So HOW MUCH exercise do you REALLY need? What are we talking



  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    What is burpees?

    And as far as her being a trainer - good for her! Trainers aren't there to pat you on the back and tell you how awesome you are if they think you're half-assing it. That won't do anyone any good. I have friends to tell me how great I'm doing, I'd want my trainer to tell me how much greater I CAN do.

    See y'all at the gym! I'll be the one SWEATING!

    Amen, sister.

    One thing I learned by using a trainer is that I can do far far more than I ever thought possible. Would I have attempted burpees, HIIT, boxing, mountain climbers, etc, on my own? I don't think so. I spent years riding the recumbent bike and trying to lose weight and not getting anywhere, I feel so much better now after learning I can push my body farther than I ever thought possible. Not saying that I "love" burpees, but I really love what they do for me, and that I CAN actually do them. No one is more surprised than I am that I have achieved this level of fitness.

    Again, thanks for encouraging people to just get moving!!!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    What is burpees?

    Here's a link to a video of them...

    Google search it and you'll find all kinds of video on them. Basically it's a squat thrust, pushup, and then jump up again.
  • mariena
    mariena Posts: 39 Member
    i think people are taking this a little harsh. in my opinion, all she is trying to say is do something ANYTHING, whatever YOUR body can handle as much as YOUR body can handle it. whether its walking a 10 feet or 10 miles. if you read it all closely, she says to find something you love and DO IT.. yes there are extenuating circumstances for everyone... but there is always something that you can do :)

    I agree with this. Calm down people. I understand that SOME of you have medical conditions that make maintaining weight or exercising difficult. A smaller group of you have medical conditions that are not preventable and keep you from being able to exercise, like RA. But MOST of you complaining have health and medical issues that were CAUSED BY BEING UNHEALTHY AND SEDENTARY in the first place. That's right! It's a vicious cycle you are caught in. So instead of being pissed off and crabby about this post, get off your butt and use that anger to push through a work out. No one said you needed to lift weights and run a 5k every day. Just turn off the freaking TV and get your butt up and walk around for 10 minutes. TIP: YOU WILL NEVER FINISH A WORKOUT AND SAY TO YOURSELF "I WISH I HADN'T DONE THAT"
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659
    Holy cow! That looks exhausting. The dude at the end with the rings is NUTS! I'm going to have to try these! I've been trying to figure out what I can do different in my workout to step up intensity - think I found it!

    .... My dog is gonna LOVE this! LOL.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I know in the past I was good at making excuses, but it comes down to "how important it is to you?" If it is important you will be able to find the time. We find time to watch our favorite tv shows. Why not do step aerobics while watching tv? Or during commercials drop to the floor and do sit-up, or push-ups? Instead of surfing the web go outside and walk? Got ten minutes to kill before you have to go pick up the kids... march-in place. Instead of picking up the mail on your way home park you car and walk back down the drive-way to get it (except here in MN when it is -20 and very windy:laugh: :laugh: ) Park you car as far away from the store as possible, or park on the opposite side of the mall from the store you need to go to. Get extra movement and activity whenever you can.

    I read recently that the Amish eat a fairly high fat diet, but they do not have the weight problems or health problems associated with this type of diet because of their active-hard-working lifestyle. Be active not sedentary!
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659

    Sooooo true. Even on the days when I have to talk myself into the gym, I am SO pumped afterwards and feel so good!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Holy cow! That looks exhausting. The dude at the end with the rings is NUTS! I'm going to have to try these! I've been trying to figure out what I can do different in my workout to step up intensity - think I found it!

    .... My dog is gonna LOVE this! LOL.

    LOL...make sure you warm up good before you start doing them. :wink:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I need me some "GYMRAT" in my life!!
    If she came off as rude, you're too thin skinned.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    :D I think the post is more of a "Use every day for what it is". I used to get SO bored sitting at home with nothing to do,and now I fill that time with the gym...both classes and solitary workouts, sometimes with a trainer. I love the feeling you get after a really good workout, of feeling slightly sick. Ive been doing spin class twice a week for about 8 weeks now, and I keep thinking it will get easier, but it never does, because the better I get, the harder I push myself. I also find with a trainer you push harder, because chatting to someone whilst running means you dont actually think about what youre doing. You automatically "dig deeper".
    I also try to walk into work and back every day...its 50 mins each way. I get uncomfortable now if I spend too long in the house without moving around.
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    OMG you guys soooooo ROCK!! I'm seeing so many people "getting it"!! I'm so proud of each and everyone of you that laces up those shoes and moves! You have to make it part of your life, and you have to do something you love doing! KUDOS to all you gymrats and non gymrats who are transforming your bodies into lean mean fat burning machines!! :laugh: :laugh: the time it takes to get angry and write a nasty reply, could have been spent skipping rope and burning 60!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I LOVED THIS POST!!! Thank you so much! I am really tired of people telling me that I am overtraining my body! I do bootcamp 5 days a week , plus about an hour of walking a day, and then I walk an hour and a half on the weekend. (I mean yes I am exercising every day, but a lot of it's walking!) I 100% agree with the part about it being part of a habit, when I give myself an out, it tends to slip into multiple out days! If you want to train in North. Cal. I'm here and up for it! Of course people need to exercise to the level their body's can handle, but I agree you can probably do something, and the doctor's will always err on the cautious side (told me to swim only 2 years ago because of 2 bulging discs) Thanks for saying it like it is!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've only missed TOTAL probably a week of exercise since I started in January - that's like, 5 days I couldn't get to the gym and then 2 separate days I was just way too tired from the whole week I'd worked out that I decided to take a 2nd rest day - but both days I had already reached my work out minutes/calories burned goal for the week.

    I am ADDICTED! My body feels great and I'm not about to stop now!!!! :happy:

    I've gotta be working out at LEAST 20 minutes to really feel like I've accomplished something. I can do intervals on the treadmill for 20 minutes, burn about 180 calories and be DRENCHED and feel like I really did well that day.
    I LOVED THIS POST!!! Thank you so much! I am really tired of people telling me that I am overtraining my body.

    AMEN! I work out 6x/week, I alternate cardio and strength training (and do cardio on strength days ALSO). I run, do the elliptical, lift weights... and I'm thinking about mixing up my strength training and incorporating some more routines on the weekends when I'm at home because I miss doing them (back before I had a gym membership). I feel great, my body isn't ever "fatigued" from too much exercise - and when it is, I REST - and I'm seeing results so I know it's working. To hell with anyone who tells me differently.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    :heart: Love, love, love, LOVE this post!!!

    PS MFP add a like button dammit!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm sooooo loving this post, gymrat-- I didn't find your tone harsh at all-- this is a sound message--

    Imagine the millions of dollars Nike would have lost had their message been--

    "Just think about, if it's not too much trouble, and you're not too uncomfortable, and it fits into your schedule, and see how feel about maybe trying to DO it."

    Please people-- it's JUST DO IT.

    There are no excuses. Yes, people have issues-- health and otherwise-- I'm one of 'em-- health AND otherwise--

    I'm raising 9 kids on unemployment at the moment-- wanna talk stress? Oh my-- and if that's not enough......

    I have psoriatic arthritis-- I'm one of the lucky 10-15 percent of psoriasis sufferers who also develop rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Lovely stuff-- NOT. My toes and fingers are swollen like Italian sausages. I can't walk without a limp, can't turn a doorknob and my kids have to start my car for me.

    BUT-- I still run 3 miles and do 45 minute aerobics videos. I still found a way to hit the floor and do my pushups. I can still lift free weights if nothing else.

    Yes, it can be uncomfortable some days. I come home from my runs sometimes in dreadful pain (after the endorphins go back to that happy place from whence they came ) But, that which does not kill us, my friends, only makes us stronger.

    We are stronger the more trials we overcome in this life.

    Everyone of us-- EVERY ONE-- can find SOMETHING to do-- lift your legs, walk around your block, go up and down your stairs, dance in your living room-- SOMETHING.

    That's the original message here-- yes? No excuses. There is something, no matter your circumstances, that you can do to help your body.

    Love, love, love this post--
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Imagine the millions of dollars Nike would have lost had their message been--

    "Just think about, if it's not too much trouble, and you're not too uncomfortable, and it fits into your schedule, and see how feel about maybe trying to DO it."

    Hilarious. I need to print that out and paste it everywhere in my house.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Imagine the millions of dollars Nike would have lost had their message been--

    "Just think about, if it's not too much trouble, and you're not too uncomfortable, and it fits into your schedule, and see how feel about maybe trying to DO it."

    Hilarious. I need to print that out and paste it everywhere in my house.


    We all need to move our bodies, according to our own needs and abilities! Just move your booties.
  • jennylynn84
    jennylynn84 Posts: 659

    I'm raising 9 kids on unemployment at the moment-- wanna talk stress? Oh my-- and if that's not enough......

    I have psoriatic arthritis-- I'm one of the lucky 10-15 percent of psoriasis sufferers who also develop rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Lovely stuff-- NOT. My toes and fingers are swollen like Italian sausages. I can't walk without a limp, can't turn a doorknob and my kids have to start my car for me.

    BUT-- I still run 3 miles and do 45 minute aerobics videos. I still found a way to hit the floor and do my pushups. I can still lift free weights if nothing else.

    OMG, girl, you are AWESOME!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    I'm raising 9 kids on unemployment at the moment-- wanna talk stress? Oh my-- and if that's not enough......

    I have psoriatic arthritis-- I'm one of the lucky 10-15 percent of psoriasis sufferers who also develop rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Lovely stuff-- NOT. My toes and fingers are swollen like Italian sausages. I can't walk without a limp, can't turn a doorknob and my kids have to start my car for me.

    BUT-- I still run 3 miles and do 45 minute aerobics videos. I still found a way to hit the floor and do my pushups. I can still lift free weights if nothing else.

    OMG, girl, you are AWESOME!

    You're so sweet-- thanks-- but, I just see it as not giving up.

    I've spent too many years of my life fat, out of shape and making excuses-- no freaking more.
  • vixey2906
    vixey2906 Posts: 30
    :happy: Be my trainner !
    Good post, i enjoyed it. Sometimes (especially as im off uni for easter) Ill sit at home on my *kitten* and watch telly and i should be working out, and after joining this site i have been, even if its just on the exercise bike so i can watch telly at he same time. As has been said you never regret it and I feel like i havent wasted a day! :flowerforyou:
  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    What's scary is that with these views, she's a trainer.

    I offense to her but I wouldnt want her as a trainer..I'd feel like a lazy piece of crap every day.

    I'm absolutely not offended, i'm not for everyone, only for those serious to take on a challenge. I'm tough, I give little to no slack, don't waste my time. There's no way I was rude, my point is if you CAN move then you need to be doing it, if you have reasons you cannot, c'mon, i'm not an idiot then obviously don't do it. My post was about staying healthy and fit, you don't gotta like it, maybe because I hit a nerve?? that's a good thing if I did, obviously I hit something, if you post more then once, to tell me i'm rude, i've been called worse by people, once i'm done training with them, thank me for helping them. You need to find a trainer that works for you, I DON'T coddle, seems to me that's what you wont enjoy any of my posts then, I'd suggest maybe if they offend you so much, don't read em!

    I would TOTALLY want you as a trainer! So far, I'm doing okay at kicking my own butt. I don't work out long, but I workout as hard as I can 5-6 days/week. My boyfriend is always like, "Really? We're gonna workout again? But we just worked out yesterday!"

    "Uh... yeah!"

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Next up, I need to add a bit more. I was getting back in shape to run 5Ks when my hip socket started acting funny. I'm hoping that was just a little pull and it is better so I can start running again. Kettlebell class starts on Sunday!

    Me too!!! I would Die to do the Last chance workouts that they do like on Biggest Loser! I even go to Cross Fit for them to Kick my *kitten* but couldnt afford it for long [its super expensive] but I dont think you were rude at all! You are obviously an awesome Trainer!!!!!
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