO GET BACK ON THE WAGON! I exercise almost everyday..its the food I can't let go...WTH do I do to get my self back...I feel like such a failure :(



  • ♥seoid♥
    ♥seoid♥ Posts: 476
    {throws a rope & pulls you back on} c'mon - you can do this!!!!!
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    You are NOT a failure!!!!! Maybe you just need to try a little at a time; cutting sugar completely out of your diet is very good but somewhat harsh and now your body may be rebelling; and I really can't say I blame it.

    Do everything in moderation and you will be able to stick with it better.

    Good Luck and remember you are NOT a failure - you are a good person trying to better yourself and there is no failing when you are trying to better yourself. You are doing great and each day is a new and exciting new beginning!!!!
  • shaylobo
    shaylobo Posts: 4 Member
    You are not a failure! You just hit a bump in the road. If food is where you are struggling... maybe you can try to cut your portions in half. That way you can still enjoy the food but still lower the calories. Good luck with your journey!
  • crabbygirl
    That seems to be the way it goes with me. I can do so well for a while, and then next thing I know, I lose control. I was told that I should just consider it as my body's way of adjusting and that eventually, I will get control again. I just went through it and I am back on track again. Have faith! Don't give up! :flowerforyou:
  • Desiderata
    If you consider that failing, then we're all failures! everyone stumbles a little, but its just a learning experience to help you deal with cravings and overcome weaknesses.

    Just like you, i am a sucker for sweet things. i tried completely cutting out all sugar from my diet, but that only set myself up for trouble. And i fell, because cutting out the one thing i loved the most only made my cravings worse, making it more probable that i wouldnt stay on track and reach my goal.

    So i had to retrain my palate to like natural sugars, and i found that fresh and dried fruit satisfied my sweet tooth. Just slowly start limiting the amount of sugar you intake, so as not to shock your body into craving attacks! introduce a variety of fruits and find which ones cater to your cravings the most.

    you can do this! we all can do this! and youre far from failure :D
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    You sound like you are like me. You can't deprive yourself of all of your favorite foods forever. Allow yourself 1 cheat snack and a cheat meal once a week or every other week. When you do have those cheats, work out a little hard that day or the next and don't feel guilty about cheating. The guilt will draw you to more cheating. I schedule my cheat snack and meal and I plan my workouts accordingly. I went months without eating a candy bar once and when I did a few weeks ago I felt SO guilty. A few great MFP members helped lift my spirits and I've decided I work out hard, I deserve a treat now and then!

    You aren't a failure... you're still on track. You're doing great! When you feel the urge to cheat, drink a glass of water and have some fruit or a handful of almonds and a few dark chocolate chips.
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    "Do everything in moderation and you will be able to stick with it better.
    Good Luck and remember you are NOT a failure - you are a good person trying to better yourself and there is no failing when you are trying to better yourself. You are doing great and each day is a new and exciting new beginning!!!! "

    Good advice!
    I do not believe we should never, EVER cut any type of food . The good lord created all food for a reason . if you restrsict something, completely, you tend to crave it (in my experience) There are no foods that we should not eat...-
    M-o-d-e-r-a-t-i-o-n is key. This is what we all struggle with. Never , EVERr consider yourself a failure. You are wanting to make changes; eat better , and lose some weight. You can do it - if you want to ,but it does take time & perserverance!
    Remember --the weight did not come on overnight- so expecting it to vanish right away is pretty unrealistic. Ease up on yourself!
  • Nlongenecker
    You are not a failure and not alone! The same thing happened to me a few months ago. I had gone off sugar (AND CAFFEINE!) for a month. I felt great and didn't crave them. But then one day I went to a grad party and had one lousy piece of cake and it was all over. Just this week I have re-committed. You really just have to look at the big picture and if your food decisions will help you get there or keep you in your rut. In Tosca Reno's book she really stresses that and makes the point that what you see in the mirror is a result of those decisions. Bring that image into your head when tempted to make not-so-great food choices. It's all about what you really want to get out of this journey.

    I know it's easy for me to type all this, but not so easy to do. I am definitely not an expert at weight loss success. But these are things I've read that clicked with me and made me get back on the wagon.

    I wish you the best. You can do this!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    FAILURE is a word we don't like to use here at MFP! Everyone has bumps in the road - YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Haha, welcome to the club, honey!! I am sure every single person on this site has "failed" on their diet. But, that is what we are all here for right? To get the support and motivation to get back on track! None of us are perfect and goodness knows I have fallen off that wagon as much as the next person. Important part it to realize you fell off and that you CAN get back on. The occassional slip up is ok. Just get back on and don't let it comepletely control you! It is in the past, let it go and get on with it!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    You're not a failure, you have lost weight... and you are still exercising. You just need focus.

    Have you ever heard about how a guided missile works? It continually evaluates where it is heading and makes course corrections to put it back on target. The corrections become smaller and smaller, until the goal it hit. Regardless, the missile is off-target throughout most of its trajectory, but because it keeps making corrections, it hits its target.

    Keep making corrections, and you will succeed. Just don't quit!!!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Failure is the tuition you pay on your way to success...~Walter Brunell

    Juat jump back on the wagon honey....we are all here for you!
  • Coppersky55
    boy do I know where you are coming from! I have had a history of strict diets with tight discipline for months at a time only to find those habits are too harsh for me to live by. Once I allowed any of the forbidden items back in my diet I would gain weight. Part of the great thing about MFP for me has been the realization that I could do moderation of those bad foods and still lose weight and maintain. Instead of eating a box of hot tamales, now I have a handful . Or when I go out to dinner I make better food choices and share dessert. I have founhd this really helpful and if i have a day where I just had to have sugar, I try to up my workout. HTe great thing is that even if I mess up for a few days, I can get right on track and so can you!
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    i still eat the sweets.... i think you did awesome by cutting out the sugar as long as you did. if you are anything like me tho without the sugar i would completly fall off the wagon....i have to give myself treats in order to stay on track....
  • Jenks
    Jenks Posts: 349
    39lbs later, I still have days where I feel like I fail. We need to learn to see our faults, correct them as needed, but also CELEBRATE our accomplishments.

    Also - someone else said and I just want to repete it, make changes in moderation, they stick better that way.:flowerforyou:
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Everyone is giving you such wonderful advice. Remember that to fail means you quit ever trying. You only had what I would call a pause. If we dont pause every once in a while we cant look at where we have been or were we are going. You will we successful just get back on that horse and go :bigsmile:
  • JenniferMann24
    Thanks you guys...I have not given up so I guess Im not a failure! Just a bump..thanks again!
  • Beth1978
    Beth1978 Posts: 19
    You are definitely not a failure! You've just hit a speed bump. Maybe cutting sugar out completely was a bit harsh. I have been cutting back a little at a time and was doing really well myself...then Easter just had to come along. Easter candy is coming out of our ears at home, but I have been fighting the urge to sit down and eat handful after handful. I do allow myself some of it, but I look it up to see how many calories it is going to be and try to keep the intake under 150 calories. You have to let yourself indulge once in a while.

    You are working out, so you haven't fallen off the wagon completely! Just keep doing what you can to drive yourself right over that speed bump and right back on track. You can do it, heck, we are all doing that every single day!
