being honest



  • cheekychicken69
    cheekychicken69 Posts: 14 Member
    A combination of things really...

    Firstly I LOVE my food, and have a massive appetite, I would put most fellas to shame! I also find it really hard to leave anything on my plate, and have to stop myself from making myself ill when I eat cos I can't stand waste, this isn't too bad when I am cooking but when its the other half or a take away it goes right off the scale.

    Second reason is that I have had a lot of failed pregnancies in the last few years, I had got myself down to a size 12 (was about 11 stones) in 2009 and then I feel pregnant and gained a whole lot back!

    Final reason (which added the last 2 stones) was giving up smoking after 30 years! I HAD to have something to do with my hands and it was easy to replace the ciggies with food!!

  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Yep, it's recreational eating. If I only ate when I was hungry I wouldn't be in this mess.
    When I'm happy - I eat
    When I'm sad - I eat
    When I celebrate - I eat
    When I mourn - I eat
    When I'm bored - I eat
    When I'm partying - I eat
    and the list goes on & on. None have anything to do with HUNGER.

    Yup this is me too! Ugh! pathetic and weak is what I am calling myself- what a waste of a many things I could be doing with the money that I waste and if my health was better! Why do we do this to ourselves? Makes me angry:(
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    When I initially gained weight, it was partially because my incredibly fast meabolism slowed down as I aged and had to accept that I could no longer eat as much of whatever I wanted and maintain a small size. So, basically, ate too much and didn't move enough.

    I lost that weight and maintained for a couple years. Then I got Mirena and ballooned up 25 pounds and gained and couldn't lose no matter what I did.

    So now the Mirena is gone and I'm working on losing again.

    I had that put in too- for 2 wks -no change in my diet and I ballooned up 15 lbs!!!! Not to mention I was on an emotional rollercoaster ugh!! That is poison lol
  • pollycudby
    Well done for admitting where your problem lies!
    I can fully relate to the husband on shifts and eating take aways alone with a bottle of wine/coke..and then Id scoff chocolates too!
    I am hoping filling in this food diary EVERY day and honestly too, will make me more accountable for what i am REALLY eating!
    Good luck in this next year....lets make ourselves proud :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    When I initially gained weight, it was partially because my incredibly fast meabolism slowed down as I aged and had to accept that I could no longer eat as much of whatever I wanted and maintain a small size. So, basically, ate too much and didn't move enough.

    I lost that weight and maintained for a couple years. Then I got Mirena and ballooned up 25 pounds and gained and couldn't lose no matter what I did.

    So now the Mirena is gone and I'm working on losing again.

    I had that put in too- for 2 wks -no change in my diet and I ballooned up 15 lbs!!!! Not to mention I was on an emotional rollercoaster ugh!! That is poison lol
    Oh no! Mine wasn't quite that dramatic. I had it a total of three years. I just gained 5 at first and was able to very slowly lose for a while. But the longer I had it, the worse it got. I would maintain for a long time, then gain a whole bunch all at once, maintain, gain.

    I was eating 500 calories a day for a couple weeks just to see what would happen and I GAINED. Yell "starvation mode" all you want (the general "you"), but no full grown adult gains weight on 500 calories a day.

    I had it out and lost 7 pounds the first month without even watching what I was eating or working out. That easy lose has leveled off, but I know I can drop weight again now. I'm so angry I ever got that thing.
  • butterflyqueen1984
    butterflyqueen1984 Posts: 141 Member
    Honestly- I put my weight down to being silly whilst being a teen: I wasn't having an overly easy time of school and I slowly started eating more. I met the Mr when I was 17, and as he was quite bad at overindulging, I picked up the habit. Things only got worse for a number of years as life got rougher and rougher for the next decade: and I slowly started eating more. Looking back at it, I'm still not 100% quite sure why I started eating more, I'm sure it started with trying to get some instant satisfaction but wound up becoming normal to eat such large portions of everything. I suspect to begin with it started as innocently as just overindulging with my other half, but the overindulgence slowly became larger and larger.

    For about half a decade I thought had enough problems stemming from life, so I didn't really address the eating: it had become normal, and I told myself I was happy. (To be honest, despite being a size 20/22, the actual weight didn't get me down. Apart from clothes shopping I didn't care all that much, the other half told me I was still beautiful in his eyes- so things were alright.) Thinking back on it now, I shudder when I think about what I used to classify as a 'normal' portion (a whole extra large pizza + sides from pizza hut, or an entire crock pot of stew to myself), but it's what I put my old weight down to if you add this to a fairly sedentary lifestyle.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't blame the Mr, I decided what I wanted to put into my mouth over those five years +. What happened was completely my own fault! Oh well, a good 40-50kg and two and a half years later I think I'm starting to get there now. :)

    This actually sounds like my life, met my ex when I was 16 he was 10 yrs older than me and he loved FOOD!! He had a lot of money as he had a well paid job, I was still a student and just loved the attention. I look back and think I was so young and niave not just with food but with everything in life. My life changed when I finally got rid of all the stuff holding me back - i.e my 2nd ex (also a HUGE eater) whos family used to have a roast every sunday and I used to pretend I was ill sometimes just so I didn't have to go! Then I met the love of my life (just over 2 yrs ago now) things started to change in the way I felt about myself and life. He doesn't like take outs so we don't buy them, he doesn't drive, so we walk everywhere. Everything about him is 100% different to my 2 ex's and he makes me feel complete. So really the only person I have to thank for making me realise that the past was wrong is my now soon to be hubby who I love sooooooooo much and makes me happy everyday!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Why are you the weight you are?

    Because I eat all the foods! Also, I'm emotionally dependent on food. That's what's going to be hardest to overcome.
  • queenrahming
    I use to believe if I ate less maybe bad snacks and no exercise the weight would still come off because thats was how my body use to operate but things change.Gettin metabolism up to burn like it should takes time and work.How things can change quickly and unnoticed for a while.......
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I'm the weight I am now because I literally worked my a** off, have lost nearly 50 pounds and have been hitting the gym harder than sack of bricks lately because my new goal is to stop jiggling.

    I was my starting weight because I was lazy, addicted to fast food and ate enough for two adult men. Those habits changed and so did my life.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Eating more than I use - all sorts of reasons why I did this but the only reason for my weight problem.....
  • amber1533
    amber1533 Posts: 117 Member
    Yep, it's recreational eating. If I only ate when I was hungry I wouldn't be in this mess.
    When I'm happy - I eat
    When I'm sad - I eat
    When I celebrate - I eat
    When I mourn - I eat
    When I'm bored - I eat
    When I'm partying - I eat
    and the list goes on & on. None have anything to do with HUNGER.

    This, and also getting into the mindset that "its a holiday" or "it's my sons birthday" or whatever, I'd go crazy on those days and just eat, but it would continue for days afterwards! Also the not exercising, that is a real killer!
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    Yep, it's recreational eating. If I only ate when I was hungry I wouldn't be in this mess.
    When I'm happy - I eat
    When I'm sad - I eat
    When I celebrate - I eat
    When I mourn - I eat
    When I'm bored - I eat
    When I'm partying - I eat
    and the list goes on & on. None have anything to do with HUNGER.

    ^^ Yep, this exactly. I am working on the eating when hungry, ONLY thing. It's a work in progress.
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    When I initially gained weight, it was partially because my incredibly fast meabolism slowed down as I aged and had to accept that I could no longer eat as much of whatever I wanted and maintain a small size. So, basically, ate too much and didn't move enough.

    I lost that weight and maintained for a couple years. Then I got Mirena and ballooned up 25 pounds and gained and couldn't lose no matter what I did.

    So now the Mirena is gone and I'm working on losing again.

    I had that put in too- for 2 wks -no change in my diet and I ballooned up 15 lbs!!!! Not to mention I was on an emotional rollercoaster ugh!! That is poison lol
    Oh no! Mine wasn't quite that dramatic. I had it a total of three years. I just gained 5 at first and was able to very slowly lose for a while. But the longer I had it, the worse it got. I would maintain for a long time, then gain a whole bunch all at once, maintain, gain.

    I was eating 500 calories a day for a couple weeks just to see what would happen and I GAINED. Yell "starvation mode" all you want (the general "you"), but no full grown adult gains weight on 500 calories a day.

    I had it out and lost 7 pounds the first month without even watching what I was eating or working out. That easy lose has leveled off, but I know I can drop weight again now. I'm so angry I ever got that thing.

    This is me! I gained acouple of kilos in the first week of mirena. And then I found I slowly gained without being able to lose it. I had the mirena 5 years and co-incidentally, my weight loss started to happen easily after I had it removed. I have a flat stomach now for the first time since I had the mirena placed in. I know the food I ate didn't help - we entertain a lot - but it wasn't an issue for my weight until the last few years.
  • TheFangsKittie
    TheFangsKittie Posts: 117 Member
    Horrendous depression. And then they put me on meds that are known (before anyone scoffs and says its an excuse) to cause weight gain Mirtazipine and then (now) Olanzapine, with betablockers and valium which slowed me down to a stop almost, no motivation to exercise - feeling helpless and bereft. HOWEVER, I have gained some willpower and I'm trying to get back on the horse, I went down to 126 and maintained for a year several years back (admittedly without the meds, but I just figure now that it will just take longer) so I can do this. I know I can.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Horrendous depression. And then they put me on meds that are known (before anyone scoffs and says its an excuse) to cause weight gain Mirtazipine and then (now) Olanzapine, with betablockers and valium which slowed me down to a stop almost, no motivation to exercise - feeling helpless and bereft. HOWEVER, I have gained some willpower and I'm trying to get back on the horse, I went down to 126 and maintained for a year several years back (admittedly without the meds, but I just figure now that it will just take longer) so I can do this. I know I can.
    After my recent BC experience, I do not doubt your medication was an issue.
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    Because my live in GF can't cook and refuses to cook often times anyhow, and my momma is too far away to spoil me :) I don't eat out much since I think prices are a bit rediculous for things that I can make better myself, although it is nice on the occasion. lastly I lost my taste for fast food long ago. I only do fast food on thoes special cravings. but it's never anything regular.
  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    I read this thread earlier this morning and I've been thinking about it since. It would be easy for me to blame it on the mental health issues I've had to deal with over the last 8 years (where approx. 60 pounds of my excess weight comes from), but I don't think that would be the whole story: I was already roughly 30 lbs overweight when the depression first hit. I've had problems with food ever since I was little; there were constant fights at home about whether I would eat what my mom cooked. I really started undereating in junior high (skipping meals, a cup of yogurt for dinner): I think it was just easier not to eat than to argue about what I ate.

    I think the bottom line has been control: when I'm in control of what I eat, I make good choices and I get healthier. As a kid, I didn't have much control. When mental health issues overwhelm me, I lose the power to exercise that control (or develop a warped sense of control = serious weight gain). Now, I cook what I like to eat, I pay attention to nutritional information and deprive myself of nothing, have the mental health issues under control, have a good relationship with food and am losing weight :happy:

    ETA: Please don't read this and think I'm saying that people with mental health issues are using this as an excuse. I know first hand exactly how devastating and destructive they can be. But in thinking about my own situation, I know my problems go back even further in time (though my therapist might tell you that my control issues are the source of my mental health issues, so maybe it's all the same anyway!)
  • magicherry
    magicherry Posts: 81 Member
    I started over eating in middle school. Teenage depression and self-loathing with parents who worked was a perfect recipe for after school pig-outs. I'd eat a whole box of mac & cheese plus chips and other snacks while cooking it. Then I'd have to eat a full dinner with family so my mom 'wouldn't know' I was food crazy all afternoon (mom's know everything; we never talked about my weight gain and how much mac & cheese we were going through).

    I got used to the 'comfort food solution' and it stayed with me - I grew to like the heavy full feeling I had when I overate, it made me feel safe and warm and sleepy. Even today, after a stressful day, I find myself eating 3 or 4 bowls of cereal which gives me that full sleepy feeling, calming me down.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Yep, it's recreational eating. If I only ate when I was hungry I wouldn't be in this mess.
    When I'm happy - I eat
    When I'm sad - I eat
    When I celebrate - I eat
    When I mourn - I eat
    When I'm bored - I eat
    When I'm partying - I eat
    and the list goes on & on. None have anything to do with HUNGER.

    This is pretty much me in a nutshell. In addition, I had about 5+ years of extremely high stress in my life, one thing after another. Food was the easiest most convenient drug I had on hand. It still took a couple of years after the main stressors resolved for me to change my habits though.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    I'm the weight I am now because I literally worked my a** off, have lost nearly 50 pounds and have been hitting the gym harder than sack of bricks lately because my new goal is to stop jiggling.

    I was my starting weight because I was lazy, addicted to fast food and ate enough for two adult men. Those habits changed and so did my life.

    Congrats on the loss! I like how you posted! You are definitely a glass half full kind of person arent you :) Good for you - keep rockin!!