So HOW MUCH exercise do you REALLY need? What are we talking



  • sboothe24
    sboothe24 Posts: 34
    What's scary is that with these views, she's a trainer.

    I offense to her but I wouldnt want her as a trainer..I'd feel like a lazy piece of crap every day.

    I'm absolutely not offended, i'm not for everyone, only for those serious to take on a challenge. I'm tough, I give little to no slack, don't waste my time. There's no way I was rude, my point is if you CAN move then you need to be doing it, if you have reasons you cannot, c'mon, i'm not an idiot then obviously don't do it. My post was about staying healthy and fit, you don't gotta like it, maybe because I hit a nerve?? that's a good thing if I did, obviously I hit something, if you post more then once, to tell me i'm rude, i've been called worse by people, once i'm done training with them, thank me for helping them. You need to find a trainer that works for you, I DON'T coddle, seems to me that's what you wont enjoy any of my posts then, I'd suggest maybe if they offend you so much, don't read em!

    No I wont be reading them after this. I dont think of you as a bad person but it was just my opinion that I thought it was a little forward and out there. I have a personal trainer and he kicks my butt 3 times a week. I told him to train me like I'm in boot camp b/c my hubby was in the Army. So I dont get coddled as you said. And you didnt hit a nerve. I have no problem exercising everyday and I make sure I do it and yes everyone needs encouragement but in my opinion there are nicer ways of stating that.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Nothing that was said was the slightest bit rude or harsh.
    It was a wonderful post and 100% true.

    If you CAN, you SHOULD. If you CAN'T, well then, obviously you shouldn't, but she wasn't saying that those who can't are "bad", she was mainly speaking to those who CAN.

    Even those who think they can't sometimes can and are just making excuses. (SOMETIMES, not everyone, don't get all offended now)
    So you can't go running or what? Go to the mall and stroll around window shopping. straighten up your house and fold some laundry, it's better than sitting on the couch talking about how you CAN'T.
    Everything you do is better than doing nothing.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Bumping to re-read everytime my pillow is more alluring than the gym!:laugh:

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    One of the problems I see with most people in regards to exercise is that they believe exercise means putting on different clothes and going to the gym or running on the treadmill. Exercise can be as simple as a walk around the block, dancing, going for bike ride, or running around the yard with the kids. For those who do not like exercise find something fun to do that gets your body moving. I love to ride my exercise bike and read or surf the net. I get some great workouts and because I am distracted by my reading the exercise time flies by. I agree to find something you love and do it.
  • Heather1776
    Heather1776 Posts: 46 Member
    I agree that if you just push yourself to exercise at least 5-6 days a week it becomes a habit and you are less likely to skip it. Since I've changed my routine from 3-4 days to 5-6 days I rarely skip due to lack of motivation. It's now part of my routine in the morning. I don't even think about not doing it, I just do it!
  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    Its easier to overtrain than you might imagine. I only work out three days a week but have been spending an hour and a half in the gym (40-50 mins cardio). My health is really suffering because of it. My doctor has told me I must absolutely not do more than 40 mins cardio, 3 times a week. I only wish I could spend every day exercising.

    I would say to those of you who are exercising a lot, make sure you eat your exercise calories to stop your deficit going too low. My weight loss is much more efficient when I do.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    You are so right about the habit thing. If I sit around all day and don't do anything I feel like a slug. Exercise makes you feel good. And like TMCasey said it doesn't have to be some preplanned sweat inducing activity. Some days for me it is dancing, a leisurly walk and a yoga dvd.
  • ilovecoffee
    ilovecoffee Posts: 9 Member
    I work 12 hrs shifts so for me it is not possible to exercise every day either. However, I do have one day a week where I run 12 miles instead of my usual 4-6. I get in about 20-25 miles of running and 2 hrs of something else every week. So don't sweat it if you cannot work out every day.:flowerforyou:
  • faerygal
    faerygal Posts: 51 Member
    hey moonlight:happy: I agree it is possible to overtrain and one or two rest days a week are good.I do think tho that doctors are not always reliable when it comes to fitness and diet.For example a doctor recently told someone to go on the cabbage soup diet!:mad: Which is NOT healthy.Listen to your body and maybe do a little more strength training!What has happened to your health if you don't mind me asking?
  • faerygal
    faerygal Posts: 51 Member
    wow ilovecoffee that's dedicated!I work five days a week and I only do half hour of cardio and circuits a day!Good for you :happy:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    So, my friend, if you want to go on believing in the hype you read in the magazines and best selling books these days about minimalist training, once per week workouts, (or less), or the diet that doesn't require ANY exercise, just eat these special food combinations, take these supplements or cut out all the carbs and get the body of your dreams, that's your choice... it's your body, your health and your life... let your results be your guide.

    But when you're unhappy with your results, and when you stand in front of the mirror scratching your head trying to figure out why you don't look and feel the way you want to look and feel... and when you start to feel the downward pull of gravity and body parts are sagging... and when the aches and pains strike, and the doctor's visits become more frequent..

    ..AND, when you see that there are others the same age as you, in the same circumstances as you, with the same number of hours in the day that you have, who have remained lean, healthy, and muscular...


    I'd absolutely want you as my trainer too, and the trainer I am working with has the exact same attitude. You get out of this what you're willing to put into it.

    Thanks for writing this. Too many people are looking for the easy out. I used to be one of them, but thankfully, I've learned just how great exercise is for your body, and your mind.
  • MrsMartin2
    MrsMartin2 Posts: 29 Member
    I agree 100% with you. Thank you for telling it like it is!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Thanks for the post! I think some folks get a little bent out of shape and get offended a little too easily. I think its become a habit for some to read a post with automatic it from the point of the poster, without adding in your own tone of voice while reading. This is a virtual world, we cannot hear their tone, so don't assume on others...because we all know what happens when you assume......haha When I read it, obviously I knew that it didn't apply to my sister who is in a wheelchair 24/7 and is a quadriplegic. And you weren't giving advice to one specific person, you were giving a general opinion on why you think its important to make exercise a habit in our lives, and I assumed of course, under normal circumstances.

    And I agree, people make excuses all the time..I used to be an excuse maker. I used to say "I can't get up that early, my body doesn't function." But, it does!!! I CAN wake up at 5am to get my workout done before my family wakes up. Not only is my exercise helping me lose weight...but I'm not huffing and puffing running up my stairs, and my family will THANK me for it, because it will help prolong the life & quality of life that I will have with them. (Please note to all: I said "help", meaning that certain genetic diseases may not make one immune to health problems...I was not trying to offend anyone with a disease/situation that is out of their control.) We can be proactive and make decisions that will improve our lives and make us feel healthy & strong, on the inside & outside.

    GREAT POST! I loooove me my exercise!!! even at 5am...
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    So, my friend, if you want to go on believing in the hype you read in the magazines and best selling books these days about minimalist training, once per week workouts, (or less), or the diet that doesn't require ANY exercise, just eat these special food combinations, take these supplements or cut out all the carbs and get the body of your dreams, that's your choice... it's your body, your health and your life... let your results be your guide.

    But when you're unhappy with your results, and when you stand in front of the mirror scratching your head trying to figure out why you don't look and feel the way you want to look and feel... and when you start to feel the downward pull of gravity and body parts are sagging... and when the aches and pains strike, and the doctor's visits become more frequent..

    ..AND, when you see that there are others the same age as you, in the same circumstances as you, with the same number of hours in the day that you have, who have remained lean, healthy, and muscular...


    I'd absolutely want you as my trainer too, and the trainer I am working with has the exact same attitude. You get out of this what you're willing to put into it.

    Thanks for writing this. Too many people are looking for the easy out. I used to be one of them, but thankfully, I've learned just how great exercise is for your body, and your mind.

    Thank you. I read and re-read this post at least 10x's before I posted it. As a trainer I have clients who have MS, CP, diabetes, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, cardiac conditions, a man who's recently had a double lung transplant, you name it, i've seen the condition. There is an exercise for just about everyone, there is no excuse (there are circumstances of course where exercise isn't an option) I'm not saying go to the gym and work like a dog, i'm saying that on your "off" days at the gym, take your dog for an extra long walk, take your daughter to the park and actually climb the stairs and do the moneky bars and play a game of tag. Challenge your son to a game of tennis, put the baby in the buggy and rollerblade to the store, take 20 minutes to dance with your kids, take a bike ride with hubby. Go swimming with your kids, hula hoop, jump on the trampoline with your children,...just move your body!I work two jobs, I work for the post office 8 hours a day, and I now train and teach classes 4 hours a day, on breaks at the post office I lead a few girls through some pilates moves, on our lunch we go for power walks, sometimes we do a little zumba dancing, we've had 5 minute "challenges", all of sudden we drop to the floor and see how many pushups or sit ups we can do in a minute,it's actually fun and makes us move..this can't be done in everyone's workplace, but a brisk walk on a break is definitely a possibility, and it doesn't need to "feel" like exercise. We are a society of overweight, unhealthy and lazy people, our children are taking on these very traits, who can change this..YOU can, be their role model, proven fact, kids will imitate what they see, if you are lazy (THIS IS NOT DIRECTED AT ANY ONE PERSON, it's a general statement!!) chances are your kid will follow, I never had children classes to teach before, now I teach 9 classes a week directed at children between the ages of 6-14, it's a good thing, but makes me very sad, most of these kids have little stamina, they are all overweight, (not just a little chubby)they eat unhealthy, but it's a start, most of these childrens' parents are overweight. While they are waiting for their kids to finish excersing in my bootcamp class, they sit in the lounge and wait, we've offered every parent a free guest pass so that they can also enjoy a workout...guess what maybe 1 out of every ten parents take advantage of it...what kind of message is that sending??
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Definitely a good post :) I think my favorite way of making exercise a habit is by making it fun. Instead of worrying about exercise programs (like P90X or its ilk), I have a much better go of just putting on my iPod and going for a jog or walk. Now that it's nice weather, I'll probably resume biking. Some days, me and SO play tennis or frisbee. Some days, I lift weights or do bodyweight exercises. It's more sustainable over time and doesn't cause injury or stress; quite the opposite.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    I have to say - I'm not offended by this post at all. Mainly because the excuses she targeted for why people don't work out have nothing to do with whether or not it is medically advisable to work out. "I have RA" is not an excuse. It's just true. And it makes working out harder or even sometimes impossible. I have fibromyalgia and some days, migraines, tension headaches and regular old muscle aches make working out an even bigger pain (literally). The unfortunate excuses out there she's talking about are people saying "I'm busy" and trying the miracle pills she mentioned or some fad diet.

    Find what you love and what you CAN do, I think is the overall message if you read it without any tonal interpretations. If you have RA or something else and all you can do is go for a walk or do some light stretching exercises (I was initially told pilates and yoga for myself, because cardio would only help the pain so much) then DO IT. That's still better than sitting down, not doing anything.

    Lets face it, the majority of us on MFP are not here because we have a medical condition that caused us to gain weight because our physical activity levels lowered. I think most of us on here are here because we always had a reason to wait one more day before doings something about our weight that was getting out of control. I know SO many people that keep telling me "I really need to lose weight too... I'll have to start doing what you're doing." And I've been hearing it since the first ten pounds dropped off about 3 months ago. NONE of those people have actually started dieting. And it's because they've all got excuses. "I can't afford a gym." So? Put on some tennis shoes and go for a walk. You are a netflix/Blockbuster/whatever else there is member - rent a workout video! Do some crunches or planks on the floor. Excuses got us all here and I think the message is that they won't help us get to the end of this road!

    Sometimes people need a kick in the butt. Especially me. My fibro hurts, and it's easy to forget that sometimes hitting the gym will improve it (sometimes it won't, but it's about as 50/50 of a chance as taking my meds!).

    And as far as her being a trainer - good for her! Trainers aren't there to pat you on the back and tell you how awesome you are if they think you're half-assing it. That won't do anyone any good. I have friends to tell me how great I'm doing, I'd want my trainer to tell me how much greater I CAN do.

    See y'all at the gym! I'll be the one SWEATING!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Great post and not rude at all =)
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    And as far as her being a trainer - good for her! Trainers aren't there to pat you on the back and tell you how awesome you are if they think you're half-assing it. That won't do anyone any good. I have friends to tell me how great I'm doing, I'd want my trainer to tell me how much greater I CAN do.

    See y'all at the gym! I'll be the one SWEATING!

    Amen, sister.

    One thing I learned by using a trainer is that I can do far far more than I ever thought possible. Would I have attempted burpees, HIIT, boxing, mountain climbers, etc, on my own? I don't think so. I spent years riding the recumbent bike and trying to lose weight and not getting anywhere, I feel so much better now after learning I can push my body farther than I ever thought possible. Not saying that I "love" burpees, but I really love what they do for me, and that I CAN actually do them. No one is more surprised than I am that I have achieved this level of fitness.

    Again, thanks for encouraging people to just get moving!!!!
  • les0423
    les0423 Posts: 8
    Thanks for the great post! Before reading I had excuses not to go to the gym tonight, no excuses now!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    When I read this post I didn't find it harsh or rude. After reading the comment saying it was rude and harsh I had to go back and read it like 3 times to see what she was talking about. Still couldn't find the rudeness in it. How can someone say someone was being rude when the other person isn't talking to them. You read it with a harsh and rude attitude!!!!!

    I understand about the excuses. When I first started my journey I was given a treadmill and I started walking on it in the evening. I would make the excuse that if I didn't walk by a certain time it was to late and I didn't have time to walk in the morning before work because I had to bring my son to school. Once I started losing weight and I got serious about it there was no stopping me. I signed up at the gym and started getting training sessions 3x a week. Now I strength train 3x a week with my trainer and do my cardio 4-5 days a week for 45 minutes. I can't do both in the same day all the time so I do either one but I make sure I get what I need for the week.

    The advice I would like to give is this: When you read posts take what you want with you and leave the rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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